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Bday Prang

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Everything posted by Bday Prang

  1. Soppy handwringers, and virtue signalling tolerance ? Admittedly words I have used my self when describing such people, but I genuinely believe those words are fast becoming somewhat inappropriate. Worryingly the time is quickly approaching where words like "treasonous" , " traitor" and "threat to national security" would be more accurate. and where holding such views would render one liable to severe penalties, I would suggest imprisonment followed by exile to a suitably intolerant muslim country, where they can enjoy the benefits ( or otherwise) of the culture and values they would be happy to see inflicted on the UK and every other western democracy.
  2. jesus Christ almighty. now at least I know why it has not been widely broadcast. For a lot less than that sort of money she could have simply disappeared or met with an unfortunate accident, the muzzers would have done her in themselves for far less Ps the sad emoji I am about to stick on your post is to illustrate how I feel about this, it is in no way a criticism of you
  3. There is no sensible argument for wanting to allow her back into the uk. There is no sensible argument for spending millions debating the matter either. The UK is, thanks to our home grown liberal lefties . a laughing stock in the eyes of the rest of the world, and has been identified by islamist extremists as a very legitimate and very soft target. Desperate times require desperate measures., plenty of "human rights" were suspended as a result of a recent pandemic, no reason why a few more can't be suspended, in response to the terrorist threat, and for people behaving like Begum. after all they are not too big on human rights in the countries these traitors choose to emigrate too The removal of free legal aid for all foreigners would be a great start, and something we really could be proud of Anybody that thinks lawyers are not motivated by money is clearly delusional. The UK has little to be proud regarding the legal aid system , penniless scum who make up the majority of miscreants get free legal representation, Large corporate bodies have no problem affording the extortionate costs involved , but the average man in the street is not entitled to any assistance in that respect, and in most instances selling his house and using his life savings would not even scratch the surface. even relatively wealthy people have rendered themselves bankrupt paying for legal representation So an islamic extremist rapes your daughter his legal team is free for him in fact your taxes pay for it you daughters legal team assuming she has a job and is a productive member of society ii not free in fact you would have to sell your house just to raise a deposit Of course you are fine with that state of affairs
  4. Body guards for female MP's as a direct result of what ???? As a direct result of threats from people with a similar mindset to Begum.
  5. If she did get back in to the UK a life on (enhanced) unemployment benefits is pretty much inevitable, at least until she accumulates the wealth and celebrity status which she is assured. I would love to be a fly on the wall at one of her "back to work" interviews. Particularly the bit where they ask about what life skills she has amassed during her life, and her strengths and weaknesses, and what she might bring to the table.
  6. Very probably, it has been an established and effective way to get fast tracked into the UK Promoted by the very reverend and very woke archbishop justin welsby another muslim apologist revered as a useful idiot (just like the rest of them) by islamist extremists around the world who harbour british citizenship aspirations
  7. I would prefer if she got consumed with guilt and killed herself. At least we would not have to look at her pug ugly face in the newspapers for much longer. and the fiscal drain on UK public funds that she is responsible for would soon end
  8. People who are not british citizens or who are in the process of having that privilege withdrawn should not be entitled to legal aid. If that potentially leads to a "rocky road downwards for justice" then so be it I have no issues with that whatsoever. Especially considering that true british citizens who have become expats in Thailand for example have their pensions frozen , lose their ability to vote, and can be refused medical treatment on the NHS All of which would be available to her if she returned to the UK. in fact to really rub salt in the wound, she would be entitled to jump any NHS queues for medical attention and no doubt get immediate access to NHS dental treatment as well Yes I have heard of pro-bono now tell me where it was mentioned on the op
  9. all sadly true. In fact once she secures the book deal and the film rights she will become seriously wealthy too. Give it six months she will have achieved celebrity status, no doubt appearing in "the jungle" Or "The big brother house. There is too much money to be made out of her and too many virtue signalling opportunities . the lefty MSM will milk her and promote her until she dies and even then they will continue
  10. It might make you feel warm and smug and morally superior , but it would make any right minded person physically sick. It would also demonstrate to the islamist savages how pathetic the UK has become and further fuel their enthusiasm to continue their assault on the west.
  11. she won't need a passport, she is going nowhere, she should remain in a camp until she dies,and the sooner that happens the better.
