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Bday Prang

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Everything posted by Bday Prang

  1. indeed, the Thai authorities response , if questioned about this, would be something along the lines of " just think how much worse it would have been if it wasn't for the annual safety campaign" personally I doubt it makes any difference. On the two days when everybody is travelling to or from Bangkok the slow average speed reduces the number of accidents, on the days of the celebration less people are driving around which also reduces the number of accidents. I doubt the number of those driving whilst drunk changes that much. Either way, twice every year, the daily death toll reduces by around 30% for whatever reasons. So the concept of "the 7 deadly days" is in reality a pure fallacy.
  2. I half owned and operated a tour boat that was certified for 50 people started in 2004 and I sold out after 10years. Compulsory Insurance was available for around 1500 baht I have no idea what it covered or how much it would pay out and fortunately never had to find out. Knowing what I know through my experience of that business I would never set foot on any tourboat in Thailand again ever and that would be my advice to anybody considering doing so Every one of those ill maintained boats is a tragedy waiting to happen as we have seen time and time again
  3. I don't deny being a cynic, but I seek no credibility on here, You on the other hand don't need to seek credibility as you think you already know more than everybody else. So you have assumed and confirmed your credibility, all on your very own. Well done
  4. and stupid enough to comment on everything posted, there should be a boycott of threads like this
  5. presumably it also takes into account how much they get scammed , overcharged, or extorted . or are the rest of the" contributions" received as charitable donations
  6. very few on here are wise or shrewd, myself included.
  7. correct, could not have put it better myself, alcohol is just a convenient scapegoat used to avoid losing face
  8. Which Thais was he referring to? Monks or primary school kids
  9. What on earth are you wittering on about have you been drinking again?
  10. Guesses and estimates producing meaningless figures, does anybody on here actually care one iota? Why are we continually drip fed this irrelevant rubbish?
  11. I would say those who claim to know one way or the other actually know very little, basing their judgement on very unreliable statistics issued by the TAT
  12. Nah, just like christmas tree lights, one year later even though never used , when taken out of the box they will already be broke
  13. Well, to be honest, slow drivers in the wrong lane is not unique to Thailand. I am just as likely to encounter that back in the UK. so wishing that people driving at a snail's place would at least keep out of the righthand lane ,is nothing to to with wanting Thailand to become more like the UK (God Forbid) But those people are a real nuisance, but little attention is given to their contribution to accidents, not least by the frustration they cause in others. (rightly or wrongly) They are not "simply passing" anything they obstructing everybody else and cause plenty of accidents themselves, When all other vehicles are moving in one direction at a similar speed, any other vehicle operating out of sync Whether faster or slower is potentially more likely to cause an accident Undoubtedly there would be less fatalities if we all drove at a snails pace, but that's not how things work in the real world
  14. Well said mate, too many here want to change this place into a clone of the miserable place they left. Why don't they just return from whence they came ? and leave the rest of us to take our chances in peace.
  15. I don't understand what point you are trying to make . Would you expect more rigorous enforcement of the rules to result in more deaths ?
  16. I'm with you on that. I have also watched that video dozens of times, slow motion, freeze frame , and zoomed in. There is no way that it proves he had any Physical contact with her, at all. Neither a full blown swinging kick, which from a guy his size would have launched her, Or even a more restrained kick which would have resulted in some unnatural jerky movements from her on impact and as she struggled to stand up. It doesn't even show him gently touching / nudging her with his foot , which if there was any contact is probably what happened, she certainly didn't struggle with her composure as she stood up, neither was she clutching herself in agony We all know touching or even pointing at things with our feet is a rather sensitive issue here so its no surprise that its resulted in such controversy and as a consequence has invariably been subject of some exaggeration Personally I find it very strange that so many on here are basing there accusations on that video, one or two even describing it as a serious violent assault its almost like some sort form of mass hypnosis has occurred I wouldn't dream of suggesting that the UK justice system is any better or worse than other countries but if that was all the evidence the police had of an alleged assault, its unlikely he would even be charged, and even if he was, it would never get to court, the crown prosecution service would never approve it for trial, simply due to lack of evidence How ever in the face of such prolific media coverage and the ensuing public outcry , its quite possible that he might end up in court on a much lesser charge of insulting behaviour or such like But assault ? No way
  17. So ok , lets say I'll give you the benefit of the doubt, and i accept your argument that there is or was a creator. Where does your fairy tale concept oh "heaven and hell" come from ?
  18. So what did you mean by "local payoffs" ? I don't need free hand outs, but as you seem to be determined to throw your money away what does it matter to you who you give it to, Ironic that you mention standing on street corners, that is exactly where you are heading, if you are lucky
  19. How much does she charge for the junk? Im guessing Its basically worthless, so in percentage terms she's probably doing as well if not better tha the real gold shops, and no need to pay a copper to sleep all day in the shop. No need to even bother locking it up at night would anybody really steal fake gold? Turnover in the millions apparently , wonder if her prices for this stuff varie in line with the price of the real stuff?
  20. surely you would have your passport if you were flying out the next morning ?
  21. Exactly and its not just about TM30 They want to know where to find bed wetters and towel thieves too, Plus those who commit more serious crimes,
  22. The fact that you are openly asking for details of officials to bribe,, and expect to be provided with this sort of information on a public forum is just unbelievable, In fact considering the way things are at the moment ( do you keep up with the news at all? even just on here) Its so stupid I'm embarrassed for you to the extent that I can feel my buttocks clenching involuntarily. Look , I'm Sorry to have to pi$$ on your parade but you really are not cut out for this it would be better all round if you just gave all your money to charity,... or me
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