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Bday Prang

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Everything posted by Bday Prang

  1. I would not know very much about "covid denier talking points" as I am not a covid denier, how could I be , I have had it several times , despite being vaccinated so stop with the smarmy comments the poster i was replying to was claiming that covid would stop as in "cease to exist" if everybody was vaccinated. It clearly will not. Whether you choose to believe him or me is neither here nor there, and petty grammar policing comments like the one you have made are of no consequence whatsoever
  2. from your 1st link..... Here’s what we know about the current variants circulating globally at the current time. I am looking for more than just the current variants circulating at present this bit is not exactly helpful either,,, " plus many others which have not yet been characterised". many others lol clear as mud from your second link ,,,, Below is a list of—and information about—some of the variants that have been top-of-mind. I'm not interested in "some" I am interested in the total number So despite what you say neither of these effectively useless links links gives a simple answer to my simple question. Th leads me to the conclusion that nobody, including you, has the faintest idea how many variants/ mutations actually exist That, so it would seem is the reason I cannot get a simple answer to a simple question All these so called experts and nobody knows, a very sad state of affairs in my very humble opinion
  3. maybe it will but it will not stop either which was the original claim i was disputing
  4. I won't be totting anything up I really cant be bothered, I would have expected a simple answer to be easily found on google, but it is not, I have no idea why this is the case. Even asking how many stars are in the galaxy gets a figure given albeit an estimate I asked chat GPT which as expected was about as much use as an ashtray on a motorbike unless the answer really is 12 ! I'm starting to think that nobody actually knows, which is quite possible considering the number of lies told regarding this subject
  5. I saw that article earlier but it also does not actually state words to the effect of " to date there have been x number of variants" that's kind of what I am looking for must exist somewhere surely? I am too lazy to sit there with a pen and paper totting them all up manually.I guess nobody actually knows a definitive number Also in view of the sentence " Studies have suggested the B.1.1.7 lineage was more likely to land infected people in the hospital and was deadlier than the original virus." I may have to amend the wording of my earlier post about which variants have been more deadlier than those that preceded them, as to be honest words like "studies have suggested" do not really cut it for me
  6. not really clear enough for a thicko like me , I was looking for a simple number, I tried googling it but it does not appear to be quoted in simple terms anywhere
  7. And why were they happy to name the variants after the countries in which they were 1st discovered , until they found a strain in India? Why was the original strain never referred to as the Chinese variant? There was no hesitation with the UK and South African Variants being named as such
  8. Any advance on two? but ok in the interests of accuracy ... As far as I am currently now reliably informed each successive variant of covid has been less deadly than previous variants, apart from two, apparently. is that better? nobody has yet answered my question about how many variants there have been to date must be hundreds by now maybe?
  9. I'll take your word for that and revise my post, too late to use the edit function so...... As far as I am now aware each successive variant of covid has been less deadly than previous variants, apart from one, apparently. How many variants have there been ? I'd like to know my magnitude of error
  10. a booster will not stop infection or transmission, you are in a hole, stop digging
  11. you said that covid could be eradicated by immunisation in the same way as those diseases. It can not.
  12. The heath risks of leprosy, rabies,and bubonic plague have not entirely disappeared either, should we spend our lives living in the shadow of fear of those diseases, constantly being advised, or told, by all and sundry what we should or should not be doing. day in day out.? Really ?
  13. I never suggested that they did not die from covid I contradicted another posters assertion that they died due to being deluded or a car accident, or a snake bite,or rabies, or food poisoning, or a heart attack, or cancer, to name but a few more. Its not only covid that people need to look out for, You appear to disregard all other causes of death
  14. Well from what I have heard, each variation of covid was generally less deadly than the one before, were are you getting your info from ? Your world view generally seems at odds with reality
  15. Another totally inaccurate statement, Any links? you are really on thin ice today I think if you look you will soon find some statistics to back up the commonly held belief that the overwhelming majority of people who died from covid were Old, and infirm, or suffering from comorbidities. I don't remember that being deluded was cited as a contributory comorbidity
  16. Sorry wrong again pal as were your two mates with the like emojis, More misinformation, how are you getting away with this ?
  17. More rubbish! The only correct prophecy is .... "covid will never disappear, regardless of whether I get vaccinated or not"
  18. Now lets see then.... It is apparently an established medical fact that vaccines do not stop people catching covid (Surely no link required for that assertion), furthemore, I have been vaccinated and i subsequently caught covid so I personally agree with that theory The other universally accepted medical fact, is that people who are vaccinated can still transmit covid, (again surely no link required,) this would explain why I was quarantined when I caught covid, ie despite having previously been vaccinated, I was still considered to be as infectious as an unvaccinated person. I personally know of many people who have indeed been vaccinated, later caught covid, and passed the virus on to others ,who were also vaccinated So I to agree with that too. In view of the above, two pretty much indisputable facts in, anybody who has received a normal education would soon realise that the eradication of covid by the use of vaccines is absolutely impossible So when you wrote this....... And this ..... You may have been correct with your description of "basic immunology" but you are completely wide of the mark if you think that applies to covid ! I note that you have failed to provide a link to any studies medical or otherwise to back up your claim yet you berate others for not providing links! Who to believe ? Well its certainly not you is it How are you on the flat earth thing? To be honest your posts should be taken down as "mis information" I can't understand why that has not happened
  19. Are you aware that polio and smallpox are completely different viruses to covid. as indeed are the vaccines and the way they work. No comparison whatsoever!
