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Bday Prang

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Posts posted by Bday Prang

  1. 1 hour ago, Gecko123 said:

    One motive for the cop's behavior, which I actually think may be likely, is that he wanted to get out of the arduous paperwork which taking in the police report would entail. Just think of the pages of explanations from both parties which would have to be written up. What a headache. Plus all the paperwork if it's referred to the court for prosecution.


    So the cop, trying to avoid all the paperwork which he knows would be coming down the pike, tries to cajole the foreigner into coughing up the missing money. Problem solved, everybody's happy. So the cop's motive might not have been greed, but a desire to shirk paperwork.


    This happened to me a number of years back. I was attacked, threw a punch in return. Down at the police station the cop pressured me into dropping my complaint by saying that they would have to accept the counter-complaint from the party who attacked me. That same sort of "easiest way to make the problem go away" mentality might have been in play here.

     You were attacked  !!! now why doesn't that surprise me, and no doubt the police just wanted to get rid of you once you started mouthing off about your "rights" down at the station....Some people just don't fit in here do they 

    • Confused 1
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  2. 2 minutes ago, BritManToo said:

    I'm happy with 5% THC at 4bht/gm.

    Im not happy with 20% THC at 700bht/gm.


    I don't really care about the taste of the weed, in the same way I don't care about the taste of paracetamol. 

    Not sure either of us would be happy with weed that tasted like paracetamol though !  lol  I remember back in the 80's there was some awful Afghani hash going around which tasted like a mixture of diesel and rubber, it didn't even get you stoned just made you feel sick, and there was another one that we called "formula"  which was just as bad if not worse, did you ever come across that stuff?

    • Like 1
  3. 3 hours ago, daveAustin said:

    Have you got a link and do they do cod? Could of course search, but if others verify a source it makes things easier. ????

    Yes nearly all do COD. but  not much point sending you a link as many of the weed listings get removed by the site admin, you can't really spend too much time choosing, so if you see one that looks good for you then go for it before it is removed. You can check the COD status on the check out page. before you actually place your order

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  4. 2 hours ago, Boomer6969 said:

    Have you actually seen in my post the question mark after "sex, drugs" ? It was meant to reveal my uncertainty about what happens in this place where I have indeed never been. The possibilities I have raised, were based on the reputation of this area to attract mostly dodgy backpackers. 


    But it remains that "real (healthy) backpackers would be way better off hiking the Lake district instead of some degenerate concrete jungle.

    I suggest a little more research is required on your part before condemning some where as a "degenerate concrete jungle" and the people who visit there as "stupid"   you should certainly be a little more selective with the information you use to form your inaccurate preconceptions / misconceptions.   I guess you would be better off enjoying a cream scone in Ambleside although I wouldn't reccomend rolling a joint there

    • Sad 1
  5. 46 minutes ago, Bday Prang said:

    I don't think that's actually "pollen" in the true sense of the word,   as far as  am aware actual pollen is produced only from male flowers, I think what you are referring to is currently called Kief

    Although I do remember there used to be a pale coloured hash available in holland called polm which used to be mispronounced as pollen by many in the UK

  6. 1 minute ago, Bert got kinky said:


    My main problem with these disturbances is the 'so called' expert doesn't offer anything to the thread, only disruption.

    The O/P asked a good question and other posters took time out of their lives to offer their experiences and thoughts on the matter, only for a troll to come on here and slate them off for trying to help.

    Sorry that I have to use the word 'troll' here but I cannot think of another name for someone who goes onto a thread that is running smoothly with the only intention of disrupting/wrecking the thread.


    For some people its a way of promoting their self importance, a kind of narcissistic behaviour, most of the prohibitionists seem to be that way inclined ,   I wonder if they have suddenly noticed that all their dire predictions have not come true ? not heard a peep out of the usual suspects for a while. I'm starting to get bored lol     The media seems to have quietened down too , and even the advertisers seem to have started to realise that just by mentioning the word Cannabis and painting a green leaf on the label of stuff isn't going to cause millions of salivating "potheads to go into a shopping frenzy.

    • Haha 2
  7. 17 hours ago, MrMuddle said:

    Thank you, much appreciated.

    No problem but don't hold your breath , the sellers on shopee seem to be having to play a game of cat and mouse with the site admin, most weed listings seem to get removed pretty quickly  (but strangely not all of them) I looked last night and the petchabun guy was not listed, or at least i didn't see him ,   I only noticed him once before that was some time last week, but if I do see him again I'll be sure to let you know . 


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