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Bday Prang

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Everything posted by Bday Prang

  1. 1) Having to suffer "sawat dee khrap" 100's of times and being followed around continuously in Homepro. Thai Watsadu, and Global House etc ( although easily sorted by leaving the Missis in the car) 2) Those who seek to turn Thailand into a copy of their miserable home country 3) Those who constantly repeat phrases like "Quality tourists" or "I thought there was no prostitution in Pattaya" 4) Know it all political commentators claiming to know what's best for Thailand 5) The foreigners who "identify" as self appointed wannabe immigration police and their hysterical reactions to overstayers I have only ever encountered the people in the last four categories on this website
  2. oh dear have we spoilt it for you ? Must be wonderful to accept everything at face value no matter who is telling you. Blissful ignorance eh?
  3. its not a matter of sympathy never been big on that, never expected or received any, and never really been one for handing it out. You either don't understand the essence of my post, or you are just being argumentative Your reference to other white people as "the" whites is a bit strange what with you being white an' all, are you not like the average white person, a bit better perhaps?
  4. No i'm not playing any card, I was adding a bit of "balance" to the underlying issue of racism and the eternal search for victims which only ever includes non whites, maintaining the narrative that its always one way. that we are all living in a world run along the lines of how south africa is reported to have been run all those years ago. As you said whites have indeed committed atrocities, and so have pretty much every race over the thousands of years that humans have been on the planet Incidents of unpleasantness against white teachers occur far more frequently due if nothing else to the fact that there are more white teachers, If and when kids step out of line then they get disciplined ( or should do ) and that would be the end of the matter, I have never heard of Thai kids baking a cake for a white teacher in response to another white teacher, who they never even knew, being "abused" hundreds of miles away Its not the Thai way and that "letter to the world was not written by a Thai The Thais lovely people? well mostly yes Racist? not really, more like naturally xenophobic, they certainly don't distinguish between black and white, when it comes to foreigners, we are all the same, and that makes me think there is something a bit weird about this whole story
  5. Indeed there are some and some actually take my breath away. By the way have you had any positive responses yet from your un brainwashed like minded "foreigners and expats" to your call for taking to the streets for a bit of direct action ? It actually would not surprise me having read some of the posts and comments on here, What is it that causes some people to get so hysterical about the political manoeuvring's and skullduggery in a foreign country ? None of us have any say in the matter, I can understand some might like to take an interest particularly in so far as how much any of it may actually affect foreigners but that's as far as any of us can take it, even if one could find somebody of "influence" who would listen, to complain would be at best pointless To actually advocate that a gang of foreign, disgruntled, left leaning ,pompous, woke pensioners "take to the streets to demand things are done their way has to be evidence, if not of brain death then certainly of insanity, and to think there could even be a chance of success "unite in getting Thailand to a democracy. " is further evidence of the same To feel the need to force any political ideology on a sovereign nation of people , who's language you don't understand, Whos political system you dislike, but also don't understand, who's culture you will never understand, has to be evidence of some form of brainwashing, I don't mind people throwing insults at me , it demonstrates how bizarrely passionate they feel about something and its normal , for some, to react like that when challenged But to have taken offence on behalf of an entire nation of people, whether they wanted it or not, and to insult any of them who do not agree as either brainwashed or braindead" as you put it. almost defies explanation At least I don't have to ask if you're a leftie
  6. one of the students allegedly wrote this "message to the world" “From the drama of one Thai student behaving badly towards a foreign teacher, some people may think that Thai people or Thai children are racist and have bad habits. We want to tell everyone that everyone has different habits. Not all Thai students have that behaviour. My friends and I all like foreign teachers, regardless of their nationalities. “It is good and fun to learn with foreign teachers even though almost 90% of classmates cannot communicate in English very well, but teachers try to use body language or sign language to make us understand what the teacher is saying.” That was not written by any of her students!
