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Bday Prang

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Everything posted by Bday Prang

  1. They will have been doing that since the daughter met him, no doubt bragging around the village that the daughter has landed a prime catch, with a huge exaggerated salary of 200,000+ bt a month, from which he is already generously supporting them. The problem they now have is that they have nothing to show for it. That is the only face they stand to lose
  2. Its essential that you do not appear weak. Or you will never be respected, It's not really part of their culture for them to respect their daughter, kids respect parents not the other way round. Take no notice of them claiming to lose face, they mistakenly think that westerners share and understand the same concept, neither is true If that was their only concern they would settle for a token "show" of money on the wedding day many Thais do that, They simply want money and its clear that they are after more than 50,000 Be firm but polite, no need to shout,
  3. Another obvious easy option is simply don't get married, just keep telling them your sick parents are not yet well enough, But you still need to stop the allowance, if only temporarily, or they will try it on again, sick buffalo, or something similar
  4. That's also a good option, he might not like how it turns out . but its for the best
  5. The original arrangement was that if they asked for more than the original 2000bt / month the money would stop, this is what they are now, predictably, doing. So you must stop the allowance immediately to show you meant business, you will not be respected by any of them if you are seen as weak Don't shoot yourself on the foot though how old are your wife's parents,? how many siblings does she have,? how much (unmortgaged) land do they own?, Do they have life insurance? ( sounds unlikely) bear in mind if the youngest sibling is a brother, mummy's little soldier will probably cop for the bulk of any inheritance, If the figures don't add up in your favour give them nothing Also bear in mind, 50,000 bt is only 2 years payments maybe give them a lump sum and stop the payments, if they live over 2 years you are in pocket
  6. I didn't mean to imply that you did, I was commenting based on what I have seen, and as I said in my comment ( the part you didn't quote) the problems really begin with the onset of adolescence. Events like that are always tragic, no matter who is responsible.
  7. Well I'm not sure where you come from but I can assure you the "highway police" ( I'm assuming you mean those in maroon and yellow cars)where I live are kept very busy, and despite there only being a few of them, they endeavour to provide a first class service at least during daylight hours, However the service they seem to provide is mainly that of a police escort assisting and escorting the motorcades of the various VIP's to the casino just over the border, On the way back they sometimes provide a similar service to Cambodian VIP's visiting the Private hospital in Surin or "Big C" Its amazing how they find the time
  8. I would rather it stays as it is, If I want to experience Danish driving conditions I would move there
  9. Underage kids driving motorcycles isn't the real issue, Not out in the sticks I see it in the villages every day kids as young as 6 or 7 riding to school on motorcycles, I know its not ideal but the ones I see ride reasonably slowly and carefully, That all changes when they reach adolescence, and that can last for 30 years or more in Thailand The reason the police don't bother the kids, is that the age of criminal responsibility is 15, no point looking at the parents as they will just say the kid stole the bike, and the kid will agree.
  10. Never sounds that "staggering" to me, especially when considering the number of untrained, unhelmeted motorcyclists on the road. I really would expect it to be a lot higher. So on the whole I don't think they are doing too badly at all.
  11. Won't make any difference to tourism, mainly because the vast majority don't drive here, It certainly hasn't stopped anyone posting on here from coming either has it. I can't believe there are many people who compare road safety statistics when planning a holiday.
  12. I'm off to bed now you two can indulge in some virtue signalling with each other, have fun
  13. I think you might have done somewhere along the line , home grown muslims are "domestic" are they not The flights they hijacked were also domestic flights could it have been more domestic
  14. Hardly off topic when you are asserting that trump supporters are the greatest threat to the american public
  15. Both camps as pathetic as each other and both leaders equally unsuitable to hold the office of president. That's my take on it
  16. "They come from every political persuasion" apparently , you are all as bad as each other, there are plenty of others to worry about too, It wasn't trump supporters who crashed those planes into the twin towers although I'm sure you will no doubt hold him partly responsible
  17. all the personal attacks that you lefty nutters have allegedly suffered on here, you'll have me crying soon
  18. Hated for what he has said mainly, as opposed eo biden who is frequently laughed at.
  19. "right wing extremism" i was expecting that sooner or later,
  20. He was not talking to me, I've never even heard of him, but your hatred of anybody who disagrees with your views is very similar to the hatred expressed by the religious nutters You can post as many links as you like you won't be converting me
  21. Do lefties not believe in god ? I can't say I've ever given the matter much thought ? Anybody with extreme religious views should be banned from voting, Along with those that refuse to accept that men are men and cannot become women, All nutters in my opinion and unfit to vote
  22. From what I can see,there are fanatics on both sides, and they are both by nature, easily wound up. I can understand how Trump can be the target of hate. whilst Biden seems to evoke a sad sort of pity, Neither is an ideal state of affairs considering the position they would hold if successful
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