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Bday Prang

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Posts posted by Bday Prang

  1. 3 hours ago, redwood1 said:

    3200 baht for one month of electricity is crazy......I would rather spend that money on more important things like drinking in bars.

    Considering that in the UK. in winter, many pensioners have to decide whether to  eat or spend the money on keeping warm enough not to die of hypothermia, forgive my lack of sympathy for the minor  change in your lifestyle.


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  2. 2 hours ago, redwood1 said:


    I recommend a 12 inch Hatari Fan.....It puts out almost as much air as a 16 or 18 inch fan and uses a lot less electricity.....I have tried them all.....Now I only use 12s....

    yet still moan about your electric bill perhaps you should consider using one of these, I believe various sizes are available for the thriftier amongs us



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  3. 2 hours ago, DrMJA said:

    Let us remember  Wichien Klanprasert,💔 a police officer on his motorcycle responding to a robbery call when HiSo (Low-Life)Vorayuth "Boss" Yoovidhya dragged the officer's body for around 100 meters and then lied and fled the country -literally getting away with murder. 



    how could we ever forget about the red bull guy ?  It seems to be an obligation to mention the incident on every single thread regarding traffic incidents. The family and the police have been well compensated and will have put the matter behind them and are getting on with life Yet a few foreigners on here just can't let it go.  It is never mentioned on Thai Tv why it has to be brought up on this forum nearly every single day is beyond me Some people really need to get over themselves and try harder to understand how things work over here. Failure to do so will result in permanent unhappiness.

    • Confused 1
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  4. so is it a "smart meter" ?    These have been the subject of some controversy in the UK. and the electrical companies there have been virtually forcing them on people. apparently they can monitor your usage and apply different tariffs, for  example, regarding on/off peak usage if required.  Thailand is probably getting set up for this, and maybe to nail those who might want to charge their EV's at home. 

  5. 9 hours ago, Siamesepiggster said:



    I was also thinking of going to immigration to casually ask if they can do anything to help with my 12 month extension given mu circumstances.


    Not sure if it's allowed to be discussed here but having done 12 month extensions for more than 10 years based on supporting my Thai daughter, the last 2 years they have told me that my application can't be processed due to some trivial technicality in my documents - but they can process it if I (let's put it this way) - "increase" the application fee. Same person both times and I know that person is still there.

    looks like the obvious way to go , just talk to "your man" and negotiate the appropriate application fee. 

  6. 1 hour ago, Acharn said:

    I'm referring to the contract with the caterer, and possibly with the local wat who provide the monks for the chanting (I don't know if that falls under Thai commercial law, but I think not). I presume your wife depends on your support, so she has a right to comment on how you spend your money, unless ฿500,000 is a trivial amount to you. If you're married in Thailand, by the way, the money is half hers, not yours alone.

    So presumably the OP's wife's money is half his too. So he has every right to be involved and comment on what she spends it on

  7. I Don't know which concerns me the most,

                                     The "shocking" crime itself and the fact that the heinous perpetrator is still at large Or  The currently predictable attempt to sensationalise a very minor incident. Or the also currently predictable comments of outrage and indignation from the usual members of the "

    sanctimonious community"

                                     The attempted exploitation of  "public uproar",   is the sole reason for this article,  However there was no public uproar, so the unidentified author , simply decided to invent some, it was a  lie, the purpose of which was nothing other than  to promote a strong  reaction from the  small but very vocal sanctimonious community who patrol this forum. The writer discreetly corrected himself in the final paragraph where the public reaction was changed to "mixed" but by then the damage was done as many on here never read past the headlines 

                                     Then there was the usual reeling off of the maximum sentences applicable to reinforce the serious nature of the crime, and further embed into impressionable minds how seriously the authorities view this sort of behaviour    10 years or 1/2 a million or even both. Whipping up the outrage among the right minded members with calls for stronger and stronger punishment including of course deportation

                                      So sure was the author in his journalistic prowess, that he even predicted what the response to the article would be like when he wrote

                                 " Calls for maximum punishment, including prison, a hefty fine, and deportation, have surfaced."


