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Bday Prang

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Everything posted by Bday Prang

  1. but at least they can spell, which dictionary did you use? none it would appear.
  2. So as I suspected, there is nowhere in the bible where drinking urine is recommended. In fact just the opposite. So where did that weirdo get his sick ideas from? On second thoughts I really rather not know
  3. Then try making an appointment with the GP who is not booked out. To be honest I doubt you will find one no matter how hard you try . Stop making things up
  4. Then one is unlikely to resort to drinking urine, is presumably the natural conclusion
  5. Help me out please, where exactly in the bible is this rubbish written. ? I certainly don't remember covering the matter at sunday school "the glue connecting body and soul" for gods sake
  6. The only people who listen to what "mia farangs " say are either idiots or other "mia farangs"
  7. It probably also renders him liable for military service hope he has fun
  8. So I'm not sure what you are referring to by "the tap" but out of interest do you prefer your own urine or that of somebody else? "The urine therapy books" the fact that people like you exist , and have been allowed to travel internationally, is concerning to say the least. You have lost it pal. There are however some more "specialist" websites where you could promote your fetish, no need to sicken the rest of us
  9. I thought this thread was just to let us know that "georgina" had changed his user name. Most of his posts are a P1$$ take so the title of this thread would be a very appropriate username for him
  10. you need help,
  11. That there are people advocating for a cashless society is absolutely astonishing, there is absolutely nothing to be gained . At present there are currently just two options, cash or digital. So, How can there possibly be any advantage for anybody in removing one of those options ? Anybody arguing for the removal of cash as a payment option needs their head examining, they also need to basically S.T.F.U and mind their own business. Pay with your digital monopoly money all you want if it makes you feel young and trendy, but how others choose to pay is really none of your concern, live and let live . As usual one side in this argument is very vocal, I have not yet heard any fans of cash calling for the end of digital payment options. So why do the fans of digital seek to impose their views on others? Answers on a postcard please
  12. Good post, I would add that the reluctance of older people to embrace the new digital money systems is not because of any inherent learning difficulties, just the opposite in fact Maybe, just maybe, some of us have been around long enough to realise that when organisations like banks and governments tell us things, they are often, at best very economical with the truth, and at worst just telling blatant lies, Furthermore , when they continually insist that its for our benefit, convenience, safety or security , the opposite is more likely to be the case. Its called experience, and it helps to generate a healthy distrust of authorities , and promotes an essential cynicism, this is something that the younger generations simply don't have yet. and as such they are far more inclined to simply believe what they are told There is good reason why political parties are continually trying to engage with younger and younger people, for example in the UK there has been talk for some time about reducing the age at which people can vote to 16. and I am pretty sure its nothing to do with any pollical awareness or knowledge. It is , in my opinion, simply because young minds are more open to suggestion, and therefore more easily controlled and manipulated Not unlike religion, which is forced upon people at a very early age, simply because older people with a better developed brain, IQ. and the common sense that comes with it would simply dismiss such rubbish instantly. Older people, a thorn in the side of authority since the beginning of time, the only way the authorities can combat this is to discredit their often very genuine concerns, There is no better way to achieve that than by simply blaming their age and effectively questioning their sanity The younger generations will march us willingly into the coming nightmare, but it is them and their offspring who will have to live with the long term negative consequences. We will be long gone
  13. It does have value, but it is evaluated in a totally different way to that of the west
  14. Not necessarily I can remember several shops having a sign saying there was a surcharge for using a credit card, apparently it was illegal, at least in the UK but it was common practice. No reason at all why we shouldn't have "two tier" pricing, as well. Why should I pay to wait for somebody to fumble about with their mobile phone , worse than students when they always paid by cheque
  15. I would say that they live and die by a totally different set of priorities to westerners . Their attitude to death, money, and the value of life bears no resemblance to that held by westerners This is the basis what it actually means to be "of a different culture" its a lot more than a few quaint habits and eating different food or speaking a different language Its totally unrealistic to expect them to do pretty much anything the same as it is done in the west ,
  16. After just two days? behave
  17. Then it must be according to "him" then
  18. You should stop telling others what to do. You obviously don't understand the negative implications of a cashless society, despite them being explained quite clearly on this thread. You are free to use your digital funny money to your hearts content. no need for you to worry about other people and how they pay for things. try climbing off your soapbox
  19. This push for cashless has absolutely nothing to do with criminals, and everything to do with control of the general population . Its happening every day , in many different ways. Electronic Travel Authorisation, Worldwide Taxation, and Limits on cash transactions. to name just a few of the more recent developments. There are countless other things happening often behind the scenes and often barely perceptible, but always allegedly for our safety, convenience, and security. The banks, at least in the UK have shown how easy it is for them to "debank" people just for holding controversial views or simply spending extended periods of time out of the country, It will be even worse once the digital social credit scheme is eventually in place, How will the fans of cashless survive should that ever happen to them? It would be pretty much game over without cash. So many stupid people playing right into the hands of the authorities, and they can't even see it. It is no wonder we are doomed Clause Schwab and the WEF along with all the others must be laughing themselves to sleep at night
  20. I don't think this is necessary a positive, and its the first time I have heard any mention of a "race" to become cashless amongst other south east asian nations. So has Thailand really "beaten" its neighbours, or has it in reality just succumbed to this cashless narrative prematurely People should of course always have the choice of using cash. those who wish to pay digitally can do so if they wish, but could they please just do it quietly, and stop preaching the "amazing advantages" to everybody else These people are becoming as boring as those who drive electric cars, just get on with your own lives and leave the rest of us alone
  21. What does anybody expect , If there is money involved there will be corruption, and the more money there is involved the more corruption there will be. Top of the tree will be the large infrastructure projects Airports, High speed Trains, Highways, etc but the amount of money involved in bus transport will not be insignificant, probably right up there with Temples
  22. Its good enough for them i suppose
  23. There's not that many westerners where I live I'm always surprised that Lotus buy so much and then end up giving it away
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