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Bday Prang

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Everything posted by Bday Prang

  1. oh dear i notice you used the plural, is it as bad else where ? I was hoping it was confined to this place, wishful thinking I suppose
  2. Spot on "Looking for rubber necking readers" and trying (sucessfully) to rouse blood lust within the notorious TVF hang 'em high squad " Quite a lot of virtue signalling going on too, I thought that was just a leftie student activity, looks like I was wrong
  3. The response from some people to this very vaguely written article is astonishing and a very good reason why hanging round at the scene of an accident is often not the sensible cause of action. Talk about a lynch mob. I know politicians are not favourites for many people (esp on here) but this guy is receiving kind of aggression normally saved for pedo's and it all seems to be based on that very vague and ambiguous article Talk about reading between the lines ! Jesus the guy wasn't even driving and who says he was in a rush? just empty words from a journalist maybe ? , somebody even "assumed" there was a pedestrian crossing involved !!
  4. And even if that was true what's the problem, you claim your concern is for the "vulnerable" youth of Thailand, hardly a demographic likely to suffer from erectile dysfunction or lack of libido . Or are you now "standing up " for all the impotent geriatric ex pats as well
  5. If you tell most guys back home you are heading this way you can expect the usual "Pedo" type comments etc normally from people who have never been out of their village for years and are just plain jealous I noticed that a lot of these guys seem to be very curious regarding ladyboys, unnaturally so
  6. Exactly how much do you think is sold from "shacks" for "medicinal reasons" ? None ! I think would be the correct reply. No prescription required, therefore no pharmacists need interfere anyhow I very much doubt pharmaceutical courses have a cannabis section Anybody who thinks cannabis may help there condition is perfectly able to seek appropriate advice from doctors at government hospitals if they wish. They may receive their "medication" at the hospital but are perfectly at liberty to purchase it where they want. Just like paracetamol and amoxicillin. Isn't that just somehow right and proper ?
  7. Not sure its the same one but it seems to add a bit of weight to what I was saying, I didn't like what he wrote at the end about less testosterone being a desirable thing, but its not unexpected to hear that sort thing these days,
  8. Again agreed 100% but I would change the word from "even" if you are Brad Pitt to "especially" if you are........I think the money attracts the worst of women To be honest those guys can never really trust anybody. Could never understand why they actually married and often at really short notice Recently read an article about Mc Cartney and heather mills Heather recalled the time when she first realised that there was no future in the relationship, was after he agreed to buy her a plane for her birthday She was somewhat confused when he duly presented her with a small gift-wrapped parcel similar in size to a shoebox, but convinced herself that this was going to be a scale model of the Lear Jet that was surely parked up at a nearby airport She excitedly tore at the wrapping paper in delight literally shaking in anticipation Sadly delight soon turned to disappointment and the anticipation turned to hatred and rage ,as, removed the last layer of tissue paper and her eyes focused on the large black letters on an orange background "black and decker"
  9. Absolutely true. I read that as a result of the hormones from the pill which are present in the water most men have lower spermcounts and testosterone levels than their fathers and grandfathers, and just in case a certain member is reading this Sorry I can't be bothered finding a link
  10. I have some news for you, and you had better sit down. I'll not beat about the bush , you really need to wake up and smell the coffee and put an end to the illusion you are living under, Listen carefully.....All men pay for sex and if you are married or in a relationship you are paying for it every day of your life. The big myth is that we pay prostitutes for sex. that is not true , the money paid to prostitutes is NOT for the sex act It is paid to enable us to walk away afterwards, with NO strings attached . Simple as that. If anybody disagrees then they are sadly but unarguably mistaken and I would recommend thinking about it for 5 minutes before posting your disagreements
  11. never had an issue with J&T but not too happy with Ninja. I personally would choose Kerry If I could
  12. maybe it should be compulsory, and for an extended period of time too, for anybody wishing to post comments on any cannabis related thread ! One way or another it would keep the number of non-sensical anti cannabis posts to a minimum
  13. You will just have to accept that people don't like working for you, it appears that they are prepared to give it a go and after a short while something pisses them off and they decide to leave. Thais haven't for the most part allowed themselves to fall into the trap of becoming wage slaves, and all credit to them for that. Consequently if they don't enjoy their job then they quit "any time they want" as you put it. You say that you "understand the mind set of the average uneducated Thai" ( no really you don't) and then immediately prove that you don't by saying that you assume they would act professionally and give 2 weeks notice ! followed by remarks about a third world country! That coupled with your desire to " teach somebody a lesson" by not paying them, kind of gives me the impression that i would not last long with you either. Id Be careful if I were you . it might become a bit more than annoying if she turns up asking for her wages and brings her brothers with her
  14. I'd pack it in now if I were you, the battle you started was doomed from the beginning. leave now and this might all get forgotten about! you know it makes sense
  15. Ok I see what you mean , however I was in the UK when the vaccines were handed out, and there was no smartphone use required , good job really as I don't own one.
