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Bday Prang

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Posts posted by Bday Prang

  1. 21 minutes ago, Bkk Brian said:

    Not sure who the TVF  illuminati are but yes to finish your quote in context:,


    "While cannabis-related travellers are believed to be high spending and well educated, authorities don’t want to replicate the Dutch model, which led to massive concentration of cannabis coffee shops in Amsterdam and raised concerns over hard drug use and criminality."

    Doesn't actually change the context at all in my opinion the bit that says "While cannabis-related travellers are believed to be high spending and well educated" is not in anyway altered by what follows,  although I fail to see the logic in comparing a tiny area in the center of Amsterdam not much bigger than a shopping plaza, to the entire amassed tourist resorts of thailand   Also The term "raised concerns" doesn't actually mean anything in reality does it

  2. 48 minutes ago, Bkk Brian said:

    Calling people retard is not an advisory just because they hold different opinions, this is about any potential or not benefits from Cannabis tourism


    In terms of revenue there probably will be some very good opportunities but the regulations also need to be made very clear which currently they are not.


    This is a very good and balanced article published just a couple of days ago that has some clear opportunities for cannabis revenue here in Thailand from tourists but also adds:


    Cannabis tourism: how a new travel trend is taking off


    Risks for tourists

    However, few countries have clarified the legality of cannabis use by tourists with legislation directed at recreational use by residents. This means tourists risk breaking the law unintentionally, by interacting with street dealers and police as well as the health implications of consuming real and fake drugs.



    Not a bad artice, i was somewhat surprised at this bit  " While cannabis-related travellers are believed to be high spending and well educated"  Not really agreeing with the views of the TVF  illuminati,

    • Like 1
  3. 23 minutes ago, Bkk Brian said:

    Don't you regard that as inflammatory to those who have different opinions from you, this thread is open to all to express their views.

    No I regard it as advisory, what are the anti-cannabis brigade trying to achieve  by repeating    inaccurate, misinformed and more often than not ridiculous beliefs and predictions amongst a majority pro cannanibis readership Are they trying to convert people, ? because I find that unlikely to be a very successful crusade  or is it a form of trolling

    What I "advised "was for you all to  join a thread/ forum that reflects your shared ignorance, a place were "rightminded" people can share their morally superior views and vent their outrage to a readership of likeminded people and get all the "likes" you desire without smart assed replies from irritating pro cannabis types

    That way the others can discuss the pertinent points of the original post without the constant whinging, irritating interuptions from people expressing their "concerns" many of which are often off topic

    • Like 1
    • Thanks 1
  4. I think many on here are looking at this the wrong way, I don't think they really expect it to pull in the crowds of wealthy expats

    More likely   what they are saying is along the lines of    "We don't really want you to own land here but if you are prepared to prove how much money you have and also how gullible and stupid you are then we really have nothing to lose and plenty to gain. Can't fault them really, definitely an improvement on the UK's current immigration policy which welcomes destitute illegals who hate us

    • Like 1
  5. 16 minutes ago, ozimoron said:

    The problem with your analysis is that people don't want non experts to "crawl out of the wooodwork" and make predictions which they pulled out of a dark place.

    As long as they have a white coat and a face mask any body can be an expert !  People may not want these predictions but they are getting them daily..The media of course loves it as "fear" is the best click bait there is after "sex " 

     Now I'm speaking as a non expert when I say that.....I dont think the human brain , psyche, consciousness or what ever you want to call it.  Is designed to be fed bad negative news day in day out  there is literally never any good news, and that can't be good for anybody.  There is no need for anymore gloom and doom predictions  from dark places or anywhere else

    • Like 1
  6. 7 hours ago, Bday Prang said:

    surely there is no real reason to actually "save" during inflation  that would not be to your advantage as interest rates for savers would never be equal to true inflation rates, so your savings steadily depreciate over time ,I think he should have written "economising"

    Not sure how true it is but a woman at the local market tels me leccy is due to go up by 5 bt per unit soon if its true that's a hell of an increase  and everything else will soon go up too

    Any one surviving off a frozen pension will soon be struggling  (unless its a very large pension)

    Sorry I  was wrong about the leccy (thank god) I am reliably informed that it will go up TO 5bt and not BY  5bt   still a hefty jump ! can't give you an exact % coz to be honest I've never known what a unit costs I just pay the bill

    • Haha 1
  7. 5 hours ago, Bkk Brian said:

    I can't really see any panic from the article, it quite clearly says:


    "Fortunately the majority has been fully vaccinated including getting the booster jab and many have also been previously infected and upon being reinfected with BA.5 their symptoms are usually mild."


