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Bday Prang

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Posts posted by Bday Prang

  1. On 7/6/2022 at 7:56 AM, Bert got kinky said:

    Aaah yes, didn't notice that.

    Guess that hitting the bong really does effect your eyesight.


    That is confusing though.

    One part shows 'THC : CBD = 1 : 1' and further down it shows 'THC 18-22% & CBD 0,8-1%'


    Just ordered 10g for research purposes, so I will let you know how it goes by the end of the week.


    I've been waiting  to ask if you had tried the Hang krarok that we recently discussed ?, but I suppose I could have just asked  that guy who comments on weed that he hasn't smoked, In fact I should have asked him last week, only thing is I can't remember his name lol

    • Haha 1
  2. 3 hours ago, coolcarer said:

    You’re easily triggered when your flawed logic was pointed out. It’s telling that you are so defensive on cannabis use jumping on others who have different opinions. Good health to you, I assume you do not add tobacco to your spliff of course.

    What "flawed logic" ?   The only flawed logic is from you , you quote my comment  and then  what you write has nothing to do with what I wrote !   I assume that you were drinking at home when you wrote it !

                        Also why on earth would you bother to assume anything regarding whether or not I also use tobacco.?  what concern is it of yours ?   and what relevance does it have to my comment?

    • Like 1
  3. 36 minutes ago, coolcarer said:

    I rarely drink alcohol but you’re wrong, it is allowed to drink at home, no change there. The only difference being in bars/restaurants etc for 2 days, where do you smoke your joints? Lol

    I'm well aware that alcohol can be drunk at home .I was talking about the Ban on sales,      I thought  this was plain to see  when I sarcastically suggested that people should stock up (i. actually meant with alcohol, to drink at home.  Duh !) prior to the next dry day, didn't think I needed to add anything else !  so yes I guess I was wrong , It obviously wasn't plain to see I'll try to be more descriptive in future comments

    You say you rarely drink, But it appears to play a significant roll in your life as you appear to have researched its availability on restrictive days . maybe it plays a bigger part than you  like to admit  Either way you are no different to any other "occaisional user" So your anti cannabis stance is somewhat hypocritical

    As to where do I smoke my joints?  same places that I always smoked them, nothing has really changed for me and many others, despite the warnings of drug tsunamis from people like you, we maybe have a slightly wider selection of things to smoke, thats about it   

    But as to where do I prefer to smoke ?  well that would be anywhere without people like you


    • Haha 1
  4. I was expecting a few Irate prohibitionists  to be active today......The ale's off    How delightfully ironic ! The authorities have decided that the sale of your " dangerous drug if abuse" is not allowed today,   How does that feel ?  Oh and you had all better stock up as I think there's another dry day coming up shortly

    • Haha 2
  5. 32 minutes ago, Shocked farang said:

    Thailand should start a campaign to educate young travellers about the surrounding countries

    attitude towards cannabis. I know about a recent case where a 20 something was nabbed at the airport in Bali, coming from Bangkok with 2.5 grams. As everyone knows, Indonesia sees any drug offence as very serious and for larger ammounts it can mean death penalty.

    There should be a campaign to educate people travelling abroad to get rid of all cannabis

    before boarding an international flight.

    Its called common knowledge

    • Like 1
  6. 6 minutes ago, Purdey said:

    Not sure why you are so angry with me. I happened to get the usufruct so I have the right to live here should my partner die before me. No lawyer can evict me as I have a legal contract issued by the Land Department. After I die, she will own it if she is still around, or her family will own it after we both die, in which case I don’t care.

    I'm not angry with you , why should I be ? I was just pointing out the realities of life here.   it may not be a lawyer who evicts you , but  a long drawn out hate campaign can be very persuasive and somewhat more effective than a usufruct 

  7. 2 hours ago, Purdey said:

    No mention of permanent residents, who do not need to transfer money from abroad.

    Readers may be interested to look into usafruct agreements if you have a Thai spouse. I read abou it on this site many years ago. Buy in his/her name, sign an usufruct agreement and have full rights to live in and use the property for the rest of your life. More reasonable, I think.

    Yeah ? Really ?    That's fine,.... in theory    but try living alone in your multi million baht mansion in "nakon nowhere"  once you have fell out with the missis, and the whole family and probably the rest of the village hate you.  Usufruct or not you won't last long, and it won't end well. Especially if she has a new Thai boyfriend and / or racked up  a few debts with the local mafia !!

                          When push comes to shove these usufruct / 30 year renewable leases etc, are not worth the paper they are printed on in practice, except for the slimy lawyers who organise / sell them them to naïve foreigners   I personally know 2 guys who found that out the hard way. One had his house burnt to the ground !!

                         More recently I guy I know tried to go down that route too, luckily for him he spoke to an "honest" Lawyer who told him straight " I can do it for you for 50,000 baht but you are wasting your money"  So think on , best not to buy what you can't afford to lose

    • Like 1
  8. 2 hours ago, brendan3150 said:

    in london we used to know kief by the name of skuff . we made it using the trimmed leaves and putting it into a pollinator that would shake the leaves and the trichomes would fall through the "mesh" . this would be mid 90s  



    we knew "formula" by the name of "henna" . when ever buying a bar or so you would always roll a joint to see if it was the dreaded henna before purchasing . 


    no idea where to buy cheap weed , sorry . but this thread brings back some memories  ???? 


    i've not smoked a joint for about 12 years now though ???? 



    haha yes we got henna . formula in Liverpool if buying a bar we used to stick a red hot needle in it to try to establish what was in the middle, some of it was so bad i can't believe that it wasn't made on a council estate somewhere in the uk. Nobody would have imported that <deleted> A mate once bought a bar of sticky (<deleted>) black and niddle was made of plaster of paris or something !


    this link on shoppee still seems to be working 14.10 12/7



    • Haha 2
  9. 7 hours ago, thaitom said:

    Question,  is it legal to send weed in the mail now ?  Example : from the USA ?  I would think not.

    Are you crazy ! that Thai woman said we just don't know if it contains  pesticide she's scared for her children too for gods sake man   Nah they don't want anybody getting in on the act I'm sure "unofficial" importing is frowned on currently, My guess is it would just not arrive  but then again if you did get a " visit" you can't help what  (other) people post to you can you? just try not to leave a "paper trail" 

    but then again  why bother its all over the place here bit like taking oil to saudi arabia

  10. 1 hour ago, Liverpool Lou said:

    That old myth.

    It may well be a myth but often the police don't arrive as quick as you might hope, There are other members of society who are more inclined to administer there own summary justice. Its really not the police who you need to be wary of.  There is good reason why many Thais don't hang around at the scene and its not always because they are drunk. Did you see that pick up driver get dropkicked in the face on the news yesterday after having an accident with a motorcycle ? knocked him spark out ! Think on!

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