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Bday Prang

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Everything posted by Bday Prang

  1. A somewhat pointless and meaningless article, Anybody with large amounts of spare money in the bank is suffering big losses due to inflation, I am having serious difficulty believing that 1023 savings accounts contain 500 million baht, who on earth would keep that amount of money in a savings account ? Is there an amount that would be guaranteed should the bank collapse,? In the UK its around £80k can't see it being much more than 1 million baht Now that the daughter has left home my mrs recently started sorting out and chucking out all her boxes of Junk. she found about a dozen bank books from different accounts all with next to nothing in them, I imagine that to be a common scenario. Many Thais will buy gold rather than stash money away in the bank
  2. Not sure where you come from, but I can assure you, that where I lived in the early 1990's "The Sun" itself was not even a household name. at least not in the sense that you mean, and it is still despised, and regarded as unfit to be used as toilet paper to this day That's probably why Jordan was never very popular in Liverpool, that and her annoying Essex accent,
  3. Indeed it is, that's what they get paid for, and that's why they have an interest in peoples immigration status. You however........
  4. If she did bring him it wouldn't cramp her style very much. The kid would be dealt with by "others" most of the time, but would be brought out for carefully choreographed camera work to be used in the no-doubt forth comming reality tv documentary. Now that she's a bit past her sell by date she needs a new image and appearing to be the "angelic caring mother of a disabled kid" will probably do just fine for now I'm not sure how she would fare on a night out in Bangkok, Speaking personally I wouldn't be tempted away from the local offerings and I doubt any other western guys would either. The best she could hope for would be to catch the eye of a drunk Thai or a Japanese Businessman, neither of whom would be able to "touch the sides"
  5. I was thinking of him then another name sprung to mind, Will young? Then I started doubting that it was even Jordan as there was another one just like her but slightly lesser known called Jodie Marsh. I suppose I could google it but to be honest I can't be bothered
  6. She was bad news, towards the end of her "fame" she was involved in a relationship with an australian guy called Peter Andre he was a pretty boy "pop star" A one hit wonder who had enjoyed minor success in the UK in the 90's A fly on the wall documentary was soon launched on TV to boost their flagging careers. I was never a fan of Peter Andre's soppy pop music but he did come across as a genuine guy , albeit a bit naive, who was prepared to try and make a go of things with her. but as you might expect she treated him like <deleted> and he eventually <deleted> off, back down under, I think Now I may be wrong but I think there was also some controversy a little more recently, There was a talent show on Uk TV X factor or Britain's got talent or something like that, the first series was won by some young effeminate looking guy . Can't remember his name (what a surprise) but I'm 90% sure there was some sort of story in the sunday papers about how this young lad lost his virginity to her at or just after a showbiz party ,and then had a breakdown when she dumped him, can anybody remember that?
  7. Maybe the Kardashians aren't dim but there must be some real halfwits involved, somewhere, in the process that has made them billionaires
  8. Its expensive enough if you haven't got 4000 baht, considering she's facing bankruptcy that is a strong possibility. For those unfamiliar with the subject of the OP She is the epitome of the British version of "trailer trash" the very personification of council estate scum, However she does actually deserve some credit, her "business model" was years ahead of its time. She was a relatively unknown soft porn "model" calling herself "Jordan" who underwent a ridiculous amount of plastic surgery on her breasts ( 16 operations according to the OP) in an attempt to be famous, not sure of the exact statistics but she went from something like a normal 34 c cup to something like a 48 gg and back again , several times !!. This did gain her some fame but she wasn't satisfied, Her stroke of genius whether intentional or not, was to " accidently" allow a video of herself having sex find its way onto the internet. Amid the outrage she was taken on board by the british porn industry and became a household name. There was a cheap perfume released in her name and a range of tacky "lingerie" And she was the subject of a few fly on the wall documentaries, I think she made quite a lot of money. The same business model is still working well for the Kardashian clan. However it all went predictably wrong in the usual ways, Toxic relationships , Trips to Rehab , and no doubt some serious financial mismanagement, combined with a basic lack of any real substance in the product itself (her) all synched together and she was over and forgotten as quickly as her initial rise to fame, She still manages to get her face in the papers now and again, normally when she's up on drink / drug driving charges, or appearing at bankruptcy hearings, and of course , the now rare occasions , when she gets her tits out
  9. " Which is a very serious thing " ???????????? You sound like another retired teacher I'll never understand why people like you get their panties in such a bunch about other peoples' immigration status. Unless you work for the immigration department it really isn't something to concern yourself about at all, is it ? Or are you indulging in a rather perverse form of virtue signalling?