  7. just more virtue signalling by the lefties of social media. How many white teachers are "disrespected" by Thai students on a daily basis? plenty, in fact many if not all experience some unpleasantness from both students and other Thai teachers but it doesn't get mentioned.. However the minute it happens to a black teacher the "netizens" suddenly go into some sort of meltdown The vast majority of Thais are not particularly enamoured with foreigners, regardless of colour, and why should they be? if the truth be known, most people, wherever they come from are not particularly enamoured with foreigners, again regardless of colour In my opinion it's a normal and natural human instinct to be at the least, "wary" of those we don't know, mothers in most countries, tell their kids from an early age "don't talk to strangers" purely out of a maternal concern for their children's safety, They don't specifically say "don't talk to strangers of a different colour" or "don't talk to those with a different accent" although those two characteristics are easy ways for kids or anybody else for that matter to identify strangers. There are a couple of young kids ( around 1 to 2 years old) in the wifes extended family at present and there have been plenty of others over the past 30 years, when ever their parents visit us the reaction of the kids is pretty much the same regarding me. In so much that they quickly become familiar with the Thai members of the family, but are always very wary of me, even at such a young age they are aware, due to my appearance, that I am very much "a stranger" and they tend to keep their distance, Are they racist, in my opinion of course not, but then again ,they are in a way judging me by my colour. If I was black and a video of their reaction to me was ever to find its way onto the internet, It would not take long before some blue haired woke westerner's outraged sensitivities ,would have them screaming for these racist kids and their racist parents, to be sent on the next available diversity training course Thailand isn't inherently racist and neither are Thai people, They are patriotic and xenophobic to a degree, I don't have any issues with either and neither should anybody else. I now await the predictable outraged responses from the usual woke suspects
  8. Yeah right, a magistrate handing down fixed penalty fines for instances of minor possession must posses a really in depth knowledge of fictional cannabis addiction. "I only did it coz i was stoned" "I'm an addict I need help" "i'm the victim here" etc etc People make up all sorts of excuses to explain their behaviour The police have also been known to stray from the facts too The overwhelming majority of victims in this "war" are the innocent users many of whom have been imprisoned and all of whom will have to live out their lives with a drugs conviction on their record. Its known as the war on drugs, and what is the first casualty of war ? The truth of course
  9. Its not a dream it is reality. reality that has reigned here for a very long time and long may it continue
  10. one bad apple is all it takes, A journey of a thousand miles starts with one footstep etc etc I did not say the end of Thailand, I said the end of the Thailand we left our home countries for
  11. Yes but in those days the universities concentrated in teaching the subjects that people intended to study, now they dedicate themselves to preaching lefty woke political ideology, which this guy has obviously become infected with. " Ivy league trojan horse" is a very apt description, putting Pita or somebody similar in a position of power, would be the beginning of the end for the Thailand that most of us chose to leave our countries of origin for
  12. I am inclined to agree, he would soon be cozying up to Klaus Schwab and the rest of them , The only foreigners voicing support for him are woke lefties and those who for some reason would like to change Thailand into copy of their own miserable countries. The ruling elite , or dinosaurs, as the lefties like to call them have for decades, presided over this country and created a place where all of us have chosen to stay. What makes them think that this woke pretty boy will make things any better for us? To be honest I don't think they do, they despise the fact that Thailand has , as yet , chosen not to follow the currently fashionable woke globalist agenda. Long may the status quo prevail. as always , better the devil you know, in my not so humble opinion
  13. "the game" as you put it is all; about not following the stated rules, always has been. he is either stupid or naive, either way he is unfit for the job
  14. The drop in the Baht happened already do you honestly think that people who make millions out investing in that sort of stuff wait for things to be announced on Asean Now or mainstream media? You are too late and have missed out, the baht has been rising all day. This was always a racing certainty, only very naive people or those who's judgement was affected by dreams of some sort of "democratic utopia" thought otherwise
  15. yeah , climate change will cause all the places that are almost uninhabitable to be actually uninhabitable, and under the management of the woke, all the other countries that have worked hard to become developed, will bankrupt themselves trying to fight nature. Just leave things alone and let nature take its course, it's a much better idea, we don't all have to suffer. millions of years of human existence and some people still build villages 10 miles or more from water! There is no point or future in helping people like that. Natural selection will save the planet, we are of no consequence in the long term or the great scheme of things
  16. I did not say it was"good that he died for speeding" I said I did not care I can assure you I am not left wing, how did you arrive at that incorrect conclusion, presumably in the same way you mis quote me
  17. british food makes you puke so there must be a fair proportion of jap , korean and indian food off the menu too
  18. you are over estimating the influence of Asean Now I have done far worse than post the truth on here I rarely drink and never ride and never did both at the dame time at any age
  19. this same article is repeated regularly unless I am mistaken
  20. The uk police are certainly no longer the police force by which others can judged. ober run with wokeness on one hand and staffed by a mixture of violent thugs, sex offenders, and wanna be social workers tainted by lefty universities, A quota system ensures that merit can often be overruled by ethnicity or race in their craving for diversity. and any rank over chief inspector is a political position and nothing to do with catching bad guys, and everything to do with a political agenda Kids run rings round them, there are even police no go areas, Stick yourself to a motorway and cause chaos they generally only stand and watch but if you misgender a trans person they will turn up mob handed and use excessive force in an instant
  21. Yeah people should learn some Thai and watch the evening news, nearly every other day there are heart warming tales of the charitable acts selflessly undertaken by these Violent , out of control teenage thugs, who hang around in large aggressive gangs, often "methed " they have no shame in beating others senseless 10 onto one. and have little or no fear of the police , when in their gangs, but when alone or caught they revert back to mummys boys and cry like babies. Fortunately their tears go largely unnoticed by the authorities here, but do seem to strike a chord with some members on here, Strange in my opinion
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