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Bday Prang

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Everything posted by Bday Prang

  1. The concrete does not require 28 days for each inch of depth that is just not true, if that was the case a normal 4inch or 6 inch slab would be unusable for 4 to 6 months. !! and multi storey buildings would take many many years to complete The 28 days often mentioned regarding concrete strength, is the time the concrete takes to reach its nominal "design" strength ,( regardless of its thickness) , which is not something to worry about when considering a ground bearing slab for a normal house, Rather is a figure used for design calculations for load bearing members on multi-storey buildings for example, even in that situation the supporting formwork for each floor can normally be removed after 7 to 10 days as the concrete will be fully self supporting by this time even though it will not have achieved its full design strength!. A normal ground bearing floor slab can easily be walked on after 8 to 12 hours, even sooner in these hot temperatures in fact as soon as it is hard to the touch, and, it is perfectly normal practice to build block walls upon the slab the day after pouring. Purpose made tile adhesive cement (poon gao) is actually a little slower setting than a normal sand and cement mix and personally I would leave the grouting up till the next day .Although what ever was used, in this hot weather I doubt there will be a problem after 3 hours.
  2. I actually think we are almost in agreement, I would be ashamed to make my missus do anything ! She's an independent woman in her own country who am I to tell her or any other woman what to do. However, had she expressed a desire to work as a motorcycle delivery driver I would consider it my duty to seriously try to persuade to reconsider her options as I would be somewhat concerned for her safety, and i think anybody with a modicum of common sense would act in a similar manner, ( that was the basis for my comment about being ashamed) but I would not / could not stop her . I doubt very much if any "mia farangs" would actually choose that line of work especially when made aware of the possible consequences (although if any posters can prove me wrong I will stand corrected) I'm all for women working, regardless of what they earn (within reason) and as long as they are not exploited, its an important part of their being independent, also the idea of being together 27/7 doesn't bear thinking about !
  3. Did he also inspect their alcohol, ya-bah, and heroin free policies
  4. You are hilarious so is it cacanabis, cacanabic,or cananabis ( and the word you are looking for is misspelt ) ( and yes it is) Absolute proof that you don't know what you are talking about I suggest you jump off your bar stool and go buy a dictionary Happy hour must have started early today
  5. Absolutely correct, except there is nothing new about the anti cannabis lobby and they don't even make up any new "reefer madness" stories, they just repeat the same old drivel. over and over again. I don't really know many anti cannabis people but the few that I do know, all, without exception really enjoy alcohol, generally to excess, and are often proud of their intake. Furthermore anybody who they can't encourage to join them is considered a miserable party pooper
  6. Get your facts right, cannabis was actually rated as a worse DRUG than heroin and L.S.D by the American authorities as it was considered to have no redeeming qualities whatsoever and thus could not be licensed even for research purposes. All for political reasons This effectively denied millions people its medical benefits that have subsequently been discovered by guess what ? research by more enlightened people. What a ridiculous state of affairs . In fact nearly as ridiculous as your badly spelt and misinformed post Do you consider the consumption of alcohol to be a bad drug sub-culture? If not please tell us why
  7. For some people, apparently, the slightest trace of nuts can bring on a severe reaction which can indeed be fatal, haven't noticed any "concerned" posters on here screaming for nuts to be banned.. Maybe they would be happy with the packaging displaying the warning "may contain cannabis" obviously the usual huge green cannabis leaf isn't clear enough
  8. I may be wrong, but something makes me think you may have had more than your fair share of problems with Thais, I wonder why
  9. There have always been a number of crazies floating around Pattaya and other places too. So this is probably quite a useful exercise in principal They can deal with a crazy armed Thai however they like, but when dealing with an armed foreigner its unfortunately not that easy to just shoot them, embassies , diplomats, world media and the T.V.F all like to get involved expressing outrage and a major incident soon develops. so it probably is best if these rare occurrences can be handled efficiently and quickly. However I'm not sure trying to take down an armed aggressor by using a long pole is the best solution, bit like taking a knife to a gun fight Its easy for most people to criticise the police in situations when it does kick off big time, just remember that we normally have the option to walk or run away, that is not the case for the police who are obliged to meet it head on For those sensitive souls crying "racism" and "xenophobia" please get over yourselves. Thailand thankfully has not succumbed to the wokeness that will become the downfall of your home countries and hopefully never will, so remember where you are, and leave that @$&*£ at home