  16. you've lost me with that, and I would normally ask you to elaborate a little but every time I go "off topic" my posts disappear so I guess its one for another day ,however I pretty much agree with you on what you have posted
  17. Myself and the Thais that I know do not need to see a uniform in order to show due respect, I'm well aware of my place in the scheme of things as are they regarding their status amongst their own, I have no time or respect for uniforms
  18. You may have a point , and I kind of agree, but its not yet a legal requirement
  19. As do many if not all government employees, many, if not all, of whom display a very impressive collection of medals, I'm no expert but I'm thinking that the purpose of these uniforms is multi faceted. It designates the wearer as being a member of an authoritarian organization and as such (and for no other reason) isuperior to those who are not "entitled" to wear one, and therefore worthy and deserving of their respect, furthermore the trimmings and medals Identify the wearers "rank" within the organization that the uniform represents and denotes where respect or deference is due from other members of the same group Probably quite useful in the case of the police force or the military but a bit pointless and really just plain weird when it extends to the likes of "teachers" who should be able to earn respect by virtue of their words and actions, and "town hall" employees who are not really due anymore respect than anybody else I doubt very much if the kid in question is going to suffer "long term trauma or any other distress" they and the other kids will either be laughing about it or have forgotten about it already . "long term trauma or any other distress" is a relatively modern concept dreamed up by members of the woke west, as is the "counselling" required to address it
  20. Well, ti be honest there are plenty of kids being raised by elderly grandparents who, despite it being 2022 and "theoretically" having access to the internet / social media have absolutely no idea how to use it, and no inclination to learn at their time of life, and I fully understand and agree with that. This is also not unique to "up-country" locations in Thailand it is a generational thing
  21. As is seen on the news regularly "inter school" fighting is not unheard of, I doubt uniforms are particularly effective at controlling this behaviour as they give people a sense of group identity whilst clearly identifying the opposition. Can anybody else think of other "situations" were uniforms are inflammatory ?
  22. your response being... Utter chaos, another fine example of just why this whole thing on June 9th should not have been rushed through before appropriate laws and regulations were in place. "officials jumped the gun by insisting on licenses that don’t actually exist nor were required by law." “That’s exactly the point,” he said. “Welcome to Thailand.” There is no "chaos" you are being melodramatic . The only thing this is a "fine example of" is " lily livered politicians " who having made a brave and forward thinking decision have now lost the courage of their convictions when faced with opposition from a very vocal minority, who's voice has been amplified as usual by mainstream media, This has been exacerbated by opposition MP's who , naturally, think they have spotted an opportunity to discredit the current administration, and have jumped on the bandwagon regardless of their personal feelings towards the legalisation. You and your fellow prohibitionists are well outnumbered on this forum and this reflects the current views of society in general. As usual the politicians are well out of touch with how people really feel, mainly due to them forming their opinions on matters like this by listening to the aforementioned vocal minorities and mainstream media, If they bothered to actually meet, talk to and listen to all the members of their constituencies they would see things as they really are. That applies to all matters. not only cannabis.
  23. Oh dear ! you seem to have fired off a little "prematurely!" (cannabis can help with that, along with may other problems, lol) and before you ask here is your link... https://coconuts.co/bangkok/news/weed-whiplash-arrest-order-for-dispensary-operators-revoked-after-spreading-confusion-fear/
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