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Bday Prang

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Everything posted by Bday Prang

  1. I wasn't accusing you or anything, I was just showing you his (Thunglom), amazing 3 min "racism test" as in a previous post you indicated that didn't know about it. I haven't been following your discussions with him purely an informative post I think he wrote it himself
  2. this one:- never really considered myself a racist but I think i tick most of the boxes, I wonder if any other members have failed "The racism test"
  3. should still be neutered of course, we don't want any more, as if we cant find homes for them, they will have to be put down
  4. I imagine he said it in a German accent does that make me guilty of stereotyping germans ?
  5. I'd call them virtue signallers I have stronger words for the clergy WoW
  6. A lot of people pretend to be christians I cannot understand why
  7. we've gone off topic a bit but It's surely worth mentioning that there are many wokie christians who have issues with certain things written in the bible, but don't seem to extend their sense of injustice to any of the writings within the quran
  8. Depends whether you mean celebrate in the true sense of the word or do you mean by drinking to excess and wasting money on consumer goods? The latter being in the majority but I'm not sure that actually counts as "celebrating christmas" from a theological point of ]view the person who celebrates the most would probably be Jeff Bezos
  9. Probably less than 5% in the Uk judging by the number of cars parked outside the local churches in my area, That would be 3.5 million people on the move every sunday and I just can't imagine that is true. Might be a higher percentage in southern Ireland Catholics are the fundamentalist branch of christianity after all
  10. I did too actually , and coincidentally I thought of two words, the second word was "off" I personally have no need for an imaginary friend , and niether would any rational person if they weren't brainwashed from the minute they can speak
  11. Do you think you are qualified to contradict or even question my personal experience. I am pretty choosy who i associate with , obviously i make exceptions for this website
  12. Just finished looking at your little list of racism, looked very comprehensive at first glance, a bit like something the Spanish inquisition would have dreamed up. Is that what you personally base your everyday accusations of racism on. If that is the case you no doubt consider just about everybody on earth a racist (with the obvious exception of yourself of course) who compiled the list for you " trigglypuff" lol https://knowyourmeme.com/memes/trigglypuff you'd get on well with her haha she's on you tube too you could cover your ears for the offensive stuff and just listen to her outrage if you'd rather play safe I've highlighted a few of the more ridiculous ones I could easily have discredited all of them 9 what pronouns should be used (a very touchy subject for the woke and not just regarding race) or could you advise on an acceptable "level of use" regarding 3rd person pronouns ? 19 "did you hear the one about" what kind of jokes do you like, interesting question isn't it ? I don't think it will take long to list them, and I doubt laughter is a common expression for you 21 using the word racialist (as opposed to racist) I never considered a basic grammatical error possibly the result of a limited intellect or speech impediment could be construed as evidence of racism 23 "woke" is actually a derogatory adjective, now that we ("the unwoke") have reclaimed it 27 "all lives matter" not as far as you are concerned I'm sure 30 "micro aggressions" shocking stuff I'm sure we all agree after the "disgusting|" example you gave us what could be more "offensive " than suggesting that anyone has the chance of success if they work hard enough, particularly in the UK the most racially tolerant and accommodating country in the world would you really like me to continue ? Do you ever post on Thai related subjects or is this the sole purpose of your membership here I've long suspected this site to have been hijacked by social justice warriors.
  13. Well i don't know any "christian " my self included that gives religion a second thought but I'll take your word for it, However I don't consider it cause for concern, Its not like they practice female or male genital mutilation and I haven't heard of any beheadings as a result of the increase, have you? Although I must admit the child abuse issue is something that needs to be addressed. But am I offended? not particularly.
  14. How many regular church goers do you know ?
  15. You obviously have no knowledge of UK law , Its probably best if you keep quiet
  16. I assume you are referring to the practising variety ( tiny minority) , The vast majority of people classed as christians have had no interest in their religion at all for a long time.
  17. good point, and I am also wary of people who for some reason are always a bit to quick to identify as victims or those supporting them
  18. I've already put you right regarding one inaccurate criticism, do I really have to do it again? you must be feeling embarrassed about your last attempt
  19. Well the wont be watching 'allo 'allo its been banned by the wokies as have several episodes of other classic british comedies, A controversial comedian has been banned from performing ( to adults) in a large city in the UK as the "woke" mayor doesn't like his subject content and has decided others should not be allowed to see him perform, WE dont control the off button thats now the purpose of the close ally of the woke their main enforcer "cancel culture" A strange spin off from that was the famous author JK rowling who was cancelled by the ungrateful little brats that she made famous. basically for daring to state the medical definition of "woman"
  20. They don't actually need any facts, In the uk for example you only have to "perceive" that you were the victim of a "hate crime" to be considered as such. A law for snowlakes written by snowflakes
  21. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Dinner_for_One read it and weep then you can congratulate me on what was actually a very objective comment and will now hopefully have been explained to you by the clever wiki people It may well be part of Norway's Christmas but its a British part But one thing all us Brits will agree on even those who haven't seen it is,...It will sound a hell of a lot funnier when dubbed into Norwegian hahahaha
  22. I think the word woke was originally used by native english speakers to mean "not asleep" as far as I am aware It may well have been hijacked by others, that is not uncommon, It has now been reclaimed, and is used sarcastically by the dissatisfied and not very vocal majority who are getting more and more fed up with the very vocal "woke" minority Killing not really a consideration ? its the armed forces not social services. Unless I am mistaken the generally accepted way of attacking of defending militarily is by killing people, , ideally the opposing forces soldiers, but if civilians get in the way then so be it.
  23. It was written by a british guy Lauri Wylie and starred a british guy Freddie Frinton It was written for the theatre but some german guy saw it in blackpool and the rest is history I had never heard of it until some germans told me about it. It was never shown on TV in the UK but now it is shown every year on sky at xmas according to wiki. Why they show it I don't know as its awful. Maybe the UK leftie media are worried that German expats are entitled to view it as part of their human right to a traditional German xmas
  24. Well I mentioned him first and I can assure you I have never read the Spectator I am frantically wracking my brain trying to imagine why anybody would want to post some thing like that If you are trying to defend a so called "expert" and the best you can come up with is that his predictions were less wrong than the predictions made by a "covid denier" in the early days of covid then you will need to try a bit harder. Its almost as if Neil Ferguson posted that himself, Its exactly the response I would have expected from him. That's uncanny unless......
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