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Bday Prang

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Everything posted by Bday Prang

  1. I always liked the characters he played in the old British comedy's and to me he kind of embodies the values and attitude of a time when things were a damn site better all round than they are now. Can you believe many of the films he starred in are nowadays accompanied or rather preceded by a warning ? The one and only
  2. And somewhat misinformed , his name is Rob Halford, Nothing "naive" about you picking gay singers as your idols, You are just more perceptive than you give yourself credit for Some of the above didn't "come out" until late in life so you can obviously spot them. Out of interest which was your favorite musical ?
  3. Bang on, no point in arguing with that
  4. whether he is an american citizen or not is irrelevant so the "best of your knowledge" is neither here nor there, where does it mention that the guy desrcibed in the OP is an American citizen.? It does not, I'm from the UK. When I hear Jackie Chan speak English I can clearly detect the American influence in his speech mixed up with his natural chinese accent. It would appear you are either tone deaf, hard of hearing, or just looking for an argument, probably all 3 Try again
  5. At the time you commented it probably was , but later it was narrowly beaten into second place by this genius it is of course exactly what it used to be
  6. So if you won £200k you would refuse to accept it for the reasons you have highlighted above? Yeah of course you would. Some people are perfectly capable of keeping blood sucking relatives at arms length.
  7. 200k is still 200k exactly the same amount as it always was and indeed always will be
  8. Of course you are "not (just) being negative" you are taking negativity to a whole new level, The purpose of the article was for the couple to share their good luck, It was not published specifically to enable the miserable members on here to debate whether they have "enough" or not . Consequently the finer details of their current previous financial situation may not have been totally disclosed. His employment status , their current wealth, the value of their present house, etc etc is no business of anybody here. and neither is the location of the new house they intend to build. They also chose not to mention their children, why would they mention their kids ? and why did you feel the need to use quotation marks when you mentioned "their" children ? Other than in a pathetic and sad attempt to discredit and trivialise their 20 year relationship Jealousy really does bring out the worst in people, until today I had never realised to what degree this is true. You clearly don't wish them good luck at all. you would be the first to gloat should a subsequent thread detail any bad luck that may have befallen them, which is fine , just don't try to deny it
  9. no , here they come , you were not invited
  10. £1000 per year for 10 years is £10,000. She has just won £200,000 so ok a net gain of "just" £190,000 what is your point?
  11. Regardless of the property laws in Thailand why would it not be in her name, after all it was she who won the money
  12. Whether or not it is a life changing event would depend on how much money one had before hand, if one was already worth £1 million pounds it is not that significant but if one was scratching around for money after working minimum wage jobs it would indeed offer a welcome opportunity to change to ones life. Just as described in the OP. Of course there will always those whose jealousy inclines them to disagree I wish them all the best but can't help thinking he might wish this had been kept a bit quieter if or when he moves over to Thailand
  13. And that is normally exactly what they are, not that there is anything wrong with that
  14. not that difficult to get involved in an accident and kill somebody though is it , especially after a skinfull, It doesn't even have to be your fault
  15. So we should all be running round like little bitches accepting any $h1t that is thrown at us by Thais until we simply can't accept anymore and then politely leave.? Eternally grateful that we were ever allowed to come here in the first place?
  16. I'm not the one peeping at others or paranoid that others are watching me. No therapy required
  17. If that's the way your mind works its no wonder you crave privacy. Try minding your own business for a start and you may find others then extend you the same courtesy
  18. glad to f@cking hear it now if you will excuse me I have to get back to the real world Jesus is that the f@cking time already
  19. You asked about colourful words being used in family situations and I directed you to a place where you could witness this first hand. I thought that was obvious Are you not a native english speaker? Do you not understand that we are discussing expletives? Do you have no concept of the purpose of expletives or the situations in which they are normally used?. Are you not aware that there are people who , as a result of a limited vocabulary , are inclined to use expletives often in inappropriate situations as they are ill equipped to express themselves with less emphatic language.? I genuinely thought that any reasonably well informed native speaker would be aware of this As far as I am concerned, "Happy forking Christmas or Birthday" would be perfectly acceptable amongst my mates, or siblings, with children it would depend on their age, I would not say it to a six year old, but no issues saying it to a 16 year old, it depends on the kid in question and whether or not i feel they fully understand the intricacies of the correct usage of the word. My parents are no longer with us but there were no issues using the word with my father in the case of my mother who occasionally let a few expletives slip out when extremely stressed/ angry / or frustrated, a simple happy birthday was sufficient You seem remarkably uninformed on this subject
  20. Totally agree, the correct use of expletives is the one sure fire way to separate the native speakers from the others. I have never met a non native speaker who understood the intricacies of full spectrum of meanings and the correct usage of the word "forking" I have seen many try and without exception they invariably end up looking ridiculous listen to these pair if you want an example Unfortunately the Thais are unable to grasp the intricacies either and many have simply decided that it is a "naughty" word in the same way that a child might arrive at that conclusion, having been told as much by their parents without any details having been explained to them
  21. I'm sick to death of the pathetic "guest in their country" remark. This has nothing to do with being a "guest" It is simply a case of a bloke getting frustrated because he was having difficulty getting on to a train due to some awkward woman effectively deciding to cause an obstruction. He shouldn't have lost his temper, she should have moved, Maybe in mitigation for him he could have been in a rush , had an appointment, or even a flight to catch who knows, I can't think of any mitigating reason as to why the woman was reluctant to move, so she was at fault ,
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