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Bday Prang

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Everything posted by Bday Prang

  1. Just be careful you don't fall foul of any defamation laws. I have had similar issues in the UK after paying for Visas using the E- visa system twice now within 24 hours of paying for visas I had money taken from my account, in both instances a direct debit had been set up linked to a company in Germany of all places! The bank refunded the money but when I asked the bank if it was possible for me to stop any future direct debits being set up without my prior approval I was fold it was not possible to do so. Apparently anybody or any company can set up a direct debit if they have the required details and the only recourse is to rely on the direct debit guarantee scheme in which banks "promise" to refund fraudulent debits. I personally do not find this very reassuring, having to rely on a banks "honesty" does not inspire confidence
  2. Helping the public by taxing them more, and increasing their debt, seems to be a common approach worldwide
  3. i'm feeling seriously nostalgic having read your post, especially as a 900ss was my dream bike back in the day,
  4. Hah As has been seen over and over again, the professional opinions of doctors are available to the highest bidder they will endorse or renounce anything for money , that is the only explanation, a 100% love of money. It eases their conscience if they have no real knowledge of the product / matter they are commenting on, which when it comes to recreational drugs means pretty much all of them . Mo problem about that in this particular case as the person issuing the death stamp warning, the second in command of the "Department of Medical Services" Deputy Director-General Pairoj Surattanawanich does not appear to be a medical man but a General The other guy quoted doesn't use the "DR" title prefix either, which they all do if they can, so i doubt he's a doc either
  5. I forgotten about that rumour. lol Anybody remember microdots ? It was unreal how something so small cloud have such a profound effect
  6. normally every friday and saturday for us. I would always end up thinking how on earth will I be going to work on monday, but I always made it in. Not sure how I'd like it nowadays, but I know a good way of finding out . Is it widely available again nowadays?
  7. The cheap weed was more than likely destined for the stash boxes of vulnerable, white , underage, council estate girls, as part of his gangs grooming operations. Drugs were often given free by the pakistani perpareators to help ingratiate themselves with their prospective victims. If that failed to do the trick they would up the odds and ply them with "white lightening" cider or "Buckfast" a potentially lethal cocktail including fortified wine and caffeine, prepared by monks and beloved by Scottish people In the event that the more stubborn lasses still refused succumb to temptation they would go all out and offer them free kebab meat and chips and diet coke
  8. Can anybody help me out here? How on earth does an online dispute about charity boxing lead to this ? Its a pretty surreal excuse is he connected to the LSD case by any chance
  9. 30kg he was on the limit of his luggage weight allowance, 1 more gram and his potential profits would have been decimated by the excess baggage charges
  10. one can probably buy cheap brick weed in Thailand for around 2 baht a gram maybe less in such quantities, It could fetch the equivalent of 250 baht / gram in the UK ( have seen it for sale at £150 / ounce Not a bad mark up if he had got away with it
  11. He was a courier / smuggler nowhere in the OP did it imply he used , sold, or pushed. although if his suitcase was equipped with wheels he may have been pushing, or maybe dragging , depending on his gait
  12. I wouldn't hold your breath waiting for a link, these people are considered "experts" the very rubbish they spew out becomes the subject matter of "links" In fact we have probably just witnessed the actual making of a "link" that will be referred to by others and considered as fact That's how things seem to work these days
  13. Yes I am stating the obvious, at least it would be obvious to anybody with any common sense, that grassing people up to the authorities can indeed be a risky choice. No I am not the owner of any bar or club. I have not warned you I have advised you, I thought that would be clear by what I wrote, especially to a teacher. I very much doubt, that somebody who has spent most of their life in the protected environment of academia has any concept of the consequences of becoming a police informant , or is equipped to deal with them. exactly what "point" of yours have I proven?
