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Bday Prang

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Everything posted by Bday Prang

  1. "i briefly studied sociology" nothing more need be said
  2. I did not mention exploitation I was referring to racism, there seems to be a lack of understanding of the fundamental concept of my post combined with a fundamental ignorance regarding Thai and Chinese attitudes to foreigners You stated in a previous post that you have no knowledge of the Thai language It is therefore quite likely you are lacking knowledge of Thais in general
  3. The essence of this sit com has been explained in a previous post that you obviously have either not read or have chosen to ignore. In every episode the The "racist" character was portrayed as a small minded bigot whilst there were a few insults bandied about they black guy always gave as good as he got and each episode ended with the white guy looking a fool. If ever there was an anti-racist sit com it was this There may well have been a few insults exchanged "nig nog" from one side countered by snowflake or honky by the other for example but to cite this show as some sort of call to arms for racists is just pure fantasy Every episode had at its centre the underlying moral that racists were nothing more than small minded bigots it wasn't hidden away like the clues in a cryptic crossword and one didn't have to look very hard . The target audience of working class British people had no difficulty in gasping this and neither did I or my 12 year old school mates some of which were black. Anybody who does have difficulty in grasping this simple concept has either never watched the show with an open mind or turned off the tv in righteous outrage at the first utterance of an expletive that offended their sensitivities If it was as racist as you claim , how on earth were the black actors persuaded to appear in it do you think they were pressganged ? Or were they themselves prepared to further the cause of racism just for a wage ? Or just maybe they too saw it for what it actually was. The portrayal of a racist bigot who's views caused him to fall out with his friends and look stupid
  4. I'm sure he knows a lot more than you on the subject
  5. People need to get over themselves Oh dear somebody was "offended" what a pity , never mind, What does being "offended" actually mean ? in real terms feeling a bit "hurt" just about sums it up . its not exactly the end of the world, just count to 10 the feeling soon disappears "least said soonest mended " as my mother used to say Some people really enjoy playing the victim
  6. If you think that applies to Thai companies employing Cambodians for example or to Chinese companies employing non chinese you are very mistaken
  7. And Thai transgenders spend a lot less time whinging and crying about what pronouns have been used to refer to them they are generally more content and balanced than their western drama queen victim counterparts.
  8. Of course not any wokie can be offended on behalf of somebody else it doesn't matter if the other person is offended or not As long as the wokie has perceived offense even were non exists then he is good to go. As I mentioned before , if somebody had overheard a bit of banter between me and a black friend and considered it racist they could report me , even if my friend asked them not to . The police would also wish to speak to my friend to establish if he was offended and even if he convinced them that he was not they would proceed to question me to establish "what I was thinking " oh yes thought police do exist
  9. Also as has been mentioned on this thread there has been no Thai law broken , if this is the case any disciplinary action is indeed inappropriate and would be over ruled in a tribunal. He can't be sacked for offending the op's sensitivities
  10. hahaha try it and see what happens we cannot accept racism when directed at cows,,,ever
  11. hahahha of course we should never use such a racist phrase . I doubt there is any alternative phrase that would be acceptable to stigmatise what is presumably a "minority group" Just stop for a minute and think how "offensive" that could be to person or persons unknown lol I noted in an earlier post that you asked if people referring to your kids as mixed race were being racist,? well according to english law and at least one member on here, if you, or indeed anybody else that happened to overhear the remark,percieve it to be racist then it must be and you are almost obliged to take legal action if not for yourself then for the benefit of the offendee and society as a whole
  12. There are plenty of jokes about death, but to find anything funny one needs a sense of humour I wonder if you have a sense of humour at all ! Does anything make you laugh ? Or do you live your life in total woke misery. constantly trying to find and empathise with the "inevitable" victim hiding somewhere in every joke.
  13. There is humour in everything even death
  14. If you say so I have several black and asian friends back in the UK and we have no problem laughing at each others idiosyncrasies likewise with my Thai friends here. No doubt if you overheard us you would be offended and report us to the authorities, But probably not when they laughed at me for getting my snowflake skin sunburnt and when they joked about being more generously endowed . That's what people do when having fun with friends its called banter, what a miserable humourless world some people live in
  15. And a favorite attacking strategy of the woke is to deny the existence of humour and see hate and vitriol everywhere what a grim world they inhabit
  16. Not at all, according to the wokies the correct word to use apparently is "chalk board" hahahaha
  17. You are getting confused My wife has never (as far as I am aware) referred to me as farang kee nook, however if she did she would not mean it literally and I have a sense of humour By Auburn hair do you mean ginger ? lol
  18. Simple question ,,,,Can you not tell the difference between light hearted banter and slavery ,
  19. i the UK not so long ago the london police had a stop and search initiative specifically aimed at reducing the appalling amount knife crime in the capital. Quite a few black kids were caught with knives prompting the usual allegations of racism against the police. The purpose of the initiative was to remove knives from the streets and lessen the number of victims of stabbings The overwhelming majority of knife crime in London is described by the police as "black on black" All the victims of black on black stabbings are by essence essentially black The wokies argued it was racist Go figure that one out
  20. Its not pathetic , its far more sinister than that The Uk is one of the least racist countries in the world I can't wait to read the responses to that statement, You mentioned in a previous post that racism is not illegal in Thailand and I don't disagree with you, I wonder how the guy in the OP would justify sacking his subordinate for breaking a non-existent law that existed only in his own imagination to an employment tribunal lol It would be a bit like sacking me in the UK for not having a work permit
  21. That may be so, but your definition of tourists based on their spending habits is as weird as your concern regarding whether or not he is helping the tourism industry, and is of no interest to anybody but yourself , your post reeks of righteousness, a common trait of many on here. Thai immigration make the rules and not people like you, thankfully
  22. When commenting on threads such as this one, I may well have used the word "Woke" and various derivations of it quite frequently, I do not use it, as you suggest, in order to defend social ills. I use it , unapologetically ,in keeping with its modern day sarcastic connotation, to pour scorn on predominately white, left wing middle class misguided social justice warrior zealots who imagine they see racism and prejudice every where they look , people who take offence at the drop of a hat, normally on behalf of others who they have "identified" as "victims" ! People who for some reason hate their own culture and countries and will take any opportunity to virtue signal to others of the same persuasion. The black and white minstrel show In the UK was not banned due complaints from any black people that I know ' as I said in a previous post my grand parents watched and enjoyed it with their black friends occasionally and they all enjoyed the renditions of the popular songs, The show its self was consigned to the archives and pretty much forgotten about long before those who took offence from it were even born, In effect, there was no point actually just banning it It had to be resurrected first, and then banned that was the most effective way for the wokies to be seen to be doing the "right" thing whilst at the same time demonising people like my grandparents who innocently enjoyed it I was a little surprised at your last sentence, I'm far from an expert on the show and maybe I am displaying my ignorance but I always thought that the actors that appeared in the show were actually white people "blacked up" and that was the reason for all the offence taken. You imply that they were actually black, if that was the case there was no reason for them to "black up" at all, and If only they had performed without the white make up around their lips it would have just been black people performing covers of songs made famous previously by other black people no different to and no more controversial than say "soul train"
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