      I know its a free country and a public forum an all that, indeed nobody forced me to click on it , and people are all entitled to have theie say etc etc  But can't those getting their panties in a bunch over all these events see that they are just being played by the media, How many of the "outraged community" here from the UK for example, when back in the UK  would devote most of their day to scouring the lowest elements of the UK gutter press for scandal, and then the rest of the day getting so worked up about it that they feel the need to make a public statement on an internet forum or maybe a radio Phone in , or daytime TV even.    None is the answer, because they all had better things to do, 

                           So I guess what really concerns me the most is how easily some are influenced by the media, and how english speaking expats are so willing to turn on each other at the slightest provocation.  The devil makes work for idle hands it seems

                             Many expats on here complain of the way the Thai authorities treat them with disdain, What do they really expect when expats are incapable of presenting a united front, People should take a leaf out of the muslim book of expat behaviour, events like the one in this article should be dismissed and a dignified silence maintained, Sticking together has worked quite well for followers of the religion of peace, in the UK for example they are not just tolerated but accommodated, and most of the indigenous population particularly those  in authority or woking for  the media go out of their way not to upset them.

                            Imagine life here like that? 




    • Thanks 1
  8. 6 hours ago, LivinLOS said:

    So just for a frame of reference, this was published 4th, I was alerted 6th and Mon the 8th I was at a local traditional medicine clinic to discuss with the owner (not Dr, the Dr was not there) as soon as it opened. 

    To be fair, she was not knowledgable as to even what mushrooms do. She is a businesswoman who believes that cannabis flowers will be rescheduled later this year and has set up a clinic and supply infrastructure to be able to 'sell' cannabis medically when that happens. No issue with that but clearly her motivation is profit and not medical care. Within a minute or two of meeting she emphasized she 'didnt take drugs' which in many ways sums up the mindset of what medical cannabis or mushrooms are. 

    We talked the law, and the issues, and I tried to discuss the risks and how psychedelic therapy is generally handled in the west. Each point of resistance was just brushed aside with a yes yes that is fine.. I tried to explain that generally a therapy like this is much more than simply giving the dose but should have a therapy component before and after
    'yes yes my Dr can do that'
    'oh really, so your Dr has experience taking psychedelics'
    'Oh NO !!'  
    'hmmm ok.. So your Dr can speak English ?'

    'little bit' 

    Right so I can only imagine the kind of sensative therapy and cross cultural understanding there would be to handle a challanging psychedelic experience and then deal with the post experience integration !! From a DR that speaks 'nidnoi' english and has never taken them !! 

    Secondly she appeared to have very little idea of even what mushrooms do !! When I asked why someone could be prescribed mushrooms her answer was 'if depressed or maybe can not sleep' !! (mushrooms for insomnia !!) when I asked what dosage she thought was right she said 'maybe a gram' the more I talked to her the more is appeared that she thought mushrooms were 'something like weed' a bit made you sleepy, a bit more made you more sleepy.. 

    This is the level of understanding from the owner of a clinic that is supposed to adminsiter these therapies !! I am a STRONG believer in the power of properly adminsitered psychedelic therapy, but it has genuine risks of patient harm and needs a trained, educated and experienced sitter or guide and to achieve the most beneficial outcomes requires skilled therapists.  I am seriously thinking of setting up a non profit to deal with guide training, I know western guides operating underground already here in Thailand and Thais some of whom have even been trained overseas by MAPS and in the caribbean. Someone has to put in work on this or the opportunity will be wasted when bad things happen. 


    we just used to make tea out of them  threw around 500 in a thermos and threw some boiling water at them. drank it about 15 min later,used to get us right off our heads,  Ah the good old days

    What are the "sitters and guides" for?

  9. 5 hours ago, mfd101 said:

    Well at least here they don't need the government to broadcast (as I gather they do in the UK in hot weather) messages for old people reminding them to turn off the heater.

    its pathetic in the UK. twenty- something year old TV and radio announcers telling pensioners to drink water and stay in the shade and open a window the moment it reaches 25 deg

    • Haha 1
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  10. 1 hour ago, borderhopper2005 said:

    30 deaths from the heat wave.

    I bet they are mostly from the poor background; not having 

    air-conditioning at home/work place.

    It is always the less fortunate that is worst  impacted by  the environmental changes.

    Very sad.


    I would bet that they were people with pre existing health conditions, or people who ignored the haat and carried on regardless probably not drinking enough water.   The less fortunate are invariably impacted more by just about everything, that's probably why  they are classed as" less fortunate "

    • Thumbs Up 1
  11. 2 hours ago, JayClay said:


    If you had familiarised yourself with the (recent) history of marijuana legalisation in this country, you would know that it is also "quite clearly" only approved for medical purposes.


    if only you would open your eyes you would see that is clearly not the case.  However that may well be the intention of any future legislation.

                    What is wrong with people like you? After all this time , and with 10000+ clearly non medical retail outlets, millions smoking recreationally and not one arrest.You still insist on making your own rules up , give it a rest for gods sake, or start your own thread,  


         hashtag "but but but Anutin said .com

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