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Bday Prang

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Everything posted by Bday Prang

  1. As always in Thailand its "who you know", and not "what you think you know" even nowadays. There is the occasional exception, but strangely I have always found the adage particularly relevant when dealing with any of people who wear beige uniforms
  2. Neither of them sound like the sharpest pencils in the box, for 500,000 baht they could probably have avoided his initial incarceration and made everything disappear, a lot less if they had negotiated in the beginning I don't really care what happens to a Kazakhstan thief
  3. I personally know somebody who got a driving licence thrown in when he bought a new toyota pick up a few years ago. The Toyota manager had a friend at the DLT
  4. I wonder how they actually conduct these tests, presumably they must round up a few of the local nut jobs and force feed them cannabis , (a bit like they make puppies smoke 40 ciggies a day) until they go nuts. Although I can't see that method being thought of as very ethical by the "medical community" especially as even though when they are reasonably sure of the results, they would still have to continue finding more and more of the unfortunate souls to test in order to achieve the desired level of accuracy More likely the research is based on anecdotal evidence from a variety of questionable sources, ie the criminal justice system " I only did it because i was stoned its not my fault " or the social security system " I cant work cos I got anxiety due to smokin weed, where do I claim" I wouldn't read too much into anything written on that the website you linked to, its a private company who probably does very well out of the subject of cannabis psychosis
  5. That's the spirit think positively, and there is no need to be a member of the european union to trade with it, china and india seem to manage ok presumably they are busy, successfully making up the billions worth of trade that for some "unsurmountable" brexit related reason , we are no longer able to involve ourselves in?
  6. Even in the hypothetical scenario, of the UK.as a direct result of brexit, forming some sort of bilateral agreement with Thailand which resulted in easier visa restrictions and an abundance of their favorite english beer at supermarket prices the petulant sulking "remoaners" would still find a downside. so as to avoid what is very similar to the Thai concept of losing face. These people absolutely amaze me, continually looking for bad news regarding brexit, and , with a perverse joy, never missing an opportunity to squeeze it in to any conversation Conversely any good or positive news is ignored wherever possible, but if that is not an option they will do their level best to put a negative spin on it They are acting in exactly the same way, as a sad, pencll dlcked, impotent, jilted loser would act, when receiving some news about his ex girlfriend, who recently dumped him, for his better endowed and virile best mate. There is probably a medical term for the disease which causes such behaviour, I wouldn't know, but either way its not very beneficial for anybody when the mainstream media all appear to suffer from the condition, The, continual almost daily promotion of a sullen resentful view on life, within the vulnerable "mainstream media believing" members of the population, will do nothing for the rest of us or for national moral, which is not exactly at an all time high following their recently very successful 3 year terror campaign Even more worrying is the fact that many government officials and civil servants directly responsible for implementing the various brexit protocols and dealing with any problems that may arise etc are also suffering from the same disorder. They would rather see the entire country bankrupt than suffer the perceived indignation of success. Some of them should be on trial for treason and hanged if found guilty
  7. Construction is doing really well, has been since before covid, and with most of the invading east european cowboys back where they belong, that means a lot more job opportunities for British people. better wages for workers, more of the wages earned from those jobs staying, and being spent in the country, more opportunities for school leavers strong incentive for our world leading construction companies to train their own workforces and invest in the development of effective training schemes for future needs Not forgetting less unemployment All good for UK And all because of Brexit There are plenty of positives from brexit , of course they are rarely mentioned by the mainstream media, and cannot be seen by those who do not wish to see them or, refuse to believe in there existence less unemployment
  8. It is never really removed, They might not mention it on criminal records checks for job / visa applications etc but its always there for the police themselves, makes sense really
  9. why delete them , in the UK your name is on the police computer for ever once they "know" of you even if not arrested or convicted I thought it would be the same everywhere
  10. Except that it must take a lot of filing cabinets to hold all those files
  11. if he shows negative expect to hear nothing, but I'm pretty certain its already been decided what the test will show they won't let the truth get in the way of a good story like this one
  12. As I mentioned in a reply earlier, everybody seems to have forgotten that its mushroom season.
  13. basically because nobody wants to end up with rubbish weed not for fear of it being spiked
  14. Don't forget it is mushroom season at the moment too, they can have profound effects, bet the toxicology reports dont look for any evidence of that
  15. Me neither it is purely an urban myth without a shadow of doubt, the equivalent of a conspiracy theory, which the mods on here don't normally look favourably on......but
  16. 1000's of years of relatively uneventful cannabis use around the world, and a whole 12 months of relative peace and quiet here since legalisation, and suddenly we are expected to believe that just this week its all gone pear shaped and the prohibitionists with their reefer madness fears were right all along I personally find it insulting that I am expected to believe any of this trash and very concerning that some people actually do. Although this morning I saw a guy driving alone in his pick up with a mask on so I can't I can't say I'm surprised, keeping people stupid has been very beneficial for governments, here and elsewhere. I would like to say I expected more from some western educated expats but I would be lying
  17. Theres a basic flaw in that argument, if they didn't tell people what they were secretly mixing with the pot, how would the victims know what they were addicted to? come on now don't believe everything you hear or read in the papers or on the net
  18. Has anybody bothered clicking on the link to the "enquirer" in the OP ? not sure who pays them but they have certainly gone all out on the anti cannabis theme, One of there "stories" even cites cannabis as a cause of priapism which can and has allegedly made one or more people castrate themselves I was going to say you could not make it up, but they actually have .
  19. Even mentally, He would have to have been a complete retarded halfwit, and if that was the case which i seriously doubt, why was he given access to a machete. Babies don't kill people by chopping them up neither do the mentally retarded. Meth addicted psychopaths on the other hand...
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