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Bday Prang

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Everything posted by Bday Prang

  1. I asked where you would go if you regular bar was closed, That is all read it again you chose not to answer and elected to protest your innocence of something you had not been accused of. Did I even suggest that if your regular bar was shut down it would be due to your behaviour, ? I did not for reasons known only to yourself you chose to interpret it that way, by all means keep digging
  2. Probably the best course of action. and definitely the only comment worth taking any notice of regarding this subject, In my not so humble opinion. The rest of you can feel free to worry yourself into an early grave, and don't forget to worry about death taxes before you pop your clogs.
  3. This subject is second only to covid regarding the scaremongering and fear surrounding it. And as with Covid one person has appointed themselves as scaremonger in chief.
  4. I read somewhere that "kellog" himself was some sort of puritanical Quaker and he invented cornflakes as part of his anti masturbatory crusade. The link below seems to confirm this, and there are others. How bizarre https://www.news.com.au/lifestyle/food/eat/corn-flakes-originally-created-to-clear-the-mind-of-sinful-thoughts/news-story/d22e8e7b8ed307347551c74131da4c13 Do the sugar free ones have the same intended effect ? I wish I had known about this in my youth , as I would not need to wear glasses when reading
  5. Yes he is slagged off all the time by the wokes, most of whom have never watched his videos either, I believe he has , in the past, made certain comments that some are uncomfortable with, But I fail to see anything untoward in the comments he made in the op.
  6. I am not arguing that I am not racist, I am asserting that the Thais do not care as much about road safety as you seem to do, You have constantly avoided discussing that assertion. Based on the current accident statistics would you say they are overly concerned about road safety, or under concerned. simple question, why can you not answer it I don't need to know about your personal driving skills or your advanced exspurt knowledge of road safety and highway design, that is not the issue
  7. As I said before, non psychoactive metabolites of THC may indeed be detected in urine for some time after ingestion, but it is no indication of intoxication, That is why the police in the UK do not conduct urine tests, as they would not be accepted as evidence of intoxication by any court. you can argue all you like , that is an irrefutable fact, and you need to accept it
  8. All very salient points regarding road safety,, infrastructure and highway design and none of which are particularly well implemented here , Do you agree ? Of course you do Now tell me why is that the case, Is it because the authorities and highway consultants are over concerned, I would say that's unlikely. Or is it because, they , for whatever reason , are not that concerned ?
  9. you seem to have lost the point, My assertion is that the average Thai , or actually the majority of Thais do not care as much as you do, they barely give it a second thought, its been like this since they became mobile. Now if you think that they do care , give me a few examples to prove it ,, I gave you plenty before when I mentioned there reactions to covid Its nothing to do with their driving skills!
  10. Now you have instantly lost all credibility and are venturing further into matters you do not understand, THC actually has a very short half life and disappears within hours, what remains are metabolites, which are not psychoactive, It is not in the blood stream either it is stored in the fat cells until excreted.. There you have just been educated, Now you can educate me , how exactly has it been shown that you are "unusually relaxed" what ever that means,when you are driving, and what is your state of mind at other times like, ? when posting on here for example?
  11. You explained nothing, I said the Thais don't care in the same way as you do, and gave ample evidence to support that which you failed to mention or disprove, electing instead to express your perceived expert knowledge of road safety whilst at the same time dismissing everybody else's input as worthless, Just to add a little weight to my hypothesis... I'm a bit the worse for wear myself tonight, I 've been down at the brother in laws farm for a bit of a late new years drink, He wasn't available earlier this week as he;s a police officer, "nai roy ek" captain or chief inspector, his deputy was there along with a few others, and one of my other brothers in law, also a police sergeant was also there in fact we travelled together in his pick up. As usual a good night was had by all, i wasn't going to mention the subject, as I didn't want to bother them with work talk on their day off, and to be honest I'd had enough of it on here, but one of the more junior guys asked the others how many deaths there had been during the 7 days. None of them knew, and everybody burst out laughing when he was told to google it and report back on monday. The evening drew to a close and we all returned home the same way we arrived. No worries, Do you get it yet? It is just not an issue for them, what more will it take for you to understand the reality of things here I have however been advised to make it clear for you that I am only referring to 99.99% of the population there will be a small minority who care
  12. Thanks for the info, i really had no idea, another one i've heard is "gaslighting" again i've no idea but don't bother looking it up, unless you want to, in which case feel free to tell me , otherwise i'll suss it out one day myself, who makes this stuff up anyway, I always thought it was angst ridden teenage girls on "facetube" or "tik tok" Strange for a "traffic exspurt" to be using such language. I gave him a perfectly logical explanation regarding why things are the way they are here, and for some reason he just seems to have lost it, His opening response was to call me a racist, and I doubt he'll let things lie,
  13. This is the first time i have ever watched a video from andrew tate to be honest, and he seems to talk a lot of sense. I can assure you I am not a snowflake or woke etc, I am apparently an extreme right wing racist nazi according to the more progressive liberal posters on here. Just letting you know
  14. He should never be allowed behind the wheel of anything jesus I know its 11pm on a saturday night , but words fail me
  15. I have no idea what that means, sounds like a woke word to me . look pal it's obvious from your incoherent ramblings that you are seriously in need of help. I'll leave it at that
  16. I did not say that Thais are stupid, and you should stop calling people racist
  17. the term i used to describe you was exspurt , note the spelling, now go to bed you have had enough,
  18. i am not deflecting from anything and my moral position is irrelevant, I asked a simple question, that is all. If you choose to read more into it , that is up to you, by all means carry on.
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