  10. I see it as purely a Thai matter, no need for any of the T.V.F to get concerned . unless of course your wife or Gf work for grab in which case you should be ashamed of yourself
  11. The lowest quality food , saturated with insecticides (many of which are banned in Europe / US) coupled with an unhealthy amount of sugar / MSG and prepared in more often than not filthy conditions. That should be the matter being discussed / politicised not the imaginary addition of ganja More B/S
  12. Can't for the life of me even begin to understand the agenda of the mainstream media / gutter press with regards to this subject. is it really that they just see it as a form of "click bait" ? I can't for one minute believe that they genuinely feel its a social evil from which we should all be protected. Its not just Thailand either it seems to be worldwide ! In publishing their "reefer madness" do they not realise that they are only pandering to a minority albeit a very vocal one. whilst at the same time alienating everybody else ? If they were to adopt a more unbiased fact based perspective surely more people would be inclined to read what they printed, the brainwashed prohibitionists would still read it too, albeit in open mouthed outrage. Are they being funded / lobbied by concerned 3rd parties? eg The alcohol industry worried about losing revenue if people choose to switch their drug of choice perhaps or maybe "big pharma" for similar obvious reasons ?
  13. Its amazing that the non users think they know more about it than the users ! try and figure that one out
  14. What are you talking about? nowhere in my original comment did I refer to a specific post that should be removed I referred to "tired old anti cannabis propaganda" That is a generalisation ,not a specific post A blind man could see that ! When I last looked there were 12 likes 2 "sad" people one of which was you (which i will concede were "dislikes" ) and one "confused" presumably a half wit. so the figures speak for themselves and by a large majority my post is validated. Q.E.D. as they say So as I see it you are in the (very vocal, in your case) minority Therefore no fault for me to admit to. No apology required, except maybe from you . And the only person who is in a hole and should stop digging is yourself. With your many spelling mistakes, refusal to accept facts and lack of cognitive reasoning ability I'm starting to think you are retarded. I won't be wasting anymore time trying to educate you.
  15. That is indeed what I said, It does not relate to a specific post, we will have to agree to disagree but I stand by my comment
  16. Once again..........., I'm all for free speech, I just don't agree with misinformation, when I see what I consider to be misinformation, I call it out. That if I'm not mistaken is the very essence of free speech. As you correctly say I am not the arbitrator on this or any other forum, that is the responsibility of the moderators and it is they who ultimately decide who is or isn't misinformed. I obviously have a pro cannabis stance but if somebody was to claim that smoking cannabis would turn a half wit into a genius I would expect that comment to be called out, and indeed would do so myself. If it was posted repeatedly, as ridiculous as it may be , i would expect the moderators to step in and remove it (probably not the best example but surely you can see what I'm trying to say) You may or not have noticed that I did not specify that any particular post was removed You also suggest "Allow all views" well I can tell you that rightly or wrongly many of my views would not last 5 minutes on here, especially the more extreme ones ! So the free speech that we both value is only tolerated as long as nobody gets offended
  17. No matter how incorrect? no matter how inappropriate? No matter how insulting to various "communities"? No matter how offensive? That would actually suit me fine but its not quite the way it works on here. I have told you twice now that I am all in favour of free speech I am just not in favour of spreading untruths What part of that do you find difficult to understand ? Also if you quote my posts please post the entire script please do not edit selectively in an attempt to change the context
  18. I have no objection to free speech whatsoever although on this forum as on many others there are understandably limits on what can and cannot be said ( I've been suspended several times for crossing boundaries and on reflection probably justifiably so) but with free speech comes responsibility and at least an obligation to not misinform others with outdated views masqueraded as facts now that's enough said
  19. I kind of get that, but some of the naysayers think those stories are true. I really hope the b/s stories don't undermine what is probably one of the bravest and most progressive changes in policy we may ever see
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