  12. justice would never be served by allowing her to return to the UK. The woke infested mainstream media, along with the lefty liberals would see to that. she would end up with the equivalent of a 500baht fine and a wai
  13. I'm not sure there is such a thing as a self respecting lawyer, they are motivated solely by money, indeed this quote from the OP illustrates how they believe there is a bottomless pit of money available. "Gareth Peirce, one of Begum's lawyers, indicated that the legal battle will persist as long as Begum remains in the refugee camp in northern Syria". They need to take steps to remove this funding, and any lawyers involved in the case should be forced to return any money they have received for representing her, they should then be barred from working in the legal profession for life
  14. So she has a "legal team" including a QC. none of whom will be working for free, it should be revealed publicly exactly how much this has cost and exactly who is paying for it. There should be a special tax levied on all muslims in the UK ( and their apologists) to help recover the costs of this and all the atrocities committed in the name of islam.
  15. That must be a very bad kid, as it's obviously serving a long sentence. and it appears to be close to out growing its cell .now there is a danger it could escape by simply climbing out, Best to quickly grant it parole and allow it to serve the remainder of its sentence in leg irons.
  16. "Nearly 20 million lives were saved by COVID-19 vaccines during their first year, but even more deaths could have been prevented if international targets for the shots had been reached, researchers reported Thursday." so there we have it then "absolute proof" not only that the vaccine saved 20 million lives, but also absolute proof that the "international targets" were totally correct too. Would anybody have expected the research to show anything to the contrary considering who paid for it .... Funding came from several groups including the WHO; the UK Medical Research Council; Gavi, the Vaccine Alliance; and the Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation. sorry not convinced !
  17. How on earth can it be proved that these 319,000 people would have survived if they had taken the vaccine? total rubbish. plenty of vaccinated people died from covid, plenty of unvaccinated people did not.
  18. Nobody on here questioning the safety of the vaccines or the reason behind so many excess deaths. is lying, they are "questioning" What possible political motivation have any of us got for simply asking questions ? And why is it making certain people on here so very uncomfortable? I had three vaxes, what's done is done if I die as a result then so be it I made the decision, and i'll accept responsibility for what ever consequences I suffer, I never suggested that anybody else should or shouldn't get vaccinated, why would I ? so my conscience is not bothering me at all. But if I had been very vocally active on here and / or elsewhere, like a few on here, berating, insulting , and compelling others to get vaccinated at all costs, I might feel a little bit differently if it turned out that the vaccine was not as safe as I had lead them to believe, who would want to carry that guilt around with them ? could that be the reason why the same few on here, and elsewhere now wish to stop others asking awkward questions. and will quickly try to dismiss any emerging negative reports as conspiracy theories or indeed as "politically motivated lies" No members of the public should ever have put any pressure on others regarding getting vaccinated or not, that is the responsibility of the authorities, and there is good reason why all those involved, in positions of authority, all protected themselves with hastily written "no liability" clauses
  19. The whole charade has been lie after lie. from the very start.regarding =: Its origin ? Who was responsible? The death rate, (especially the projected numbers) ? The computer modelling? The effectiveness of lockdowns? The ever increasing infectiousness? Then add in the involvement of "big Pharma", a good dosing of corruption , the breathtaking amount of money available for the taking , and the darker side of human nature. Then finally top it off with a healthy dose of governmental incompetence, a bit more corruption, political point scoring, opportunities for experimental social engineering, and then finally add the ever present mainstream media who never let the truth get in the way of a good story Those questioning anything are behaving perfectly rationally, who wouldn't have concerns, bearing in mind any of the above? The asking of questions and seeking answers and or the truth, are fundamental aspects of human nature, "instinctive" for want of a better word and an essential part of our evolution and development Those turning on them often quite viciously hurling insults are not, there is little to be gained, by simply accepting everything we are told, especially by incompetent governments and those with vested interests but they are however a shining example of the effectiveness of propaganda and how through the skillful use of fear , people can not only be persuaded to believe anything that inspires hope and makes them feel safe. but they can also be motivated to do the authorities work for them by attacking anybody who spoils their comforting illusion by disagreeing or simply just questioning Its quite telling that those questioning things on here are doing simply that, But without exception Its those clinging to the narrative that are behaving aggressively
  20. That may or may not be true, why do you feel the need to insult those who choose to disagree and refuse to accept what "the authorities" have told you.
  21. says somebody even less qualified, but that's irrelevant when saying things that people find "comforting"
  22. So you are worried and that's perfectly understandable, but there is no point , and there is nothing to be gained by attempting to discredit the man or his assertions, best just to wait and see, if he is wrong then happy days and you can relax, however if he is right there may be cause for concern, for those of us who have been vaccinated. L can accept that
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