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Bday Prang

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Everything posted by Bday Prang

  1. The fact that some of these ships remain upright is astonishing but presumably they've all been properly computer designed and scale models have been tested in wave tanks, and certain operating limits established etc etc. That is not the case with these Thai tourboats
  2. I can't believe boats like that are allowed out in the Andaman Sea They are out of their comfort zone in the gulf even when operating relatively close to the mainland. Which is probably what that one was built for. This kind of incident is all too common, greed coupled with stupidity is the sole reason for it, During the high season for tourism, rough seas are very common. but the idiots just can't resist the temptation of tourist wonga. Waves of 1.5 m would be enough to scare most tourists <deleted>less and most of the large trawlers stay in dock when the waves get to 3m they are not designed like North sea trawlers Most of the "captains" of these boats are ex fishermen who are too lazy to work on the fishing boats anymore, or who have been sacked for one reason of another If I remember correctly there is no actual qualification req'd to skipper one of these boats a licence is easily obtained just by applying, and whilst reassuringly each boat is legally required to carry a ships engineer no qualification is required for that either. There is no annual check required that I'm aware of and the basic insurance is unbelievably cheap That applies for boats up to a certain size (not including dive platform) I'm almost certain that boat like most operating around thailand, conveniently fall into that category, That's how it was in the gulf of thailand 15 years ago things may have changed but i doubt it
  3. I wish they would make their minds up, who they want and who they don't, and how on earth do they know how much people spend on average per trip
  4. If this is a true translation is actually quite cleverly written , in so much that it could technically be construed as a genuine warning from a concerned 3rd party. That displays at least a degree of sophistication on behalf of who ever wrote it. So its unlikely in my opinion to have originated from one of the orderlies / hospital porters who were on duty at the time of the incident Wherever there is money one will find mafia types the more money floating around the more these types proliferate, there is huge amount of money involved in private medical care, and when coupled with the equally lucrative insurance business, the potential for extortion must be absolutely irresistible for all involved I would bet that everyone of these private hospitals will have very influential people involved at the highest level which pretty much guarantees immunity from any problems at all
  5. If the refusal to accept the patient is true, and there appears to be little doubt that it is, The hospital should be named.
  6. There will be a few of the above involved somewhere in the higher echelons of the hospital
  7. Why such an extreme reaction ? And who would be inclined to issue or organise and sanction such death threats ? I doubt it is any of the medical staff working in the A&E departments. Presumably someone with a vested interest in the hospitals reputation. Senior manager? Shareholders? They could start with whoever refused him treatment, can't be that hard to round a few suspects up, unless of course they are protected. No sign of big joke or those social media justice warriors supporting him either
  8. So let's just leave it at that then. You are entitled to your opinion, as indeed am I
  9. Are you of the opinion that sham marriages never happen? Surely not as regardless of what any statistics may tell you, that would be somewhat naive. The website you linked to mentions over 1300 sham marriages in my opinion that is a "significant" problem as just 1 is 1 too many here is a link that explains why the above numbers are not representative of what is actually happening https://www.migrationwatchuk.org/briefing-paper/466/how-effective-is-enforcement-action-against-sham-marriage As usual "human rights" legislation is getting in the way Further discussion is indeed pointless
  10. I reckon she tried to trap him with the pregnancy, its quite a common tactic, but as shown here its likely to backfire. Chances are he just dumped her because she was pupped, regardless of the gender.
  11. Seems to be the case, the women aren't much better. The real ones and the real filth that they eat, appear to bear little resemblance to what we encounter back home
  12. Can anybody invoke the assistance of "big joke" ? does one contact him directly on facebook or does one have to start with the local police and work ones way up the chain of command ? He must be very busy, obviously shying away from the limelight as much as possible, in order to devote himself to his vocation
  13. "The beautiful Thai woman" so beautiful she has to use a matchmaker , and willingly goes with chinese! Possibly not even "pupped" No problem washing her dirty laundry in public either, A desperate attention seeker
  14. Surachate and his lads will all have a few illegitimates to their name. Its the sign of a real man . They won't be probing very deep either
  15. Those white t-shirted social justice warriors were quick to "show their support " too Just waiting for the other charlatan "Mor Pla" to show up and we will have the holy trinity
  16. That is why I am not commenting on the OP's personal situation.
  17. Again off topic but its a drum that needs banging a lot louder.
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