  20. Not only are there no regulations to enforce it , there is absolutely nothing written anywhere to suggest that is the intent! I have read the stories on here of, as you say , the extremely rare cases , were some people with valid visas have been denied entry by what would generally described as "rogue" immigration officers, Most however seemed to involve people with "back to back" single entry tourist visas, and I can't say that I personally remember any cases involving people with METVs. Although I'm well aware you spend a lot more time on here than I do, so I am quite prepared to accept what you are telling me. but, purely out of interest how many cases of people holding METV's actually being denied entry, specifically as a result of making in / out border bounces, as that is presumably what the officials don't "like", can you remember? 10, ? 20? more? When you say "the strong preference of most in high places" who exactly are you referring to? Again I'm not doubting what you say , but If the preferences were that strong , and the people expressing them were of such high stature surely you would have heard of a lot more denials? I can't agree that the actions of a small minority of rogue / overzealous officials is representative of immigration policy generally or even indicative of what the guys "at the top table" would prefer, if that was the case they would all be at it, and in my personal experience that has absolutely not been the case I also find it a bit strange that the denials of entry take place generally at airports, I mean at least those people have actually been somewhere, maybe those concerned had previous history, overstays for example? Or were they just victims of some sort of scam in which the airlines were involved. On the spot one way tickets home would not exactly be cheap would they All of my in /outs, and there have been plenty of them, took place at land border crossings, as I'm too lazy and tight fisted to make my way to an airport, and I have never experienced so much as a raised eyebrow, despite the fact that my last passport was the thickness of a telephone directory ! it is however a little worrying. I did at times consider flying in and out thinking it might appear more "genuine" glad I never bothered now. Now that the ME-non O visas have been resurrected I will probably revert to using those again, but is there any cast iron guarantee that I will be less likely to be denied entry? probably not I fear. It strikes me, that if they don't like the look of you , you aint coming in, whatever visa you have, except maybe in the case of those with the "elite" visa, were the necessary palms have already been crossed with "silver" What's your opinion?
  21. This reply is not particularly directed at you @JayClay, rather I just wish to dispel a myth promoted by others on here.... That the METV is "strictly" intended for anything is nothing but supposition on behalf of a few "troubled" members who post mis information on this site, the same members who had a bee in their bonnet regarding "covid extensions" and who invented their own imaginary regulations regarding who should and should not be entitled to them, the same members who have even dreamed up their own imaginary definition of what a "real tourist" is The METV replaced the triple entry tourist visa, It effectively allows the same total amount of time to be spent in Thailand , however it does allow the holders of it, more flexibility should they wish to make additional visits to other countries and as such does away with the need to apply for re entry permits There are no official conditions regarding the intended use of a METV other than it allows for multiple entries into Thailand for the "purpose of tourism", with each entry allowing a stay of 60 days ( each entry can also be extended by 30 days at the discretion of an immigration officer) If I remember correctly the METV is also referred to on the e-visa website as suitable for visiting friends and family, for stays of not exceeding 60 days So with a bit of planning an METV can allow almost up to 9 months here with just a couple of border bounces. The idea that it is only intended for people who wish to travel throughout Asia whilst using Thailand as some sort of "base" is not mentioned on any official immigration website that I have seen. Anyway, no need for anybody to take my word for it , much better informed members such as "Ubon Joe" (RIP) and "Doctor Jack" have clarified this on several occasions, just search through the threads if looking for confirmation
  22. That is not correct. METV are only supposed to be available to people who are applying from their home countries or countries in which they have been granted residency rights. They want to see a flight into thailand from your home country as proof that this is the case. They then want to see proof of a ticket out of Thailand to show that you have an intention to leave There is no need to show a ticket for a flight back into Thailand at all, at least not as far as the London embassy is concerned.
  23. Isn't it amazing that typing just one word can instantly identify someone who has never smoked it and clearly has no idea whatsoever regarding the effects, why anybody would wish to publicly display their lack of knowledge like that is totally beyond beyond me I can only conclude it was either meant as an attempt at a "rallying cry", intended to invite further comments from others of a similar (misinformed) mindset , or was it an attempt at virtue signalling, to members of the same "community"
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