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Bday Prang

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Everything posted by Bday Prang

  1. And what if they scan the package with one of those GT-200 detection devices ? I heard every post office has one in fact if the op took his viagra in combination with some iron supplement he could perform a similar function, He might even be able to hire himself out to the military, they fell for it once before,
  2. I sincerely hope you are a Thai national directly related to Pita, otherwise your comment is just plain weird and more than a little disturbing
  3. my grandfather recently confessed to the family that he regularly used viagra, we were all shocked.....but nobody took it harder than grandma
  4. I don't think it would be "too hard " if you just put them in your pocket
  5. There's a new one available called viagra "lite " not that effective in the bedroom but you will look pretty impressive in a pair of speedos
  6. Hmmm thats a hard one (or maybe not) The absence of reports of contraindications from others makes you confident enough to shovel them down your neck without concern, have you heard of any instances of problems posting them ? Anyway if you did get caught the sentence probably won't be too stiff
  7. Thats scary I'd bin it, or at least earth it! on my consumer unit there is a switch which says off / on for the elcb but when it was switched "on" it didn't trip when i pressed the test button, I asked crossy about it , turned out that the switch related to a bypass for the elcb ( not sure what purpose that served ) and should be set to "off" good job I asked, Nothing on the box indicated this!
  8. Regardless of your memory being right or wrong he'd get a "shock" if he ever comes to work here
  9. Hardly my opinion, I quoted exactly what he wrote, however I agree to disagree with you, how could I do otherwise
  10. probably wouldn't be difficult for him to feign incoherence if he thought it would help mitigate his punishment, they know every trick in the book, and the authorities fall for it every time. Thankfully I doubt a social worker will be provided to argue his case for him, unlike in the west.
  11. No it was not, he stated that the victims of such cowardly attacks were never Muay Thai boxers or others who are strong, here is what he wrote , you might like to read it again before you make a bigger fool of yourself "It seems that these "hallucinations" are quite selective in targeting children, women, old or disabled people. For some reason athletic men, Muay Thai boxers, or anyone who appears to be strong is never a target..." Which part of that are you having trouble understanding? Where does he suggest, strongly or otherwise that all Thai men are muay thai boxers Looks like you have enjoyed another good lunch, Two days on the trot Answers on a postcard please
  12. He also mentioned the potential risks of family groups travelling together in rented vehicles during the long holiday period. Yet no details of these potential risks were given,? How is driving a rental car more risky than driving their own badly maintained car
  13. The problem is certainly about probing, not sure if "depth" is the issue, from what I have heard the chinese are not generally equipped to probe too deeply, but it appears they can probe just as effectively the rest of us
  14. Again I don't have the answers, But I can't see any reason why an adult should be able to access the kids toilets, except in some sort of emergency situation, give each kid a swipe card to gain access, with just one available to adults for such emergencies which must be signed for, is the best I can come up with off the top of my head. Or maybe some sort of non intrusive CCTV ? neither of which is totally foolproof Drugs are a different matter, which I have not really thought about, whilst use of illegal drugs it not necessarily indicative of being a pedo I do agree that it is far from Ideal, I guess like many here, I was once reluctantly persuaded to visit a local school to speak a bit of english to some kids for one morning. I was invited and agreed to stay and have lunch with the teachers. there was plenty of alcohol on the table and from what I could see in the recycle bins that was not a one off for my benefit. So they could start with addressing that. I really have no experience in these matters , and some of my Ideas may sound ridiculous, my kids have long grown up and left school, but I still find it concerning, Who wouldn't
  15. Difficult question, to which I don't have an answer. Clearly the current safeguards are not enough, but what other options are there? Background checks to weed out those with "history" could no doubt be improved, perhaps some sort of international database could be set up, if there isn't one already, I'm guessing most of the abuse takes place on a one on one basis, so there should be no opportunities for any teacher to be alone with a child. I'm also assuming that most of the abuse takes place outside of the school / classroom, Is there any reason for a teacher to have any contact with the kids they teach outside of working hours? If so then maybe some sort of chaperone system should be implemented, this would protect the children and also prevent false accusations being made against teachers I doubt Increasing the penalties for abusers