  10. I get the feeling cannabis "normalisation" is and will be permanently on thin ice for the foreseeable future. Although that is completely unjustified . It's been what ? 9 months now ? and the predicted breakdown of society just hasn't happened . All the doom-mongering so called experts have been proven wrong Surely somebody somewhere can see sense? I mean the facts speak for themselves A country was plunged into unregulated cannabis availability and usage , no draconian restrictions have been implemented re driving for example and it all seems to be working very well. If this was a social experiment it would be hailed as a total success (apart from that guy who cut his own cock off lol)
  11. And long may it continue ! Many problems can be made to disappear here, for the price of a good night out back home. Money makes the world go round and corruption is in no way unique to Thailand or Asia. Many westerners moving here have difficulty accepting this concept. They think that corruption does not exist "back home" It does. However the "system" has ensured that this advantageous method of achieving ones objectives is out of reach of "normal" people, It operates at a much higher level, Its difficult to make contact with the necessary people , (government ministers, police chiefs etc. etc ) and the amounts of money required are way too high. Social engineering, and petty jealousy have ensured that those who don't have enough money to avail themselves of this practice are generally not in favour of it. An example would be the scorn poured on people who pay money to jump hospital waiting lists by "going private" or who choose to pay money to provide a better education for their kids. The criticism, understandably, always comes from those to poor to play the game, and who feel that they are missing out But this is not "back home" and nobody needs to feel they are missing out, thankfully corruption is much more accessible here and its often quite reasonably priced , when compared to the alternative. Many difficult situations can be made less difficult if one is prepared to play the game and be a little "generous " when required. People can huff and puff with righteous indignation all they like but they will be doing it from " the back of the queue" or as they return home without their visa extension or whatever. They should spend more time trying to assimilate into this fascinating aspect of Thai "culture" but if , like price haggling at the market, they just can't bring themselves to do it, then they should leave it to the missis (but i suggest setting a limit first)
  12. Looks like the "hang 'em high" crowd has got a new recruit ! What is it with people like you ?
  13. That's somewhat illogical , smoking weed and smoking tobacco are not mutually exclusive . I can't come up with a reason for banning them , Its obviously not out of any genuine concern for public health , There is obviously money to be made here so why hasn't this been exploited ? Usually these golden "opportunities" are gifted to certain elite influential families King Power being one example , Why hasn't this been claimed by the next in line ? May be they are still arguing about who's turn it is .
  14. An average of 3 Funerals per month for nine years ? Are you kidding ? !! That has to be some sort of record ! Could get quite expensive too, depending on how much you put in the envelope
  15. Up until about 10 years ago I always used ME non O visas and never had to show any financial requirements at all I could get them from Liverpool or Hull, Then when I was 49 years old I was refused and told I needed to be 50. The following year I was told they were no longer available. and the year after I think e-visas started and they were not offered , The E- visa website definitely indicates they are available now though. however one of the listed requirements appears to be the dreaded 40,000/400.000 health insurance, although it is a sort of generic page and some of the other so called required documents are not always required, this issue can often be navigated by uploading a jpeg saying "not applicable" I've just booked a flight and will be needing a visa soon so I may give it a try
  16. Is this actually for real ?? Well if it is and stupid people like this actually do exist then why stop there, maybe send them off for a few days chopping sugar cane. After they have enjoyed that part of thai culture the women could spend a few shifts in an Issan massage parlour / karaoke joint, and the guys could visit in the capacity of "customer" Follow that up with a job at home pro or in a chinese factory for a full days and maybe round the experience off with a few days military service and an option to spend a day or two taxi driving in Bangkok and that's a full weeks itinerary that some idiots are going to be falling over themselves to sign up for, just make sure its advertised as "carbon neutral" "sustainable" and of course open to people of all sexual persuasions, Think I might take this to that "dragons den" TV show could be on to a winner lol
  17. That's the Whole point, there is no "actual answer" Its Thailand and that's just how things work here, Like many here you seem to feel a little insecure once removed from your nanny state environment . You would be better advised to keep your eyes open and see how it all works here, and also listen to what you are told by people with long term experience.. There is little to no point in trying to establish "what the law actually says" as in most instances, this will be decided by whichever police officer is dealing with you at the time, and he certainly won't be the slightest bit interested in your interpretation of the law, It is a boring topic and about as much use as "Should I wear a helmet" ?
  18. A very depressing yet predictable comment ! This seems to be a standard diversionary and deflecting tactic employed by the usual "progressive" left wing wokies whenever those of certain ethnicities are under scrutiny, The OP is about the reaction of Thai nationals to dangerous and anti-social behaviour by foreigners in Thailand.. It is not about The "shocking" way a TVF member correctly identified their nationality using their name If their names had been used to correctly identify them as "White" British for example, would you still have felt the need to virtue signal. and make a cheap and pathetic racism jibe at a member who accurately identified them using their surnames ? No I thought not, However if you wish to go further off topic don't let me stop you speculating about how their long term stay in Thailand might be at least in part funded by the state benefits that they receive ( I don't care about the drug dealing)
  19. Who could blame them ? And it will be the same for the UK and all the other European countries that have been "invaded"
  20. Totally different from their "caring and attentive" western counterparts. In the UK for example, all children are reared by saint like parents and naturally develop into perfect little angels who never put a foot wrong.
  21. I think its safe to say that the vast majority of cannabis grown in Thailand since time immemorial has had nothing to do with "cbd"
  22. I can assure you he was not growing it for "medical" use. but as you said nothing to see here.
  23. Its Thailand , I don't see the Irony of anything the police do, You should not apply "western logic" especially were the police are concerned. Could you please explain what you mean by "keep on keeping on"
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