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Bday Prang

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Everything posted by Bday Prang

  1. most of these women are quite well heeled courtesy of their previous husband, at least to start off with,
  2. Its not a problem for those guys just the sight of a white woman, any white woman is all it takes, In the rare event that they can't rise to the occasion then they spin the woman upside down in a sort of headstand position ( jesus can you imagine what that might look like( and simply drop it in, instinct then takes over and they'll just keep pumping away , sometimes for hours , until they are done
  3. What goes round comes round as they say , the guys are the "victims" now apparently, its so hard to keep up with the wokies?
  4. You'd be surprised, some member of the uber woke alphabet community have identified the guys as victims of sexual abuse , so now once they have cleaned their victims out of every penny and dumped them, They will probably be able to claim some sort of compensation from their victims or their victims children for the ordeal they suffered at the hands of their mother,
  5. The british tax payer ultimately, where else does their money come from ?certainly not from Fergie's kiddie books or Edwards acting endeavours Althoght the ginger one and his missis may have chipped in
  6. some crackers there, I heard he likes his whisky the same as he likes his women 16years old and mixed up with coke!
  7. how on earth is this going to build confidence in tourists? "lets go to Thailand" " i don't know about that isn't it dangerous" "no they have all had flu jabs" "Really , ok when do we fly"
  8. I would love to, but I am far to busy, and don't have the time or the patience or the language skills required to educate them
  9. there is nothing stopping you doing that in these "enlightened" times, I'm sure you would be more than welcomed, in fact anybody who tried to object would be labelled a "phobe" of one sort or another.
  10. yep in the future it will "british nationals" in stabbing incident, due to alleged islamophobia
  11. Nah no british were involved and anybody commenting negatively would risk being accused of "thai bashing" much safer with brits as its open season on us, well the white straight ones at least
  12. It was a good one, and one I hadn't heard before, got any more?
  13. Yeah right , I even know a few of them, most of which spend their time at the gym or in Wetherspoons, or working on the sly. Refreshingly some have had their benefits cut or stopped and have now returned to work. Your sort would have us believe that we live in a country populated predominantly by the weak the lame and the blind. How on earth did we ever run an empire, without importing thousands of immigrants to do it all for us?
  14. So was the poster you replied too and that escaped you didn't it? His simple "solution" had not escaped the best minds in government , that is exactly what they have been doing , for years
  15. At least in theory it is , but as we know this is Thailand
  16. Even better let's give them nothing and send them back from whence they came, As for our own workshy stop their benefits and send them off with the others , I can't see any downsides to that
  17. An even simpler fact is that there are too many people coming to the UK. and most of them are not qualified to work in the NHS or anywhere else , except delivering fast food.
  18. amazing isn't it , in their own countries they choose to build their villages miles away from the nearest water source and we are pestered for charity contributions to help them, and then when they get to the UK they choose to settle as far from suitable work as they can
  19. You can't say that , its racist you know, somebody might get offended,
  20. So now you consider the incumbent government to contain the "best" minds, god help us if the other lot get in , but at least they have Diane Abbott to keep the average IQ up to gutter level
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