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Bday Prang

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Everything posted by Bday Prang

  1. even more worrying when you see their heads buried in their phones as they cross the road, or when riding a motorbike No need to buy them an actual I phone either, the cheapest "smart phone" is perfectly adequate for 99.9% of all people
  2. So what's the betting that miss universe will be won by a man? I think the way things are at the moment that it is a strong possibility there will be a man amongst the first 3. as the organisers would not want to face the outrage and hysteria coupled with accusations of "right wing" intervention should that not be the case
  3. incidents like this will not contribute to the end of beauty pageants, even if they did how would it make any body "better off" You are still using capitals to express your outrage, just like a teenage girl
  4. I would ride her like a stolen bike, I cannot say in all honesty that she should have won as I haven't seen all the others ,but she should certainly been placed higher than that bloke My comment about finding the people in the photo's unattractive was purely in response to the link to pics of "androgynous" models
  5. we are on the same wavelength, There is a very good reason that the female impersonator has mannish features, It is also somewhat notable that even a makeover by presumably professional make up artists ( or more like contractors) has failed to hide these features. I'm guessing the demographic of the judges was very very "diverse" ie no women and no straight men, It is a really a slap in the face for the runner up, and indeed all the other females who took part. imagine how they must feel. Hopefully they are smart enough to realise that the judges decision was motivated by the current "woke" ideology, and is, as such , about as flawed as it can get.
  6. My appearance is of no consequence so why do you ask? Let's just assume I am hideous, I still have the right to say what I find attractive and what I find unattractive. Or do you disagree with that statement? This "need" to see photos of other members who have expressed an opinion, or indeed ,their girlfriends is a bit creepy in my opinion
  7. Men are superior to women in some ways, there is nothing narcissistic in saying that, Women are superior to men in other ways and there is nothing narcissistic in saying that either. The two genders compliment each other, equal but not identical, same same but different
  8. personally I found none of the people in the photos on that link attractive. Average people have "average features" Good looking people have good looking features, and androgynous people have androgynous features
  9. one way of looking at it , but on the other hand there is nothing about her that is actually female, "she" is a castrated male with male chromosomes. Which is fine they should start their own beauty pageant, if they haven't already. All this "controversy " would never have started, it's almost like they are being deliberately provocative And, if there is such a thing as "miss" trans whatever I will guarantee that real women are not invited to apply, although I doubt there would be many contestants applying as any real woman competing as joke, would be horrified if they actually won!
  10. One of the more bizarre posts I have ever read. When did embassies become lap dogs of "the right wing" ( I love how you people use that phrase whenever you can't think of something logical to say) Refresh my memory, when, exactly, were the times that the arrest of a US citizen ( he was a New Zealander anyway) for minor drugs possession would result in the arrival of a US battle ship ? This has never happened that I recall "All expats should have diplomatic immunity" are you insane? please explain why, and while you are at it please give a valid reason why anybody other than the deportees themselves should fund their own repatriation Your use of capitals makes your comment look like it was a rant posted by some sort of uber woke teenage girl, in fact even without the capitals it looks that way
  11. That fact was never questioned, try to keep up, I was commenting regarding a friend of the poster I replied to ,who received an unusually harsh sentence. of 6 months in prison for possessing 1 joint. He was unlucky to have to face the particular judge who handed down such an unusually punitive sentence, as most judges would not have been so severe
  12. Who were the judges anyway , in my opinion they should all be sacked. The female impersonator should not have been allowed to enter a competition that is exclusively for females. The officials should have disqualified her immediately
  13. Ok. how unfortunate for him to receive such a severe punishment , totally disproportionate, Looks like he appeared in front of the wrong Judge
  14. police procedures need to be reviewed, no way a lone cop should have been dealing with this,
  15. What do you mean by "fronted" the judge, were I come from "fronting" the judge would mean he "confronted" the judge. Ie gave him a mouthful, not a wise course of action in any country when speaking from the dock and guaranteed to get one a slightly longer sentence at the very least.
  16. Personally I don't doubt your predicament but I doubt that you will find a solution on this forum
  17. You need to make some friends Solitude does not suit everybody I mean real physical friends not the facebook variety
  18. A sweeping generalisation regarding the female population of North East Thailand. Not very "woke" or is it ? I can't keep up these days
  19. We already feel like men, not finding a female impersonator attractive is hardly indicative of a fragile male ego. People do not rent bargirls to make them feel like men, they rent bargirls because they already feel like men. and are experiencing a natural hetrosexual male urge to have sex with a woman. I doubt there is any ego more fragile than that belonging to a female impersonator even referring to them as "sir" would provoke an extreme response, bizarrely not just from the person in question, but from legions of woke virtue signallers from every corner of the internet Why the comment about the ATM, is money not required when availing oneself of the services of a kathoey ? How would one normally settle up with them? Does it depend on who gives and who takes?
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