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Bday Prang

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Everything posted by Bday Prang

  1. Pretty much the same as they are now but worse , and a bit bigger
  2. How much where you paying her for this
  3. That is true but there is a world of difference in the experience you would have if you phoned one of those numbers and what one would experience on a night out in Thailand. There is a marked difference between trafficked sex slaves which many of those numbers will put you in touch with and the average bar girl
  4. I flicked through it but only saw two but ok i'll take your word for it as I can't be arsed watching it again. No surprises that the two who went to the police put the blame on the one who wasn't there to defend himself. That's what mates are for eh?
  5. Indeed, to see it all happening in front of our eyes is one thing , but to see the authorities inability or reluctance to deal with it effectively is frightening. Don't even get me started on the apologists who are effectively enabling it all
  6. And as usual , apart from the well worn platitudes from the Muslim council of Britain etc, A very low key condemnation of this incident from the followers of the religion of peace. One really would expect them to be a little more vocal. (assuming they don't support these acts of course) Meanwhile calls for reparations for things that happened 100s of years ago get louder and louder, maybe we should start to add up the costs of these acts of terror and start our own claims for compensation.
  7. indeed, I am sure there are many "networks" along with many social media groups, not to mention the congregations at most if not all mosques. What do they talk about at "friday prayers" it certainly isn't integration or tolerance
  8. If he was in possession of ricin then that is a very serious development, what else was he planning ? Three deaths would be nothing in comparison to the consequences of using that poison. This justs gets worse and worse How many more are there like him in the UK ? I would suggests hundreds that are known to the police, and thousands that are flying under the radar What more evidence do we need that "islamophobia" is in fact a genuine concern and NOT another word for racism. Could things possibly be any clearer?
  9. I never considered "gender" good point . Anyway due to the essence of this thread I doubt we will hear much from him today, he has already exhausted the "mis information" attempt at deflection, There is little left for him to say on this matter
  10. He absolutely will not hear a word said against them, i find it totally bizarre and I struggle to find an explanation. Although he does get very defensive when asked about his own nationality and beliefs
  11. that would be the wild and godless areas commonly known as Southport and South Wales. ? Renowned hotspots of islamic extremism
  12. indeed, and can we please stop with the irrelevant claims of misinformation. Its clear enough , with the information we now have, what the whole incident was due to, and it was nothing to to with the perpetrators christian values. Or am I wrong again? Some may have initially jumped the gun regarding this, but have now been proved to be correct, the same cannot be said for those who refused to accept the obvious possibility initially
  13. Is possession of that sort of material itself not sufficient evidence of motivation? Seems pretty clear to me.
  14. along with the usual claims about his mental health and how he was allegedly abused, He will become the "real victim"
  15. ok agreed, but, knowing what we know now, what, in your considered opinion, the death of those poor kids an example of? Might it possibly be another very clear example of the potential dangers posed to society by the religion of peace ? A far as I am concerned Islam should be banned in western non muslim countries, as they say , if it saves just one childs life it would be worth it , I can't think of any particular negatives regarding a ban , can you?
  16. Well following todays disclosures by the police that statement would appear to apply to you
  17. I don't know, but most right minded people would consider it i a minor detail compared to this recent revelation. Of course you wouldn't be trying to deflect by any chance would you? After all you appear , predictably, to have little to say about this significant breaking news. We all suspected some sort of islamic connection from the start, and , surprise surprise , we were all absolutely correct. All of us except you that is
  18. Is there a reason why the media insist on publishing photos of this animal when he was an innocent looking 10 year old ? ( along with a children in need logo for good measure) If there are no current photos of him just show the artists impression of the savage from the court for gods sake.
  19. Really ? Public trust in either the police , the media , or the government was destroyed a long time ago. And regarding incidents like this or any where muzzers are involved, the public are NEVER told the truth
  20. Well he obviously identifies as a muzzer. Apparently that's all it takes these days you are what you "identify as" and everybody else has to respect that Unless one self identifies as a patriot or concerned citizen. That decision can never be respected, and those doing so can expect to be labelled as "far right" whatever that means nowadays
  21. Indeed, but in all fairness he only said that he has just discovered the word. He didn't claim to understand what it means, which is just as well because he obviously doesn't
  22. For your information , paid for sex is not so easily or widely available elsewhere, certainly not in the uk I have no experience of Australia but I assume its the same. I mean if it was available would millions of Australians and Brits bother coming here?
  23. They are just lying, I doubt the imaginary friend exists. They could have surrendered themselves to the police beforehand if they really felt intimidated.
  24. In my opinion there is something not quite right going on when middle aged men start concerning themselves about the age of consent and especially those asking if it is 15 ! It is also rather telling how well informed some members appear to be regarding this matter, some have obviously done a significant amount of research regarding the matter Would it not be easier and safer all round for these border line pedos to stick to women 21+ and if they need to indulge their dubious "fantasies" buy them a school uniform or something I'm sure you would all sleep a lot easier at night and as a bonus, no need to seek reassurance in threads like this
  25. No you cannot "get it anywhere" try 7/11 or Big C for example and you will leave empty handed and disappointed. You could go to one of the many tourist orientated cannabis outlets but will end up paying a ridiculous price, probably more than it would cost in your home country. As to your very specific thc/ cbd requirements, prepare to be disappointed one way or the other
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