    Its down now to people to make their own choices, for those who are or feel they are at risk, then as with the yearly flu jabs, they can decide on a booster or other precautions. Letting those at risk groups know that a potential large wave is coming is just basic responsible health advice.

    It has always been down to people to make their own choices except perhaps for children who didn't have much say in weather they were jabbed or not 

                  This is not actually written as" responsible health advice" i  Nearly every day for the last 2 years somebody (always an expert) crawls out of the woodwork and makes another doom and gloom prediction, the gloomier the better, remember the UK expert that predicted up to 10,000 deaths a day when omicron first emerged despite being advised otherwise by the South African doctors , (who were actually laughing at them) . Its almost like a game amongst the "expert"  "community" to see who can come up with the most scary and horrendous scenarios and its a game they can't lose because non of them ever get called out when their predictions fail to come true

               This is nothing more than another, all be it z list,  "expert" maintaining and honing his media profile and promoting his presence, amongst his peers and probably getting a few  of the all important "likes" on his facebook page!

               If he is so sure that another potentially  possibly, deadly wave might be coming surely he would serve the sick better by putting his mobile phone away , and attending to sick people like what doctors should do., instead of posting scaremongering rubbish on facebook  

    • Like 1
    • Confused 1
  8.  surely there is no real reason to actually "save" during inflation  that would not be to your advantage as interest rates for savers would never be equal to true inflation rates, so your savings steadily depreciate over time ,I think he should have written "economising"

    Not sure how true it is but a woman at the local market tels me leccy is due to go up by 5 bt per unit soon if its true that's a hell of an increase  and everything else will soon go up too

    Any one surviving off a frozen pension will soon be struggling  (unless its a very large pension)

  9. 1 hour ago, KhunLA said:


    Competition is a beautiful thing.  


    I went 'top shelf' for the cheap 'sh!t', from local franchise ????

    Green Crack 100gr @ ฿1400, so all of ฿14 gr

    If good, guessing as good or better than TS that Green Las supplied

    at much better price, 1/5 th ish (฿79), although add in shipping, and 1/10th.


    100gr should last me years to come, at least 2, as the THC will degrade after that.

    Hope it's as good as it looks ... Buds R Us



    Out of interest, how will you store it,  I was thinking  of vacuum packing and in the fridge, or maybe even freezer, might slow the degrading process down a bit, I believe heat is to be avoided, along with damp because the mould will ruin it given half a chance.   I've had a 10g lump of brick in the fridge for a few days and I'll be breaking into it soon, I don't think its frozen but its gone  a lot more solid than it was,  probably due to the oil thickening up . I'll see how it smokes and take it from there

    • Like 2
  10. 2 hours ago, bkk6060 said:

    How many 100's of thousands of these plants were given out?

    It is the wild west of weed I see people off some of the back Sois in Pattaya selling it at the front of their house. 

    I think it was a million, but don't get complacent, people may have taken cuttings so it could be in the 10's of millions now , plus all the plants that people are growing from seed, and cuttings off those too could actually be billions !!!!   And in a few months it will all be ready to smoke , what will become of us all ?   lol

    "The wild west of weed"  sounds very dramatic but what you do you actually  mean.????      people selling outside their houses ?       whatever next, call the police , ?       oh dear you can't as no crime has been committed and they won't be interested., will they?

    • Haha 1
  11. The oil definitely dissolves in milk I used to buy a lot of Oil to smoke in the UK it came in plastic syringes, and the best way to clean the last drops out was to toss them in a milky coffee, the syringes would be spotless when  the coffee was finished.   I tried it in a cup of tea a few times but I don't take milk  in tea , and whilst the syringes came out almost as clean, the cannabis oil didn't dissolve the same as in the milky coffee and it kind of formed a tide mark around the side of the cup. I'm  sure it dissolves in alcohol too so that would be another way to get it into ones coffee

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