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Bday Prang

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Everything posted by Bday Prang

  1. Not just the uneducated ones,, they all know their place, The Thai language has more pronouns than you would find at a LGBGTQ conference, and they are all designed to reinforce ones social status (or lack of) The ostensibly simple "Wai" used in greetings performs an identical purpose, and often results in foreigners looking either stupid , ridiculous or often downright insulting I have never seen a nation of people so adept at literally grovelling to those the consider superior to themselves yet at the same time showing a distinct disdain of those they consider inferior socially Anybody who chooses to disagree with that really will be showing there ignorance of the very essence of Thai culture
  2. She has the advantage that she is approaching the age when she can claim to be suffering from "lady problems" unlikely to be questioned to deeply over that sort of thing
  3. I find all these references and comparisons to sheep highly amusing to be honest. Has anybody on here making such comparisons ever witnessed "sheep dog trials" very entertaining watching a lone farmer working together in perfect harmony with a dog or sometimes several dogs, controlling them often by using a whistle or just a few grunts in an ancient and incomprehensible language (welsh) skillfully guiding a large herd into a confined space that they instinctively fear and try to avoid I doubt any on here and few in Thailand would be capable. Solely due to the amount of skill involved Conversely people are relatively easy to control and manipulate, there are various relatively simple techniques, the use of fear, (especially of the unknown) worked wonders for governments during the Covid "crisis". Another method that works well is the handing out of small amounts of cash. nothing hard about that
  4. Her intestinal complications may inspire her to produce another piece of "art" at least she will have a glut of the raw materials required
  5. But who do you think sanctions these coups ? ( I have no idea) You surely did not think it was all Prayuths idea did you?
  6. Foreigners trying to get a slice of this pie rarely last long (with the exception of chinese)
  7. Total rubbish, living beyond their means is a national pastime, and face is of course everything, Brand new pickups on no deposit, 7 year finance, ( initially) and top of the range I phones, and that is out in the sticks where I live, Not to mention borrowing against and often losing the very land they need to earn a living, sometimes literally just for a party ! You appear to have no idea
  8. Absolutely correct except the final sentence. They seldom wait to clear one before taking on another, Borrowing from peter to pay paul is the way to go for most of them.
  9. Not easy to say from under a pickup though is it Have you any idea how many Thais default on loans and finance. The word in Thai language for "debt" and the word for "running away and disappearing" is almost identical, the only difference being the tone used in pronunciation The word is "Nee" be worried if you overhear your TeeRak using this word with either a high or rising tone, be especially concerned if she uses them both in the same sentence
  10. They could even have sold it , or traded down but that would involve loss of face
  11. You guess correctly, its one of their core beliefs. Not only happiness but status and respect too. Its a deeply ingrained philosophy within their religious establishment too, there are plenty of examples for reference
  12. They are part of the establishment, How else would you explain the subject of the OP
  13. Ah yes, of course, I had forgotten all about that visa and its requirements, best avoided in my opinion Thanks for the confirmation
  14. Since when has medical insurance been a requirement for a 12 month extension based on retirement, ? that's news to me
  15. I think the vast majority of Thais have long since given up hope of having an honest and competent government. They are offered a bit of money at election time by the representatives of the various political factions and vote accordingly. My missis got 100 baht off one of them and genuinely did not dare to vote for anybody else "for fear of reprisals" she said, but I think an inbuilt sense of deference , to her "superiors" ( "up people" as she calls them) played a major part. Personally I have long since given up concerning myself, just let them crack on with it
  16. A personal favorite of mine is when they situate the roadblock / checkpoint right after a blind bend in the road, with no advance warning signs of course.
  17. you are partly correct, it suits me down to the ground. I doubt you would be accepted though they don't like your sort here, they don't like your sort anywhere, the clock is ticking, enjoy while you can.
  18. I wouldn't even class him as a troll, some sort of attention seeker maybe, or just plain "special"
  19. your on the system pal they have you earmarked as a wrong'un
  20. Walk being the operative word, you should consider selling your Tmax, whatever one of those is, your card has been marked and your days are numbered
  21. even though you did not have one? They would not say that No they didn't say that either Your entire post is total fictional rubbish, I would be very interested to know why you bothered,
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