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Bday Prang

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Everything posted by Bday Prang

  1. personally i think whether somebody should or should not be living here is a matter for the Thai authorities, and not pompous expats who think they are better off ( or just plain better) than others. What's wrong with just minding one's own business?
  2. I think there is something going on at the embassy in the UK , Twice now after paying for Visas using my debit card, additional funds were subsequently taken from my account. My bank refunded the amounts after I contacted them, but it does seem a bit suspicious to me as these are the only times this has ever happened to me. The funds were taken by direct debit, I asked the bank if it was possible to set up some sort of blanket ban regarding new direct debits being set up to avoid this happening again but apparently, according to them it is not, The only recourse is the direct debit guarantee scheme which in theory at least will ensure that money taken via fraudulent direct debits is refunded. Ok the bank refunded the money on these two occasions and it was less than £100 both times but I would much rather it had never happened in the first place.
  3. I'd recommend Khmer everytime . Just nicer girls in my experience,
  4. No need to wait , or even travel for that matter, according to a recent study by a leading research foundation wherever you are in Thailand you are never more than 100 meters or so from an issan girl
  5. Nah this is strictly controlled by the authorities to ensure their is never a shortage of flange in the north east
  6. yes lets..".70.9% not able to speak Welsh."...".26.0% (788,100) could read" no mention of how many of them can drive! Hardly a reason to spend millions translating all road signs when 100% can speak english, they don't even need to read english very quickly these days , a result of the disastrous 20mph speed limit rolled out by that idiot Drakeford This is all a result of a few fanatical welsh nationalists who insist on forcing kids to learn this dead language at school whether they want to or not It also fails to mention to what degree they can actually speak , read , write or understand welsh Dim Angen Bod Yn Bedantig Diolch A Nos da
  7. The taffys have taken this to a whole new level, Hardly any of them speak the welsh language and they all without exception speak english, yet every street sign has to have both. Must cost a fortune
  8. I couldn't agree more, the curse of facebook etc and those addicted to it has a lot to answer for The weird thing is I can't find any mention of Uproar or Outrage either in the OP or the linked article , it merely mentions that is was "shared". Whilst I am sure that it does happen occasionally (tits out at Songkran etc etc ) The whole "Outraged Netizen" thing is a common way that this awful on line excuse for a newspaper and others like it can add a bit of drama to their non stories And other thing I find annoying, although I know I shouldn't, is that phrase "reached out" (Our correspondent reached out to officials)... what on earth is wrong with just "contacted officials" I'm getting old and grumpy
  9. Absolutely, and I don't really trust any of them, I bought mine in the UK from a "reputable" company read the small print as much as I could be bothered, not much else I can do really, except be careful and hope I never have to rely on it. Pay the money and hope for the best. Around 15 years ago the same company coughed up when I had kidney stones My faith in Thai insurance was given a bit of a boost a few years ago when I when I arrived after lockdown on the test and go scheme and promptly tested positive, (although I was symptomless ) The compulsory covid insurance paid for everything, Ambulance transfer to the quarantine hotel, the ensuing incarceration, x-rays, and even the packet of paracetamol they gave me , around 20,000 baht in all Needless to say I was surprised
  10. could not agree more, but just to put things in perspective I bought some insurance before arriving last month, £1 million emergency medical / accident cover for 6 months only £150 and I'm 62 not that expensive Will those of us paying for our own insurance be offered any discounts ? I doubt it
  11. You have actually spoiled my enjoyment of a fun light hearted thread ,you turned on me for no apparent reason other than feeling a bit intimidated i certainly didn't provoke you, and I feel I have shown great restraint with my replies but you seem to be unable to let this go Whatever your reasons you are really not helping yourself I hate to see people make fools of themselves, You excepted of course Fortunately no one is reading this at the moment, but that probably won't be the case in the morning though. Do yourself a favour, go to bed and sleep it off.
  12. It doesn't "say" anything just like your posts on this thread, not one of which has contributed to the OP in any way shape or form, Just petty bickering, If you don't know anything about the topic its probably best just to be quiet. You have obviously overdone it with the Captain Morgans tonight, the same can't be said for the sense of humour though can it? Nothing worse than an angry drunk You'd better sit down before you fall down your latest offering.... I am a native speaker, of which language you may ask? "I am almost certain to more intelligent" is also excusable if you are dyslexic, Sort your crap out and stop trying to appear smarter than you are. I am not trying to appear any smarter than I am , I seriously hope you can say the same
  13. I have just over 3000 posts, if you bothered to look you would see that is a miniscule amount compared to some. I don't consider myself more intelligent than anybody on this forum but by the law of averages I am almost certain to more intelligent than some and considerably less intelligent than others Assuming you are a native speaker the quality of your comment makes it pretty clear which of those groups you belong in Unless you happen to be dyslexic in which case I apologise. I won't be desisting with anything as a result of your instruction, I will post and comment on whatever subjects I wish , I have no delusions of grandeur and you are not a monitor, so wind your neck in, and do yourself a favour , switch your spell checker on
  14. its bizarre. Internet "influencers" (I detest that word) and people with 1000's of friends they have never met, people believing everything they read on completely unregulated platforms, when the rest of us don't even believe most of what we read or hear on mainstream media. And then there's those who have even commited suicide due to being upset by people they don't know and have never met. I fear for the future, thankfully most of us here won't have to see that much of it
  15. A torquay fan without a sense of humour, life can indeed be cruel
  16. Sounds like you have forgotten how to enjoy yourself, that could be symptomatic of a serious or chronic illness, Anyway you are up late for a "pipe and slippers man" Others may think of this thread as informative and a bit of light hearted fun, why do you wish to spoil it with your puritanical input? Think of it as a kind of TrustPilot review, it might help take the nasty taste out of your mouth
  17. Looks like the Arabs are coming, is there any room for them amongst the ruskies Never liked Phuket and now I'm even happier that I don't live there
  18. and SkyCafe, a pocket-friendly onboard catering option. So they charge extra for the swill they serve up as food too
  19. What will you spend it all on Tissues and DVDs a rather lonely if reasonably priced existence
  20. I think the word Thai could probably removed from your comment without changing the meaning significantly
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