would achieve much the consequences for those that get caught are already quite severe yet the abuse continues, and the death penalty never stopped murder . Educating the kids and parents to help them identify abusers would also be a possibility but bearing in mind the reluctance of many teachers to even discuss things like birth control I can't see that being anything other than , of limited use , There is an old saying, "it takes one to know one" perhaps convicted pedo's could be used to help identify potential offenders, along the lines of the role played by hannibal lecter and others like him in the movies. There are endless possibilities, that could be explored, If only science could develop some sort of "pedo test" along the lines of the polygraph lie detector test But, would it even be allowed, ? I have heard some astonishingly shocking reports mainly from the USA. of progressive liberals arguing that pedo's should now be classed as "minor attracted people" the first step in an attempt to normalise their behaviour. God forbid that,such a test, if one existed, could, in the future be considered to be contrary to their "human" rights For those that think that would never happen, just remember, Homosexuality was Illegal and generally reviled in many countries until relatively recently. I'm not homophobic and I am not saying that it was right. But it is an example of how attitudes can change, Things once unacceptable become acceptable, and vice versa, Pedophile is a considered a rather unpleasant adjective at present, lets just hope that "pedophobe" doesn't take its place
  16. That is unfortunately sad but true, and we have little say in the matter. All i can do is employ an accountant in an attempt to pay as little as possible. So birth rates are dropping , is that a bad thing in a world of finite resources ? surely the way forward would be to make more effective and efficient use of the (human) resources that are available. The word sustainability springs to mind I can't comment on the rest of the world, but if the figures are to be believed , the UK alone has around 3 million unemployed at present, and if the predictions are true, about Artificial intelligence and technology in general will reducing the number of workers required for many industries that 3 million is only going to increase, The global powers that be, with few exceptions, have all been persuaded to jump on the climate change bandwagon, and rightly or wrongly, difficult and unpopular decisions are being made "for the benefit of humanity" Its glaringly obvious that the overpopulation of the planet is also becoming a major problem, sooner or later, uncontrolled breeding will have to be addressed and similar unpalatable decisions will need to be made, the longer this is ignored the more unpalatable the actions required will become. It will be interesting to see how the human "rights" types will balance the right to breed over the destruction of the planet Climate change remains somewhat controversial , figures and statistics abound, there are still many unknowns, and many "experts" have differing opinions However when food and water become insufficient to sustain everybody , things are going to get a bit less ambiguous.
  17. You encourage others to bring up children,they can't afford, i bet you feed pigeons too, you are part of the problem you need help, or locking up
  18. so are you volunteering to assist in the upbringing of kids whose parents can't afford to raise? what's all that about...weirdo
  19. There are too many people already, if we were talking about other species there would be justifiable reasons for a cull. resources are finite, the human race cannot be allowed to continue breed uncontrollably. Its the elephant in the room that nobody dares to mention, Much easier to talk about "climate change" than to address the real issue
  20. yes of course females have abused kids but it is a lot rarer, bus drivers and doctors in my opinion don't have the same opportunities, but teachers yes there need to be more stringent checks and i would add scoutmasters and football coaches to the list. nothing to be lost by being over cautious. and if it saves just one kid from the horrors of abuse then its worth the effort Hindley was not an aspiring teacher, its impossible to weed out every sicko but the odds can be shortened, I cant see any valid argument for taking chances. should kids be put in danger for fear of appearing over cautious.? i don't think so
  21. Again and again this happens, I've always thought it was a bit unnatural for any bloke to actively put himself in a position where he is in daily prolonged contact with other people's children, dealing with one's own is more than enough for most people, at least it should be if done properly! 1000's of years ago our baser instincts would probably have been to kill the offspring of others on sight , before copulating with the mother, a bit like lions If this was taken into consideration as part of the application process we might not be reading as many reports of this nature It should be the default line of thought that the applicant is a pedo and up to him to prove he isn't In the same way as its not natural for any bloke to choose a life of celibacy in the catholic church, past events bear this out to an alarming degree
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