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Bday Prang

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Everything posted by Bday Prang

  1. An infertile woman is , of course still a woman and an infertile man is still a man, that includes castrated males. As for "replaced by who" that has not yet been revealed to the masses but personally I suspect the WEF will be involved
  2. Aw come on remember where we are, passing the Thai motorcycle test is in no way guaranteed to turn her into a safe, traffic aware motorcyclist, Admittedly it will at least make her legal and remove a reason for the police to extort money occasionally. but in reality that's about it The car driving test is no better
  3. A few victorian style disciplinarian fathers on here, I wonder if they regularly administer a good spanking to their wayward adult daughters. She's 18 and can do what she wants. it she can raise the money herself, then he has no leverage left regarding her decision , all he can do is advise her to ride carefully
  4. I doesn't say that the allegations were made when the deceased was stoned,
  5. Upon questioning, Seksan admitted that what had triggered the dispute was an accusation by Rueangdet questioning his behaviour, of tossing and turning in his sleep akin to a buffalo and of taking his sleeping spot. Other times he would accuse me of stealing his cannabis which I never did This has to be the most pathetic attempt to include cannabis in a headline that I have ever seen in my life, truly shameful journalism.
  6. In your modest opinion,! So you have been to school and read a few books, I am in awe, you are obviously a cut above the rest of us knuckle dragging Neanderthals who are not fit to hold an opinion or post links to articles from a left wing rag like "The Guardian" I am in shock that a highly educated individual like you would even consider referring to that marxist publication in attempt to add weight to , well , anything really
  7. And don't forget the strange practice of adding a rainbow flag to the logo's of large companies and even banks, All terrified of being screamed at or boycotted. That virtue signalling rubbish didn't go down too well for "bud light" though did it? serves them right
  8. In my opinion it is an acceptable compromise, they do not accept "he or him" which apparently is their human right, and I do not accept "she or her" which I consider to be my human right. "It or that" is gender neutral and is the most appropriate pronoun I can think of.
  9. And in the UK people have been refused bank accounts for not embracing this wokism, some what more inconvenient than being refused a haircut! People with traditional values can be criticised, vilified. and insulted at will (Righwing extremists , Nazi's etc) for simply stating a scientific fact and not indulging the ridiculous fantasies of a tiny but very vocal minority And it is a tiny majority, how many of the angry protesting rainbow warriors that took to the streets were actually "trans people" ? very very few. the vast majority of them being professional ( but unemployed) whingers and "activists" just looking for trouble, the very same people that took to the streets burning shops and cars in their support for "black lives matter" and then subsequently glued themselves to the roads in their protests at climate change. The very same people who were throwing statues in to the sea in protest at "the slave trade" which ended 100's of years ago Then there is the issue of exposing children to this rubbish, some even advocating gender reassignment procedures to kids who are not even considered old enough to get a tattoo, the only brainwashing previously sanctioned for kids was religion. and that is bad enough, young minds are easily confused, and should not be polluted with matters of this nature, It is just wrong, to attempt to involve young kids in matters of a sexual nature. and would be illegal if the subject matter was traditional sexual practices, A genuine headcount of "men with tits" would reveal the true number of members of this tiny minority,, I agree that they should be allowed all the normal freedoms, but they should never be allowed to corrupt the minds of those too innocent to question the rhetoric,
  10. "logical realism" rapidly becoming "the truth that cannot be spoken" how on earth has this been allowed to happen? Somebody on this thread even called it progress!
  11. You and I will probably never meet one, there really is very few of them ,despite what their sympathisers would have us believe, There are probably more pedophiles walking the earth, and their numbers have been grossly exaggerated
  12. just because they are a minority is no reason to expect the majority to indulge them or their fantasy. Should "minor attracted people" be indulged too? Where would you draw the line ?
  13. I'm not trying to fool anybody, unlike men calling themselves "trans women" female impersonators, each and every one of them, nothing more. If they won't accept "he" that is up to them , but it can never be "she"
  14. No , the word "freak" would be hate speech, "It" is gender neutral, non pejorative and is as far as I am prepared to go, Really the only technically correct word would be "he" in this case, as confirmed by chromosomes, Anything else is just plain fantasy
  15. The ones that have been castrated, are castrated males, or geldings, "dressing up" as women, but not actually women or female in any sense of the word. The ones that have not been castrated are just males "dressing up" as women, again not female in any sense of the word. it really is as simple as that. Anybody saying otherwise really has lost the plot.
  16. even more worrying when you see their heads buried in their phones as they cross the road, or when riding a motorbike No need to buy them an actual I phone either, the cheapest "smart phone" is perfectly adequate for 99.9% of all people
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