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Bday Prang

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Everything posted by Bday Prang

  1. no problems in Surin at Kapchoeng last week, service with a big smile and 60 days added on the spot They even filled the forms in for me
  2. Will there be a sub-sub -law for the owners of pickups who have had the doors and windows removed and the original engine replaced with a 10hp single cylinder kubota diesel engine ? there's a lot of those where I live
  3. The word "cab" often used in the names given to these vehicles does imply they are intended for passengers, They are not that much different than a small 2 door car
  4. is that actually an official manufacturers' description or just a phrase the authorities here have dreamed up? I'm sure I have seen seat belts in the back of some 2 door pick ups but they may have been fitted afterwards by the owner , do they even have "mounting points"
  5. its ok you've convinced me lol but the drunk cop who pulls you over might not agree so easily. Although if you argue with him for long enough he might eventually change his mind
  6. Well I don't enjoy a glass of wine but have no problem with those that do . The problem I have with alcohol is the people who develop a problem with it ( by that I mean triggering various forms of anti social behaviour ) all generally people who think they can drink more to alleviate their symptoms, that doesn't work very well either does it ? How pray tell to we know what "category" a new user of Alcohol will be in ? A wife beater ? A violent thug? a Bed wetter ? a Drink driver , or maybe an arrogant bore ? Why are you not aware of the fact that it is forbidden for those under a certain age ?
  7. So you smoked a little bit of weed, and couldn't handle it, that seems to be quite a common experience shared by the more vocal opponents, then you read a book and impressed yourself by learning a few mew words that for same reason you think I find challenging lol i'm guessing you actually had to look them up ! Most people would have just stopped at that point . But for some reason known only to yourself, you have chosen to continue your philanthropic research by questioning all the depressed people you meet! Magistrates as far as I and most others are concerned fall into one category,that of the arrogant self- righteous type, who consider themselves superior to, and fit to pass judgement upon others,. Indeed the fact that somebody considers themselves worthy of this position is the prime reason why their application should be rejected. How many cannabis users did you sentence to community service "for their own good and the good of society" during your cannabis induced depression ? "giving a little back to society" ? Hah,! massaging your own ego would be a more accurate description. On the occasions when I have found myself on the wrong end of the justice system, I was lucky , in that the severity of the allegations actually meant that people like you were not considered fit to pass judgement on me I , On the advice of my solicitor I elected for crown court where I was tried and following the directions of a proper Judge acquitted , You are not a magistrate in Thailand Regardless of what you think, you are in fact no different to me or the the rest of the people that your type despise .
  8. And also solely responsible for the unfounded and irrational concerns of non users today. amazing really
  9. are you suggesting that 20 years of cannabis use results in addiction to crack cocaine?
  10. I think its intentionally totally ambiguous somebody suggested that the "cargo rear" was the space immediately behind the driver, it could easily be argued that it refers to the normally uncovered area at the rear of the vehicle, Like wise "cargo bed" bed as in flat bed wagon, or bed as in where somebody might sleep such as the small rear seat in a 2 door. Either way, they have got you On the other hand it might just be very poor translation. One thing is for certain, if it is rigorously enforced it will be the cause of some major inconveniences for a lot of already fed up people,
  11. I doubt insurance companies have ever payed out for any of the above they are never ones to miss a chance to discharge their own liabilities All new cars manufactured in the last 30 years or so would have been fitted with rear seatbelts as standard, If you have been in a taxi without rear belts then they must have been removed, Why would they do that ??
  12. As I remember they talked about this a bout 4 or 5 years ago just before the mass exodus home for songkran, It literally just faded away, Perhaps they realised last minute how many policemen and other "officials" drive these vehicles. There are 6 policemen in the wifes immediate family and several uniformed women who hang out a the Ampur ( who seem to be incapable of explaining what they actually do ) It may be a coincidence and I've not got round to asking , yet but every one of them has recently upgraded to a new 4 door pick up from a 2 door "cab" Needless to say my missis wants me to follow suit needless to say she is going to be disappointed , in fact doubly so, because if this law is enforced enthusiastically , the price of 2nd hand 2 door "cab" pick ups will drop like a stone and I might just buy one. 2nd hand oh the shame lol
  13. we are all ambassadors from countries that stopped wearing masks a long time ago.
  14. Biased for sure ! So you smoked a joint in 2004 and 1 year later you felt depressed as a result ? have you any idea how ridiculous that statement is, I have never laughed so much in my life, one could not make this up. Do you spend a lot time asking people who appear depressed if they smoke marijuana? that's a strange pastime by any standards in my opinion And finally your "friend" ate a couple of brownies and became "depressed" so you decided to take her to a "health farm" whatever that is, LOL I'm sure they will be glad of your custom. How much does it cost these days to have a magnet rubbed against ones forehead? lol and by the way , saying you drove her there yourself does not convey any credibility to your fairy tale Your posts are exactly what we would expect from somebody who was once a magistrate, a position occupied by arrogant people who consider themselves fit to judge others . and your admission of previous cannabis use clearly indicates a level of hypocrisy which is not uncommon either
  15. You cannot link to anything connected to the Daily Mail and expect it to be considered "credible" by anybody
  16. Selling equipment to smoke cannabis will also be illegal. I hope that doesn't include papers !
  17. Its no different to anywhere else, If I remember correctly there was a bit of outrage in the UK when it was revealed that Mp's received an allowance (from public funds) enabling them to employ PR consultants. ! I don't think things here are any worse for the population than anywhere else. its just that the government here don't hide it so well, so its more overt . Incompetence and greed seem to be a common theme with all governments and don't forget in the west many have to suffer not only their own governments' failings but also the incompetence and greed of the European Union
  18. Before the outrage starts , has anybody got any figures for other countries governments to give us a little bit of perspective I doubt that its unique to Thailand, If its spent in Thailand its doing some good for the economy, That should also be taken into consideration. I bet it pales into insignificance compared to the UK's overseas aid bill which generally means giving money to people and governments that hate us
  19. That's probably very true, but who would replace them ? I don't think there would be many volunteers who could do any better, Its a bit of an unenviable job in the face of Raging inflation , shrinking economies , possible WW3 , Recent Pandemic , and whatever else they dream up to throw at us. Holidays may still be possible at present but I fear there is going to be bit of "belt tightening" required soon enough and holidays along with other luxuries will become a distant memory for some.
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