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Bday Prang

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Posts posted by Bday Prang

  1. 2 hours ago, vandeventer said:

    They know, but the way Thai driver see things is the bigger you are the more right of way you have. Example, people yield to motorcycles, motorcycles yield to cars, cars yield to trucks. The bigger you are the less you yield to. After driving here for 20 years this is how I see it. 

    Good observation and very true. If only people could understand and remember this simple concept, rather than whingeing that its "not like it is back home"    Its a bit like speaking the language, you need to speak it  like a Thai, or you won't get far  

  2. I saw an advert on shopee from a seller in petchabun  cant remember the name as I live in Surin and didn't pay that much attention  but as well as their mail order business they also gave directions to the shop which sounded like it was at least near to the town center and encouraged people to pop in  If I see the ad again I'll let you know

  3. 37 minutes ago, Chomper Higgot said:

    What’s this ‘for free’ nonsense.


    People in the UK are paying the highest taxes since the Second World War, and getting appalling service, if any service at all:



    Do honestly think it would better with the other idiots in charge of things,? Of course it wouldn't

  4. 4 hours ago, Chomper Higgot said:

    This particular piece of smugness deserves its own response because it’s a clear indication of precisely how out of touch you, and this Government, are with the problems people in the UK are facing now.


    The lack of access to dentists is a significant problem and a regular point of discussion, the perhaps you’ve never had a tooth ache.


    The message is clear, whether it be access to dentists, GP’s, hospital care or even responding to a 999 call, the public have been abandoned by a government that has no concern for ordinary people.



    I'm just an average bloke from the nw of uk  and I have never had problem getting to see either a doctor or a dentist and I don't know of anybody who has, I Other than a bit of messing about at the beginning of covid which i guess is understandable it was pretty much soon back to normal (apart from some of the ridiculous protocols) Even saw a few accidents at work 999 and they were there in minutes on 3 different occasions  at 3 different places. So I don't think things are quite as bad as they are painted by a mainstream media that will do anything to get rid of the conservatives  

                                     However for any one to suggest that we would be noticeably better of with a Labour government is pure fantasy

    They are both as bad as each other, I would say that there are very very few that are there for the benefit of anybody else but themselves,  Its an exclusive club with two teams and once they join they are  the only two  places they will have any loyalty to( whilst it suits them). The club , and their own political party They  are all the same, no matter which side they are on

                                        What would you imagine their actual job description say's  ?    It will only 4 words   either "get elected " or "keep seat" anything else doesn't matter, they don't even care if they are in power or opposition, Its like a football match and as long as they get a game everything is ok. 


    No qualifications req'd other than the ability to get elected, it really is as simple as that        and the only thing you must not do is say the wrong thing (even if its true) at any cost


    So what we are left with is the result of greed on behalf of some of them and incompetence on behalf of others . The whole system up is set up to attract the wrong sort of people, a sort of celebrity culture has started, for example,  the prime minister wife was never known as and shouldn't be referred to as "the first lady"


    The whole thing needs changing, any body who wants to be a politician should never be allowed to be.  A different system is needed and I don't know what it is  But one thing is for sure, as long as people behave like they are doing on here, Throwing insults and listing problems, quoting meaningless statistics and hailing the virtues of their own party whilst vilifying the opposition nothing is going to change You all need to remember that nothing is as it seems, Pretty much everything we are told by the media is twisted to suit the powers that be. We don't have a clue what's actually going on. The enemy is not the other party its all of them in their exclusive club  They would all be very happy to watch you fighting with other rather than sussing out what they're are really up to

    • Like 1
  5. 8 hours ago, DezLez said:

    Why are the police being discriminated against or do they really know and accept that it is actually bad for some users!

    A ridiculous statement, of course they are not being discriminated against,, did you think they were allowed to drink at work too? of course they are not allowed to. Neither is anybody else, except perhaps bargirls and beer/wine tasters . And  no, its nothing to do with "accepting that its actually bad for some users" Its just common sense and part of trying to maintain a professional image.

