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Bday Prang

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Everything posted by Bday Prang

  1. But you don't find that part of this story a little strange, and are so quick to pronounce the tourists guilty
  2. She argued that police assistance would spoil foreign tourists and encourage them to repeat such behaviour. well only if it was made public, which she ensured it was The taxi driver did not clarify whether she eventually took the money from the police I'd say it was a racing certainty that she snatched their hands off
  3. Price probably already included the toll fee too, she was more than likely just trying it on. Can't have been much more than 50 baht anyway if the cops were prepared to pay it just to shut her up.
  4. Also a bit weird that in this day and age there are still people believe all they read online
  5. not odd at all for anybody who has spent any time here.
  6. Rubbish I have paid many times with large denomination notes and never had an issue with getting change. Toll money is asked for at the point of payment, never at the end of the journey, that in its self is suspicious, You should not believe all you read in the papers or online, especially anything from "The Tiger" You should not be so quick to apportion guilt Have you ever been asked for the toll fee at the end of the journey ? I very much doubt it.
  7. I would want to distance my self from a Thai woman screaming at me like a fish wife. I know how they can erupt whether they are right or wrong
  8. The nationality of the women is of no relevance, the amount of the toll involved would have been interesting and obviously trivial.. So many on here ready to crucify a couple of tourists based on a report from that bastion of "journalism" The Thaiger. Of course all Thai taxi drivers are saints who would never lie, female ones especially so . The cops at the scene offered to pay , that should have been the end of the matter, but no, it obviously wasn't good enough, and only compounded her loss of face from a failed scam
  9. I have been a member a lot longer than that actually, I take people on a post by post basis and very rarely form opinions except in certain circumstances. I just looked back at some of my comments and I have indeed encountered the guy before and have actually commented on a few of his posts, but I have not been inclined to form any sort of a lasting negative opinion
  10. people everywhere have more to worry about, except of course a few busybodies on here
  11. Agree with all you have written , although I can't comment on the posting history of the OP I don't recall any of his posts or comments prior to this thread
  12. indeed and ask them to clarify your visa options, that would soon shut them up
  13. It is not "their country" and with few exceptions they have zero entitlement to know anything. We have no obligation to declare our visa status or show our papers, "on demand" to any member of the public, with few exceptions for example checking into a hotel or for a flight. It really is none of anybody's business I would say that the overwhelming majority of Thais have absolutely no Idea of visa requirements, Most don't even understand the purpose of a passport. in the same way that I have no idea about visa regulations in the UK ( if there are any these days) why would I , unless I was thinking of taking the mrs over there, which I am not Do, or did, you make a habit of checking foreigners documents in your home country, ? I doubt it , but there again there are a few on here who may well do things like that, are you one of those interfering busybody types ?
  14. Other than with a few "bar girls" who have been contaminated with the "Farang roo mak mai dee" philosophy, I have never experienced anything like this. Sure some Thais don't particularly like me, but I am able to understand that their feelings towards me do not reflect their feelings towards all foreigners, The same way that I don't like certain Thais, but there are plenty that I get on with just fine. Same goes for all people I meet.
  15. I never had an immigration officer ask me either, they seem to know what visa I have, except at the airport when I first arrive
  16. Each to their own, and I guess where one lives may have something to do with the way they feel about this, I tend to avoid foreigners when I can, so if I couldn't converse with the Thais I would effectively become a recluse which is not something i have on my bucket list.
  17. Good move, I just wish this forum would stop using them as a source. It seems to me its an easy option, and a bit of a cop out, to merely cut and paste stories from this "english" source of rubbish. without even "tidying up" the stuff they print. I used to think most stories on here were actually translated from Thai news sources, I was wrong. However watching all the "stalwarts" on here get themselves all worked up over the "gutter press" style of reporting can be highly amusing
  18. There is no shortage of nosey busybodies in the west, its only to be expected that some of them find their way here, Many of them can be heard waffling on about "yellow books" or "pink ID cards" They generally consider themselves to be a "better class" of expat than others, with some sort of enhanced status. I think it may have a bit to do with their former occupations giving them delusions of grandeur. Also a lot of people just tend to get a weird as they enter old age and begin to realise that their perceived relevance is dwindling. Their only comfort is conversing, ranting and basically virtue signalling with other like minded individuals, particularly after happy hour I would bet a months wages that most of them have zero Thai language skills despite living here for years, the fact that they need to be accompanied by, and rely totally on, their wives adds to their frustration
  19. most Thais have no interest or indeed any knowledge about visas, why would they? , The visa scrutineers are normally just a handful of sanctimonious geriatrics that frequent this forum. ones visa status is between you and immigration and nobody else. My brother in law is a police officer, a chief inspector, and he has no concept whatsoever about visas or any of the hoops foreigners have to jump through to remain here
  20. only women raised as muzzers would normally submit to this
  21. My take is that Thai women end up with muslims as due to a lack of education they have no idea what they are getting themselves into. They have no concept of islamic "values" and they can see no further than what money they believe the guy has. The same reason they sometimes end up with westerners old enough to be their grandfather
  22. Or are your comments based on an assessment of historical data and a calculated likelihood ? Absolutely nothing wrong with that either. its a necessary life skill to be applied in any situation. It forms the backbone of the insurance industry. But I see your point lets see if it works
  23. I agree with what you say , who wouldn't? But I hope you realise that the "woke" element on this forum will have their own twisted take on what you wrote and will be out to get you now, probably writing death threats already
  24. A perfectly valid sentiment, regardless of the perps nationality, you have no need to mention prejudice or racism , why fan the flames? There are enough doing that with their virtue signalling, some are unable to function properly unless offended, normally on behalf of others
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