  14. I read somewhere somebody has just been apprehended selling LSD blotters here. Perfect opportunity for a couple of establishment "experts" who I can guarantee have absolutely no knowledge of such matters , to crawl out of the woodwork and issue some cut and pasted shock horror warnings, to a very receptive audience who also have absolutely knowledge and who have been conditioned by exposure to years of misinformation to be fully receptive to any further scaremongering rubbish. Nothing upsets either of these groups and gets then clutching for their pearls more than the concept of youngsters taking drugs or having sex. Its got to the point , actually we arrived there a long time ago, were even intelligent, informed discussion regarding the two subjects with youngsters is strongly discouraged. lest it encourages people to indulge. "Drugs are bad" "sex is bad unless you are married" "contraception will cause promiscuity" "Just say no " etc etc etc Considering that its 2024 , the number of unwanted teenage pregnancies , and the number of people who have died from or are addicted to drugs. it strikes me that the above attitude, has not only completely failed, but, along with those who promoted it, has rather a lot to answer for . Back in the 70's and 80's myself and everybody I knew was into "Acid" can;t think of any who suffered any of the alleged horrific side effects that these people love to tell us are inevitable Haven't seen it offered for sale for years and years, I thought it had been either forgotten about or had just become so unpopular that nobody was willing to sell it. I will be keeping my eyes open now
  15. Stainless steel here also rusts and to varying degrees! Personally for the non galvanised stuff, I always washed off the mill scale and any existing oily residue with petrol then gave it a coat or two of red or grey primer, I have some steel fence posts and rails that have been in place over 20 years and still no rust. Admittedly I paint over the primer with normal oil based gloss every so often so that probably helps a bit too but I have noticed that the sun eventually destroys that paint yet the original primer appears relatively unaffected. Regarding the galvanised stuff, I bought a few pieces about 5 years ago to use as edge formwork for a concrete driveway. 100mmx50mmx 1.5mm I didn't particularly want galvanised but it was all they had in the shop at the time. I never painted it at all and since I had no further use for it I just stashed it along side the father in laws rice shed, effectively uncovered and unprotected. To this day the only rust present is in the few places I scratched it when removing it from the concrete, still perfectly usable Although I probably should grind off the the light rust and prime it where its scratched Any body reasonably competent at welding should have no problem welding it Mr Somchai here didn't struggle at all. and even I can achieve passable welds without too much trouble, certain welding rods make it easier but really for thin steel a MIG is much more appropriate than a stick welder I certainly would not bother with powder coating as suggested by somebody else on here, if its not exposed to the sun normal primer and oil based paint is more than adequate
  16. you would be better advised and a lot safer if you minded your own business Mr Teacher. Other peoples Visas and the the way they are obtained are nothing to do with you.
  17. Well for sure making that video was a huge mistake, Everybody will make of it what they wish ,and its pretty clear he's a nasty piece of work. All I am saying, is that if kicking was a capitol offence, and the guy was looking at a death sentence, I would be very very uneasy about sending him to the gallows based solely on what I saw in that video.
  18. i have seen and heard all of the video, Of course I can hear a thud and I can hear his rant and I can see he's angry, but I can't definitively say I saw him kick her. Some have said the vid was taken by somebody following him from behind, but it looks to me like he took it himself and what actually is seen is his shadow
  19. clearly a denial of intentional kicking, it may be true it may be a lie but it is clearly a denial. A foot making contact with something is not automatically a kick nor intentional.
  20. Well social media hasn't exactly helped matters either has it?
  21. 1 see the quote below specifically ""She is 26 and is working as a doctor in a hospital. But even if she hasn't passed all her exams yet 2 she has no qualifications yet (but bearing in mind who her father is that only a formality 3 again see below specifically "She is 26 and is working as a doctor" "She is 26 and is working as a doctor in a hospital. But even if she hasn't passed all her exams yet, so what?? No idea why you even think that's worth a discussion, it is irrelevant. Anyway why would she be listed as a GP on the hospital website? Weirdest deflection I have come across in a while." "Why are we discussing this?" well you tell me , you started it with the above quote you appear to be incapable of adult discussion, everything you disagree with you dismiss as a deflection, you are not "debating" with anybody , just spouting endless rubbish. eventually insulting those who tried to debate with you....."I'll continue debating with the adults (not that there seem to be many around), then predictably crying "off topic" the standard goto from your sort when you realise you have nothing left
  22. So where is the evidence she was kicked in the back. its not in the video, he has denied it , it is purely anecdotal
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