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Bday Prang

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Everything posted by Bday Prang

  1. everything seems to "underscore" something these days ( according to AI) and that which doesn't underscore inevitably "highlights" I would have thought the" power" of AI would be such that we wouldn't have to read the same phrases over and over again I can't speak for others but I find these AI generated articles rather annoying
  2. why do you assume that the punter was obese? What would his BMI have to do with anything?
  3. who on earth is Tony Kenway?
  4. they do once you tell them it makes their skin whiter (never fails)
  5. whatever its used for it looks relatively harmless
  6. Well it was good enough for Bin Laden to hide out there.
  7. As indeed do those making comments like this
  8. in the early days of the conflict, the BBC refused to refer to hamas as terrorists, enough said
  9. Very strange indeed, nobody even daring to mention "quality tourists" either what a stark contrast to yesterdays outrage over a guy smoking
  10. Good for you, go for it , what could possibly go wrong
  11. Well if it had been British men this thread would be at least 5 pages long already and most of the posts would contain overt racists slurs, and some rather nasty insults, along with less than flattering stereotypes directed at the perpetrators and at British people generally. Well what a surprise that this thread has struggled reach double figures, and would you believe it, not one "racist" comment so far, Not even a call for deportation never mind a life ban. In fact, quite the opposite, in the OP the perpetrators are referred to as "Pakistani Nationals" if they had been British it would have been merely "Brits" Countless times over the last few years, I have witnessed the resident lynch mob here ripping some poor soul apart in the frenzy of a real blood lust, and have asked on several occasions if their victim would have received the same treatment had they been Black or Asian. I don't remember ever receiving a reply, but the absence of the usual suspects on this thread will do as confirmation So let's consider a country who's population is so horrible that laws have had to be passed to stop people disliking them and then try and workout why those laws do not apply to all nationalities
  12. Not where i come from it isn't.
  13. Is that the Canadian way then ?
  14. That Thai "singer" you have taken a recent shine to hates foreigners, he wouldn't p1$$ on you if you were on fire....just sayin
  15. So you are over there now? Did you have to learn French? or is that optional?
  16. Spot on, It doesn't make any difference to the Thais if they understand what you are saying or not, Raising ones voice, waving ones arms around and a whole host of other mannerisms that may seem relatively innocuous to other westerners can be akin to a red rag to a bull, Some Thais are very easily triggered especially in groups, and some are just looking for an excuse. Virtually never one on one though, as they consider that foolish
  17. The lynch mob is certainly getting fired up over this one. Five year bans , life bans. and now calls for what would basically amount to a summary execution. No mention of him being hung,drawn and quartered though ...yet
  18. Is it possible to change just like that? Don't you have to "transition" or something first?
  19. None whatsoever , however the same cannot be said for the two shrieking fish wives, all it takes is a couple of hot headed Thai blokes to get wind of the situation and within minutes it could turn into a five or more onto one beating. It certainly would not be the first time
  20. So have we established it was a no smoking area? Or are the no smoking signs intended for those working at the food stall? No body was put in danger at all, as others have mentioned the presence of the naked flames of the gas burners poses no risk so why would a cigarette be so dangerous.? where you used to live is irrelevant, I don't disagree that if he was asked politely to stop smoking he should have complied , but was he asked politely, somehow I doubt it, having seen the behaviour of the two screaming market trader women.
  21. exactly, just putting up a sign does not mean anything, He could have been wearing a "designated smoking area" slung around his neck which would also be meaningless. I have no idea what the legalities were in this situation but very often the Thais can be a bit too quick to lay claim to public areas when setting up their market stalls. Just this afternoon I saw one who had completely blocked the nearside lane of a dual carriageway by parking his pick up and unloading his entire load of assorted aluminium stepladders in order to display them. I cannot imagine that there is anything legal about that, and I dread to think what happens if somebody drives straight into him.
  22. So you would be fine with him receiving serious possibly life threatening injuries. I think you are taking your virtue signalling a little too seriously. I can understand it must be fun to be part of a baying mob but don't you think what you have suggested is going a little too far. I hope you are not posting from the UK. people have received substantial custodial sentences for making comments similar to yours. Just for the record due you think he deserves his face burning off for Smoking or for being British?
  23. Is the OP an actual "bed wetter" or just a heavy sweater?
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