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Bday Prang

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Everything posted by Bday Prang

  1. where i come from we have a saying, ..." if you find yourself in a hole, best to stop digging", a dignified silence would have been the best response
  2. I didn't suggest that you did, and you have now appeared to be suspiciously overly sensitive about it.
  3. I'm not worried , there are a few like him on here and i've been called a lot worse, Some see racism everywhere, and if non exists they invent it. Its almost as if there isn't enough racism around for some people. Regardless of how the Thais apply the law as far as I am concerned its neither, slander, libel, racist or offensive as long as its true.
  4. amazingly an anonymous poster finds the above statement "confusing" do I really have to spell it out? Is it the same confused soul who seems to be following me just about everywhere on this forum? I guess I'll never know
  5. There may be a few more of those in khonkaen depending on the extent of the intended restrictions. what a bizarre state of affairs
  6. I doubt that would end well for you, rightly or wrongly
  7. I think that's a bit over the top considering the lack of evidence as to what actually happened and the lack of details regarding the actual punishment handed out and the alleged injuries sustained. Trial by media is far from ideal, I can see a lynch mob mentality developing in this thread
  8. I don't disagree but certain "communities" and "professions" seem to attract them like flies to a jam jar and punch well above their weight statistically the very reason why certain positions require a criminal records check
  9. Ideally in "applied social sciences" , or even better "gender studies"
  10. well when it comes to child abuse the "progressive" English teaching community certainly have more than enough skeletons in the cupboard. I fully expect a dignified silence from them regarding this. if they have any sense that is
  11. I presume you are attempting to refer to zx64 spectrum computer in a sad attempt to criticise the standard of equipment available in small upcounty schools ? your example is ridiculous, it does not matter what the equipment was, or how old it was ,the fact of the matter is, it is all they have and if it gets damaged they will have nothing.
  12. So how much do you think the poor old woman in the video from the op would be contributing?
  13. further detail might well diminish the intended hysterical reactions
  14. The headline , was intended to promote the usual outrage from liberal types, and has certainly succeeded, they have, as expected gone off at full throttle, despite having no Idea about what actually happened, and no details regarding the severity of the alleged injuries Do any of the outraged even know what Takraw is? Attempting to play it in class room full of desks and computers could certainly result in some nasty injuries too, not to mention the potential damage to furniture and expensive computer hardware resulting in disruption of education for all the other kids. Is According to the linked article its not the first time that the brat had been told not to do this, by the sound of things he had been told several times that his behaviour would not be tolerated yet continued to do so I'm not suggesting that he deserved to be beaten up if that is what actually happened, but a clip round the ear is in my opinion a natural progression in punishment for persistently out of control kids, many of whom fear little else The situation seems to have been brought to a relatively amicable conclusion by all involved, A Thai solution to a Thai problem one might say, with none of the ill informed and disproportional virtue signalling hysteria demonstrated by some members commenting on here One member even being referred to as a "sick b@stard" simply for relating his experiences whilst growing up and expressing views contrary to those held by another. And another expressing undying hatred for his mother, simply for receiving a well deserved slap
  15. You do realise where you are right? "social work in a Kindergarten" "Education in pedagogy"
  16. or another way of looking at things Those who can , do Those who can't , teach Those who can't teach , teach P.E. ( or EFL)
  17. Absolutely correct, I'm not suggesting children should be punched in the face with a closed fist, but there are situations where corporal punishment has its place. Like you when I was at school a clip round the ear was not uncommon, or a rap on the knuckles, and there was always the ultimate deterrent of the cane. All of which would be repeated by our parents if they found out. Neither I nor anybody I know suffered the "serious psychological problems" that the liberal progressives love to refer too, neither did any of us resort to unprovoked attacks on other kids the moment we got out of school. These woke lefties would do well to take a walk through any UK council estate, and pretty much anywhere else for that matter and observe the behaviour of some of the feral kids who now exist, each one of them a product of a lack of effective discipline, there was nothing comparable to these societal problems back in those days, neither did I ever hear of a kid attacking a teacher, or a teacher actually being scared of some of the kids in their class. The old adage of spare the rod spoil the child served us well for centuries, the new progressive ways have not been as effective
  18. He probably brought an ugly one with him, to prove he is also capable of finding one of those in is own country. (Unlike the rest of us)
  19. You obviously, and from your comments above, rather arrogantly consider yourself to have more "expert " knowledge than the "layman" I have no Idea where you reach your "educated" theories and conclusions and I see little evidence from you to back them up , whatever they are . There is one glaringly obvious reason for what you consider to be a deplorable road safety record. See my previous post, It is you who are barking up the wrong tree. Its a culture thing, how could an "exspurt" like you not figure that out
  20. Its not racist , nor is it insulting, at least it wasn't intended as such, simply a statement of fact. The Thais are of course, as capable of recognising risk and danger as any other nationality, and when they are motivated, they are not slow or reluctant to take precautions. You don't have to look far for evidence of that, a quick look on google will tell you that around 35,000 people died from or with Covid. That was spread over 2 to 3 years so its clear that considerably less died from Covid during that time than from road accidents. . The government reaction to the threat posed by Covid was pretty much in line with the reactions of governments all over the world. There was little hesitation from the population to wearing masks or taking any other recommended precautionary measures, many of them still wear masks to this day even when on their motorcycles. There was little hesitation in applying peer pressure and criticising those who were hesitant to do so via social media etc. and little hesitation from the police regarding the enforcement of such restrictions. The nation ie the Thais cared, and they reacted appropriately, for two to three years it was pretty much the main topic in the news and probably the main topic of conversation both in real life and on social media. The death toll from traffic accidents is not a national secret, Every single day on TV there are astonishing clips of incidents that defy explanation occuring on the roads, every Thai is well aware of how dangerous the roads are, but it is never the main topic of conversation to the same degree as Covid, Have you ever tried discussing the traffic deaths with Thais ? I have , and the normal response is a shrug of the shoulders There is, generally little enthusiasm for complying with traffic regulations, there is little social stigma attached to being drunk at the wheel, and surprisingly little enthusiasm from the police regarding enforcement of the traffic laws, which is somewhat surprising considering how they can benefit financially from doing so, is it not ? You are looking at the whole situation through the eyes of a westerner. and your perception of the realities is therefore distorted They simply do not care in the same way or to the same degree as you do, they have different priorities, that you and I will never fully understand, They are more concerned about you taking off your shoes before entering the house. Its called cultural difference. To imply that they do care and are just incapable of changing things due to an inherent lack of intellect is far more racist and insulting
  21. I'll go with that , Drive careful, keep your distance , keep your eyes open , expect the unexpected. No point in whining about it on here, The Thais don't care, simple as that, if its too dangerous sell the car, There really is no other option, and little will change in our life time.
  22. Not a great consolation when having stopped safely, 40 tons of sugarcane plows into the rear end of you.
  23. "Cancel culture" the lefties call it, the aim of which is to completely erase people who's views don't align with theirs, You said he should be mocked and laughed at. why not just ignore him , after all he hasn't insulted you personally.
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