    In any case all police stations like all public buildings are no smoking zones, or haven't you noticed 


    The essence of the order though is clear as daylight Its  (stlll) not illegal for the rest of society so if the police can accept it so should you


    • Like 2
    • Confused 2
  6. 18 minutes ago, Bert got kinky said:


    Not yet, I did look at it but the THC % is not shown.


    sorry copied the wrong quote last time!

    I was gonna say that's weird , coz I 'm sure i looked last night and it said 18-22% I just looked now and sure enough it says cbd - thc 1:1 in the photo,       Thought I must have been seeing things..... But if you look at the text at the bottom of the page It does say 18 / 22 %

    • Like 1
  7. 11 hours ago, Bert got kinky said:


    GreenLab offer a local 'Thai Stick' with the streain name of 'Tanaosri Kan Khaw WA1'.

    I bought 10g for testing and when I opened the sealed bag and saw the contents, I thought that I had been stitched up, rather than bud it looked very leafy.

    However, on smoking it I was pleasantly shocked.

    It is a decent high, not to little, not too much.


     Currently at 79 Baht per g, it's not a bad choice and is worth trying.


    My second 10g bag arrived today (I ordered it mid day Thursday), and I have just placed a new order for 30g.


    If you prefer higher CBD strains, they also have those in local stains.




     I was gonna say that's weird , coz I 'm sure i looked last night and it said 18-22% I just looked now and sure enough it says cbd - thc 1:1 in the photo,       Thought I must have been seeing things..... But if you look at the text at the bottom of the page It does say 18 / 22 %

  8. 11 hours ago, Bert got kinky said:


    GreenLab offer a local 'Thai Stick' with the streain name of 'Tanaosri Kan Khaw WA1'.

    I bought 10g for testing and when I opened the sealed bag and saw the contents, I thought that I had been stitched up, rather than bud it looked very leafy.

    However, on smoking it I was pleasantly shocked.

    It is a decent high, not to little, not too much.


     Currently at 79 Baht per g, it's not a bad choice and is worth trying.


    My second 10g bag arrived today (I ordered it mid day Thursday), and I have just placed a new order for 30g.


    If you prefer higher CBD strains, they also have those in local stains.




    Have you tried the !hang krarog ? seems to be a common local strain with similar spec

  9. 19 minutes ago, Wuvu2 said:

    Interesting - the High CBD/Low THC strains are 1/10 the price of the high THC strains (59 baht/gram). The cost of production must be roughly the same, and I'm sure they're making a reasonable profit at 59 Bhat/gram.  To me that suggests that's the fair price, and everything on top of that is profiteering on the moment's imbalance between supply and demand for the high THC strains. 



    Absolutely bang on. The only possible excuse for any bud being more expensive would be for plants with a longer flowering period and that's  only relevant when grown under lights. Even then the increase would be marginal considering most growers have moved from the old fashioned sodium lights and now use LED's Pure profiteering  Probably helped along by a good dose of the placebo effect.

    • Like 1
  10. 6 hours ago, digger70 said:

    How in Satans name was he allowed in Thailand ? will he be allowed to enter Thailand Again?  

    Don't they state ,

    No Crims and No Gangsters are allowed to enter Thailand, 

    But then Like he said Money can buy Anything in Thailand .


    I guess he's not the sort of quality tourist you like then ?    And just to worry you a bit more,, many if not most visas do not require a criminal record check.  So there will be many more like him.....Sleep well tonight

    • Thanks 1
    • Haha 1
  11. 1 hour ago, jacko45k said:

    Can't get enough of them, all  the asparagus, spring onions and strawberries are going bad!

    Most of the ones coming to the UK have no intention  of picking vegetables or fruit , besides we have enough of our own wasters to do that, unfortunately they seem to be better off on benefits so they have no intention of working either

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