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Bday Prang

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Everything posted by Bday Prang

  1. Probably no issues I personally never had any , but if you search through the forum you will see a few stories from those who claim to have had problems
  2. I have never had any issues and always stay more than 180 days not saying it never happens though
  3. I don't see a problem, the embassy isn't notorious for not issuing visas I've had them back to back, and I have applied for visas when I already had a live non o visa which had not yet expired, they simply cancelled the old one and issued a new one. What's the worst that could happen ? You might end up facing a rogue immigration officer at the airport who may ask a few questions, but its highly unlikely. And unless you have a history of coming here every few months for years nothing will come of it. I think you will be fine. Keep 20,000 baht cash on you and if you have a hotel booking keep a copy of that too just in case
  4. well the bigot you referred to has apparently been granted citizenship so it can't be me can it, are you going to answer the question, like a big boy, or just continue with the childish attempts to insult me , I'll add "bigot " to the growing list of insults with pleasure, keep them coming
  5. I didn't even know duty free was available in arrivals, I never spend money in airports if I can help it , so i guess that's hardly surprising I always wonder what kind of people buy things like Rolex watches and I phones etc in airports. Surely even the super rich have access to proper shops and online shopping? One of life's mysteries I'd ban it all if it was up to me including all carry on luggage, just think how much quicker boarding would be. But but what about those with babies, ? I'd put a stop to them too, or at least have them restricted to separate flights
  6. It is also why the system need tightening up, reducing the numbers will only help, I don't know enough about US immigration policy to comment, In the UK the laws are there, but there seems to be a reluctance from the authorities to implement them.If there were no illegals dodgy businessmen would not be able to employ them That would Farage's fault then? Are you suggesting that Trump is actively involved in people smuggling to further his business interests, if that's the case why hasn't he been sent to court over that too.
  7. That's the sort of things businessmen do , I know its "shocking" but its the way of the world
  8. I didn't count how many were there but i think he would need a few more than those who turned up to in order to win an election Quite interesting though that the handful of nutters who turned up that day are considered to be his support base, How manty were there 500? 1000? 2000? What about the millions of others who voted for him ? might they not form part of his support base, Where they all extremist nutters or is their a possibility that they were just normal people from all walks of life
  9. I don't follow, To become elected he needs to garner more votes, it's not really about pleasing his already "unhinged " base is it ? There is little to be gained for him by preaching to the converted. If he was so desperate for more support would inciting civil war convert his opponents to supporters? seems unlikely to me. The normal way for controversial politicians to garner more votes would be to lie to the electorate about their real intentions and ostensibly follow more moderate populist policies, then once elected they can do what they want. That doesn't appear to be what he is doing, unless of course the majority of Americans really are concerned about illegal immigration, in which case maybe you are a bit out of touch with their views . (even more people for you to despise) TRump appears to me to be a marmite character either loved or absolutely hated beyond reason, are there really significant numbers of "don't know's" sitting on the fence pontificating on whether or not to become "racist scum"
  10. Not at all , only dogs can hear a real dog whistle , something to do with the frequency. To disagree with his principles and or his politics is fine To label him as the devil incarnate, or a reincarnation of Hitler, and to seek his destruction and vilify anybody who doesn't feel the same way, is well over the top.
  11. So now as a non hater, I must be a "member of a cult" i must have been "fooled" must be a large cult, big enough to vote him in as president I'm sure there is plenty negative about Trump, whether I believe it or not is irrelevant My talking points may well be weak , but they have certainly provoked the strong hate filled reaction I predicted
  12. A politician who is anti illegal immigration is not supposed to have had a wife (or two ) who were legal immigrants ? Why on earth not There are illegal Polish workers all over Europe too, do you have any venom left for every head of state were this happens? its not like its the end of the world, As I said operating on the scale that trump did its only to be expected that some irregularities occurred with or without his knowledge, he was not just building house extensions and probably had lots of other things to worry about Its not Trumps ethics that I am questioning (or supporting,) it is the hysterical reactions from his opponents,
  13. I'm sure he does, but the nature of trumps business practices are no concern of mine and a bit removed from the subject of my original comment,which was the hysterical reactions that are common from his opponents and directed with such venom, not just towards Trump himself, not just towards his supporters but at anybody who doesn't hate him as much as they do Its notable that such "rational" comments have now moved on We appear to be in the Nazi phase at present .
  14. I don't think you should be taking too much notice of what an ex wife has been paid to say about anybody So he quoted from a book, he had a copy if a book by his bed Oh dear,, Many keep a bible by their bed, I could quote things from the bible that would upset plenty on here,
  15. Stretching it a bit to say the least, do you really believe that a business man / property developer operating at Trumps level actually involves himself personally in the hiring and firing of every single labourer ? Have you scrutinised every company / contractor involved in the manufacture of your Laptop, Mobile phone, Training shoes, to ensure their business practice aligns with your politics and concerns? .. Sure you have
  16. "racist scum" "mentally defective" "heinous slime bag" you are a gift that keeps on giving aren't you anyway you have proved my point with your rather childish insults, exactly what i predicted would happen , No need to continue, good night
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