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Bday Prang

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Everything posted by Bday Prang

  1. not as "silly" as advocating the use of unqualified doctors in hospitals
  2. If the two women sitting on his steps were british tourists from a council estate this thread would have not reached two pages and the guy would have been applauded
  3. anybody who was a patient at the hospital would probably disagree with that statement, Unqualified students posing as doctors? hardly inspires confidence and not what one would expect to find in any hospital especially in a country with aspirations to become a medical tourism hub. Regardless of the legal ramifications or indeed how famous her father is. And you expect to be taken seriously
  4. you are probably right about the lack of financial incentive , but it doesn't explain the behaviour of the mob that's gathering on here. The guy who done his wife in was caught bang to rights and eventually admitted what he had done , the evidence in this case is pretty flimsy by comparison its pretty much his word against hers. could jealousy of his wealth also be a contributory factor
  5. And what would be the reaction of the righteous on here if the 500 strong mob had got their hands on him and literally torn him to shreds, it would only take one somchai to throw the first punch
  6. There was a Swiss guy a few weeks ago who murdered his missis disposing of the mutilated body in a field. Even he did not spark such a strong reaction amongst the netizens, and I don't remember the keyboard warriors on here forming a lynch mob and lighting their flaming torches either.
  7. There seems to be a global trend developing, of governments inviting in unwanted immigrants, legal or otherwise to the detriment of their respective indigenous populations. The UK is as usual leading by example. This trend , whilst quite popular in the west has yet to take off in middle eastern or African countries
  8. with the amount of black money that is obviously circulating around Phuket from all the active "mafias" it is actually quite hard to believe that he hasn't already relocated himself there already to take his cut . So he either has enough money at the moment, or, he considers it prudent to lie low for a while until the current allegations concerning his activities have been made to disappear,
  9. I was expressing an opinion not giving advice, i leave that to wannabees like you, I will use what ever emoticons I wish to ,regardless of your instructions only a simpleton would buy now how much did you buy today like all the others greed will be your undoing, there is at least one born every minute
  10. Yes really, The video did not even come from a Thai he made it himself and it shows nothing. I have not said he did not kick her and I certainly don't have his back, his shouting and bawling was of course very bad behaviour and totally uncalled for "Even Mr Swiss himself doesn't deny the kick, but he puts it down to a "slip". that statement makes no sense at all That is certainly and without any doubt an attempt at a denial He is saying he did not intentionally kick her, He is stating that his foot made contact with her back as a result of him slipping, whether you or I or anybody else believe him or not is neither here or there, it is still a denial of an intentional kick. Here is a rather simplistic example that may help you understand ..... I once slipped over whilst drunk and banged my head on a table , I accept my head made contact with the table but I deny headbutting it, are you getting it yet?
  11. Good move, can't fault you, I would have bought up the two seats immediately behind as well .
  12. I have not sided with the foreigner and I have not dismissed the Thai side of things, I have however questioned the evidential value of the video with respect to supporting the allegation that he kicked anybody, I have now watched it several times and can not see any kick being delivered to either of the women sitting on the steps. I am not saying he did not kick her but I am saying that the video does not provide any clear proof that he did. Anybody saying differently has either seen a totally different video, or is hallucinating,
  13. Well the first option would obviously be the easiest way out, But , as mentioned in a previous post, from you I think, there is a possible 4 year prison sentence for trespass, maybe he thinks he has a case, personally I would not be as certain as him , considering the way things have developed but up to him as they say
  14. Its not only the Bloodthirsty Thais that have worked themselves up into a feeding frenzy, the usual suspects on here are putting them to shame.
  15. I am not an avid fan or follower of the Prime Minister but on this occasion his reaction is to be applauded "Srettha said it is not appropriate to verbally amplify this incident as people in Thailand should live in peace with this small issue already being managed. He added that he did not want something like this to occur but since it did he has instructed the police and Tourism and Sports Ministry to take care of the situation and underscore to foreign tourists and foreigners living here that they must strictly abide by the law." He has certainly reacted more appropriately than the usual mob on here, Although perhaps it would have been better for him to advise "all" people to abide by the law, I hope he does not get deported, trial by media is just plain wrong trial by social media is even worse.
  16. So she apparently is not a "doctor" but is studying, so that effectively makes her a student does it not, I am not saying that makes his behaviour towards her acceptable but embellishing her status will certainly help in encouraging outrage amongst the usual netizens, not that they need any encouragement
  17. I would say in this case that a "Wai" and 500 bt would be a perfectly appropriate conclusion, at least it would have been before any media involvement and the congregation of a baying mob
  18. Are you seriously suggesting that people should be deported for being "arrogant" In that case they would do well to start with people who use a word like "ajarn" in their user name. Who on earth told you that would be a good Idea,
  19. So you saw a baying mob and decided to join in with a predictable newbie comment, have you considered the possibility that having "seen" the complete lack of any evidence of an assault, the powers that be realise it is a little unrealistic to attempt to deport him, for merely the use of some strong "foreign " language. A concept that the hang em high brigade on here seem unable to grasp
  20. I'd like to think the vast majority of normal, reasonable , people regardless of their nationality would not be so quick to join a baying mob of internet vigilantes based on very very flimsy evidence. Truly astonishing behaviour, although not unexpected from the permanently angry "netizens" which a few on here are starting to become
  21. The video shows absolutely nothing, except the use of some strong language which the women probably could not understand, Have you even actually watched it? If so please enlighten us as to the exact point the assault takes place. Did he allegedly assault the woman on the left or the woman on the right, I have now watched it dozens of times, also in slow motion and I would say there is absolutely no evidence of any "assault" Come on prove me wrong, I'm not saying he behaved correctly and I am not disputing any claims the woman is making, but I am saying there is no evidence to back up her claims on that video
  22. If hydrogen power ever hits the mainstream there is no real reason why it would be any cheaper than petrol , which presumably will have ceased to be available. I cant see into the future but I strongly believe that once the governments have had their pound of flesh, and the energy companies have got their heads together and devised a way to shaft motorists the cost of driving an EV will be very similar to the cost of driving a mainstream ICE today probably more allowing for inflation People are struggling to pay their electric bills as it is. That is not by accident nor purely as a result of Ukraine or covid 19. They are fleecing us at every opportunity and will of course continue to fleece us as new opportunities arise. When I was a kid we were told that nuclear power would mean virtually free electric for everybody "in the future". remember that? Enjoy your cheap EV motoring while you can , but rest assured all good things must or rather will come to an end
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