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Bday Prang

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Everything posted by Bday Prang

  1. I am not qualified to teach you the subtleties of the English language you are the "teacher" work it out for your self , if you can
  2. well out in the sticks where I live my "look kreung", the only one at that school , is actually forbidden to speak english by the "teachers" wonder why that is lol and sorry to disappoint you but he has never been picked on except perhaps by "teachers" He was even told in class that I should attend a lesson or two as my English is less than perfect. I went to see the teacher concerned and he refused to discuss the matter in Thai, then when I tried to discuss the matter in simple English he literally did not have a clue what I was talking about
  3. Seems a strange reason to be picked on however kids will be kids and can often be very unpleasant in some respects. I am not in favour of anybody being picked on for any reason. One of my kids got beat up for wearing the wrong sort of trainers I could not understand that at all ?
  4. Contrary to what you may think I am not on a quest to find anybody, there is no need to search they tend to appear uninvited normally screaming outrage or accusations . i freely admit i do despise these people who claim to be offended at the slightest thing and normally on behalf of others , I also despise the pedantic people who would dictate what can and cannot be said, where does their self appointed authority come from ? Why would they argue for example that this week "coloured" is ok but then next week it has to be "people of colour" and the following week it has to be "black" and any body who doesn't agree (or keep up) is a racist ? who decides which word is in fashion and which is unacceptable, what gives them the right to micro manage the behaviour of others ? the arrogance is actually unbelievable. Plenty of things offend me, but I have never called for anything to be banned. Do I consider my self a racist ? of course not Do any of my black and asian friends think I am ? I don't think so Do any of the woke think I am racist ? Of course they all do for their own twisted reasons, Including me enjoying a sit-com on Tv when I was 12 years old Do I have a right to express my "outrage" at that kind of rubbish ? if not why not?
  5. Seems a bit unusual to be picked on for that reason, mind you kids will be kids and anybody is fair game ,Were you the only curly haired kid at you school? I'm not in favour of anybody being picked on for any reason
  6. I never heard of a kid being picked on for having Auburn hair, are you sure there was no other reason?
  7. whether you want to or not is irrelevant you are clearly not qualified to
  8. The wokies haven't got round to taking offence on behalf of gingers yet, have you thought of calling yourself "strawberry blonde" There was a couple of gingers at school with me they had ferocious tempers and rarely got picked on more than once
  9. Never met an Australian black guy but if he was black he wouldn't be half caste would he? just askin
  10. I did not say it was , I asked if it was , the clue would be the question mark, So you are certainly not qualified to teach me or anybody else English, What makes you think you are qualified to teach me anything else "sir"
  11. I have worked in the construction industry for over 40 years I have personally known and worked with hundreds if not thousands of Irish men I have never once met one who was upset in anyway regarding Irish jokes. I have been told many many irish jokes by Irish people they have a brilliant sense of humour the article that your link leads to is just not true in my experience. They do tend to get a bit upset if they are referred to as "paddy" but that is only the guys from northern Ireland "Ulstermen" who consider themselves to be english
  12. Thank you for the lesson in Thai, But i think you are about as wrong as you can be I have never met a Thai or a look khreung that considers it a derogatory term , Maybe all my thai friends and family are indeed rascist If You could tell me what the polite Thai word is for a mixed race kid I will educate them accordingly
  13. A perfect example of people being able to laugh at them selves and inviting others to do the same what's the problem?
  14. No idea celtic would be my guess I'm sure you will tell me when you've looked it up, Either way Irish jokes are considered out of order by some but not normally by the Irish themselves
  15. I quite like that word but I doubt it would be considered appropriate by woke western standards "half child" implying that the child in question is only 1/2 the value of a full Thai kid even though in reality it is not generally considered to be a disadvantage especially in the media where their lighter skin tone is considered an attractive quality " for some reason"
  16. I have no Idea what your user name is derived from the fact that it contains the word moron will undoubtedly offend somebody somewhere. In the same way blackboard was alleged to be offensive just for containing the word "black" if my user name was "brit-spastic" I doubt i would be allowed to use it for long
  17. Try it with Islam and see what happens didn't do salman rushdie much good the "law" is often the least of ones worries
  18. maybe you need to keep up with modern trends, moron ,cretin , halfwit, tec etc are all considered in appropriate these days so i am told I think the modern day adjective is "Learning difficulties" or "challenged" in one way or the other I'm sure somebody on here will confirm this either way I am now offended, Doesn't that sound ridiculous ? come on be honest
  19. Isn't the whole show racist regarding the Irish and an offensive portrayal of their religion? should it be banned?
  20. Do you genuinely believe that "eddie booth" became a hero to racists. ? come on be serious
  21. It still seems to be going over the heads of people, even the "more sophisticated and better educated" people of today as another post described them
  22. oh dear the wokies can't agree on the true nature of a lighthearted tv sit com Personally I would not consider a modern day audience more sophisticated or better educated. And to say there are more people at the target end of the skits is just not true as both characters were the butt of jokes. Unless you mean there are just more people alive today which is not disputed Whilst I'm at it I have to say that use of the word "moron" in your username may well offend some people, have you considered that ?
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