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Bday Prang

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Everything posted by Bday Prang

  1. better still, send them all back regardless of their behaviour, why waste time messing about?
  2. those belonging to another person presumably
  3. on my first visit I got accosted by 2 ladyboys on Sukhumvit Rd near soi nana on my way back to the hotel in the early hours. During the brief altercation they dipped my pocket and relieved me of the grand total of 20b. I have kept my distance from strangers especially ladyboys ever since.
  4. Why only from the UK ? Plenty of others fitting that description from all over the developed world The USA takes obesity to a different level " my 600lb life " is a popular tv show from America, ever seen it?
  5. That says more about the UK than his comment
  6. It might seem a bit extreme initially but we have tried everything else, We welcomed them into our country, gave them homes (free of charge in many cases) gave them welfare, even allowed them to abuse our children and effectively turned a blind eye when they mutilate their own, Christmas and other festivals are no longer celebrated as they were before for fear of offending them. For gods sake we even passed laws to stop people disliking them, yet still they wish to destroy us. We are running out of options fast They also breed uncontrollably so a cull, albeit a humane one may well be the only solution
  7. The whole basis of it, is rule by fear, anybody who is not "frightened" sufficiently poses a real threat to them. The whole house of cards will come tumbling down once the masses wake up to how ridiculous it all is. They can't risk that
  8. why would imagination be required, are the tattoos not on display?
  9. Will they be having a renunion in about 30 years, be nice to see how all this "creativity" stands the tests of time and gravity
  10. Farang beer belly competition ? or how about a good old fashioned shin kicking competition, ?
  11. Nowt wrong with a bikini fest, but why spoil things with hideous tattoos ? They look ridiculous on both men and women, oh nearly forgot , "and those in-between" (wouldn't want to upset the alphabet weirdos )
  12. yeah yeah yeah, its all Trumps fault
  13. Blaming Trump for anything does not require any evidence as such. Once his name has been mentioned anything negative can be said and treated as fact. It appears to be the latest international internet forum protocol. developed , approved and initiated by the haters
  14. "cannabi high" that's a new one on me. How come people like you are not embarrassed by posting such ignorant rubbish
  15. I thought it was just something of interest to the bean counting community, another group of "experts" with a shameful record of incompetence
  16. They wont remember much when Israel have finished with them. and they will have much more important things to worry about yes he will be forgotten just like me....and of course you. I just noticed your avatar lol it says a lot
  17. and those idiots should be confined to their rooms watching jackanory or allowed out only when accompanied by their mothers
  18. How can calling out a pedo be considered racist.? whatever their ethnicity did I call him a pedo because he was black ( well he started off black as I remember) or because he diddled that young lad. Glitter was caucasian so my comment was evenly balanced There is always room for racism, why else are there different races?
  19. Come on Will, intelligence is not a prerequisite for activists or indeed politicians, it never has been and never will be
  20. Jackson was a paedophile , just like Gary Glitter, he just had more money and a better legal team , should have been locked up if he hadn't killed himself
  21. I posted that I hope trump wins, I so far have 4 positive emojis as opposed to 2 negatives. I guess that could be the basis for another "breaking news " headline lol
  22. It did no harm last time as I remember
  23. should be moved to the "jackanory" forum or just simply deleted
  24. Its happening! closing of embassies etc is usually how it starts Won't be long now in my opinion WW3 coming very soon, especially if Harris wins
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