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Bday Prang

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Everything posted by Bday Prang

  1. The uk police are certainly no longer the police force by which others can judged. ober run with wokeness on one hand and staffed by a mixture of violent thugs, sex offenders, and wanna be social workers tainted by lefty universities, A quota system ensures that merit can often be overruled by ethnicity or race in their craving for diversity. and any rank over chief inspector is a political position and nothing to do with catching bad guys, and everything to do with a political agenda Kids run rings round them, there are even police no go areas, Stick yourself to a motorway and cause chaos they generally only stand and watch but if you misgender a trans person they will turn up mob handed and use excessive force in an instant
  2. Yeah people should learn some Thai and watch the evening news, nearly every other day there are heart warming tales of the charitable acts selflessly undertaken by these Violent , out of control teenage thugs, who hang around in large aggressive gangs, often "methed " they have no shame in beating others senseless 10 onto one. and have little or no fear of the police , when in their gangs, but when alone or caught they revert back to mummys boys and cry like babies. Fortunately their tears go largely unnoticed by the authorities here, but do seem to strike a chord with some members on here, Strange in my opinion
  3. Karma can be inherited from previous incarnations allegedly, so he presumably had it coming to him
  4. Well i for one will not be praying, and I doubt you will either. I doubt he will ever grow up (assuming he survives,) and I doubt he has learnt anything form this experience
  5. They don't get dark skin from working in a bar, and I never met a woman yet with homemade tatts that could speak perfect english, including in the UK
  6. Oh I don't know, nothing wrong with a bit of role play, but personally I prefer to be a bit more imaginative.
  7. How many have you actually tried, If you like Massaman curry its very unlikely you would dislike Gaeng Garee ( yellow curry) or Tom Ka Gai or any of the other coconut curries, You need to be more adventurous I can't imagine I would enjoy living in a country were I didn't like the food
  8. A late breakfast maybe but I couldn't face it at 6am, Also any foreigners ( non British) who may have enjoyed a british style pie whilst in Thailand need to be aware that most of the pies for sale here are basically home made and of a high quality. They in no way resemble commercial mass produced pies as sold in the UK. which are virtually unfit for human consumption. and to be avoided wherever possible at any time of the day, especially the ones in tins
  9. Specialist dishes, from Great Britain and not generally available in the 30 - 80 baht "restaurants" you mentioned earlier. Best avoided to be honest
  10. I would have expected the above sentence to have either been preceded by something like " the officer went on to say" or followed by " said the officer Instead it is made to appear, to me anyway, as advice from "asean now"
  11. Has a foreign fruit seller made you or someone you know feel "unsafe" in the past? I find these sort of outspoken rants by foreigners a bit weird,
  12. And from any countries where they speak swahili , Oh my mistake, i think those countries have been denied those privileges for some time. "Hakuna Matata", as they say.
  13. The "crackdown" didn't uncover any activities of the Russian guy, an arrest warrant had been already been issued over six months ago! and these numpties knew nothing about it until one of them stumbled across something whilst surfing the web, apparently using some sort of, no doubt very sophisticated, "investigative kit" and then by a 1000/1 chance, they luckily stumbled on him again at a petrol station. The other major bust involved one of the officers disguising himself as a "tourist"!! I would love to have seen that , a real master of disguise at work ! anyhow it looks like it paid off , as they snared a leading member of an international vietnamese fruit smuggling and distribution gang, and all without the assistance of the specialist, masked, armed officers that other lesser immigration areas officers often resort to. Five senior officers attended this press conference which was presumably held to highlight the success of some recent crack down, in view of the fact that there were only two arrests, how could anybody keep a straight face?
  14. There is a "windows software reporting tool" in windows 10 that kicks in occasionally. and it uses a lot of resources. I had issues with it running all the time, CPU was at 100% and the fan was always screaming.It can be stopped in the task manager, and steps can be taken to permanently prevent it from running again
  15. My mrs is fairly pragmatic about it . she did get a bit carried away with it all, initially ,as she is a bit of a facebook addict, and she thinks he's better looking than Prayut and any of the others. But like me she doesn't trust any of the trough feeders, and does not share the over optimistic dreams of utopia expressed by some of the posters on here, Her main worries are an increase in the baht, since I explained how it would affect her (us) and stricter immigration, and she knows I won't be happy if they ban the devils lettuce again, (and neither will the mother in law)
  16. Could not have put it any better myself, I am rather doubtful that he will get any public support from his family, but that won't matter after a few more tearful tributes from his peers, and the tame mental health professionals have had their say As they say "the devil looks after his own" But in the very likely event that further allegations are proved to be true, and it looks likely to threaten their very existence, as indeed it might, bearing in mind the calls for a parliamentary debate, they will have no hesitation in dropping him like a hot brick hanging him out to dry in an act of desperate self preservation. He will have suddenly "fallen short of the standards required" or "behaved contrary to BBC values" etc etc blah blah blah and of course "procedures will be reviewed" again and "safeguards put in place" again to ensure it can never happen again. Again
  17. More like in the words of yourself" But he would say that if it was true for sure ! I don't like osborne any more than the others, He may well be lying , and it would be a pretty weak defence, unless of course he can show evidence in the form of some sort of digital "paper trail" abusive emails and such like.which I'm assuming he can if it is true. If that is the only evidence against him it is only to be expected that he has not been charged I'm sure the police have, or are looking ,a bit deeper. If you know more why didn't you come forward and help them with their investigations. But you don't do you, and "He must be guilty because he is a tory, and I don't like tories" is hardly enough for the police to secure a conviction. I am always suspicious of allegations of multiple rapes, why did the woman in question maintain contact with him after the first time? did he keep her locked in a basement ? and why is there no DNA evidence
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