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Bday Prang

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Everything posted by Bday Prang

  1. indeed it is, the original narrative was that the earth was flat, those who disagreed were indeed treated as conspiracy theorists by authoritarian organisations such as the church for example . However as is usual due to research and the application of science, by those who refused to accept what they were being told , the truth eventually emerged.. A small minority still believe the original narrative.the rest have woken up
  2. why are you so quick to become a "denier" I've had 3 jabs , but I am perfectly willing to accept that I may have made a terrible mistake.. If there is a problem, banging your vaccine drum won't help you. neither will crying but,but but the authorities and bill gates said it was ok .
  3. There will be plenty of people changing their tune as time passes, Often the only difference between conspiracy theories and the truth is simply a matter of time
  4. perhaps in view of todays (21st feb ) news you should double down in your efforts to get assessed. He;s been charged
  5. As i posted just the other day, anybody who thinks he's clean needs their head examining, one member who obviously did not agree even asked me for the contact details of a good phrenologist in an attempt to dismiss my assertion, I doubt he will be commenting about this What do you think now @PETERTHEEATER
  6. Jesus imagine bangkok full of all the miserable geriatrics off this forum, I think I'd rather be in Pattaya
  7. Maybe meaning they will catch a bus or stay at home yet potentially depriving their own home towns of the related extra revenue ?
  8. Duh! the clue is in the title of the thread "surge-in-antisemitism-in-UK-worst-for-40-years"
  9. Hardly specialist reading material ? " Israeli textbooks and propaganda novels , such as Leon Uris's Exodus" you must have gone to a very special school if that was a "popular" book. Or maybe you were just "special ? Teenagers normally have other things on their minds, I know I did
  10. "The Hamas-run health ministry" says it all really , yet you have decided to believe them. I guess that's up to you Personally I have never believed a word any government said, never mind one which made up of shameless islamist cowards. Anyway the Israelis appear to be going soft now , more's the pity..... from your link "“I can assure you that we’re doing everything in our power to reduce civilian casualties,” the senior Israeli official said. “But this is part of the consequences of war.” They should have thought about the consequences before they committed the atrocity on october the 7th when they (hamas) specifically targeted innocent Israelis. They need to be taught a lesson they will never ever forget, then maybe, just maybe they will think about the consequences before acting in a similar manner again. one possible reason for the alleged civilian casualties , (from the same link) “ one of the senior officials at the briefing said, adding that the use of human shields was part of Hamas’s “core strategy.” well that has not worked out too well for them this time has it ? But as you seem to have forgotten why all of this is happening, how about reading this.. (again from the same link)...... 3,000 terrorists burst across the border into Israel from Gaza, killing some 1,200 people and dragging over 240 hostages into Gaza. The vast majority of those killed as gunmen seized border communities were civilians — including babies, children and the elderly. many of whom endured agonising slow deaths including rape and decapitation do you remember that minor detail?? If a gang broke into my house and did something like that I would respond in exactly the same manner, once I had identified those responsible I would kill them , their families, their friends, their sympathisers, their pets , and anybody who even just looked like them. and I wouldn't stop for anybody. no matter how much they whinged about the injustice of my vengeful retaliation How would you respond ? sanctions and a strongly worded letter of condemnation to the Guardian? As far as I am concerned the responsibility for all the bloodshed rests firmly at the feet of Hamas and I fully support the Israelis retaliation. Now run along and virtue signal to some students or others of a similar mindset who actually give a f*@k because i don't.
  11. not all dogs have owners who do you blame for the ones they kill?
  12. Targeted population control, simple as that! 725,000 a year get killed by mossies according to a previous post , factor in the potential offspring not now being born , they must have prevented millions.
  13. Two tier policing is generally just getting started, as its only relatively recently that "diversity" targets were set regarding recruitment of police officers, forget the" best man for the job" school of thought, when it comes to selecting successful candidates, even Sherlock Holmes wouldn't get taken on once the quota of white christian applicants has been reached. Once one of the "box ticking" muslim applicants has duly been selected as the chief commissioner things will inevitably take a turn for the worse Its not just major events, like bombings and other atrocities that we will have to be aware of and watch out for. there is a whole load of "micro agressions" and "(un) conscious bias" to pick a few woke words that will be targeted at us too. Rest assured there will be no army of woke people allowed to support the dwindling number of indigenous non muslims. Women will inevitably suffer the most
  14. Well keep up with the insults, and keep ignoring the elephant in the room. How many more 9/11 type atrocities will it take and how many more organisations like ISIS or the Taliban will need to be operational before you accept the uncomfortable truth. I don't really like the word "denier" but it seems a totally appropriate adjective in this case. You may consider myself and others who share similar views to be "in this up to our necks", that is your opinion but you are nevertheless entitled to it, The rest of us are just happy that our heads and necks remain joined together are would prefer that they remained that way. The odds of that would be a lot shorter for all of us if we were living under sharia law, truly worse than depraved. I am not looking for "a way out" as you put it , and come to think of it neither should you,as the religion of peace does not look favourably on those who change their minds.
  15. hmmm specialist reading material which the average man in the street has never heard of and would never be inclined to read But of course its all Britain's fault isn't everything these days ? Next you will be telling us that the holocaust was a British Idea and the Nazi's were secretly employed by the British security services. All backed up with a few links to obscure websites and niche publications of course
  16. Any "anti-semitic" sentiment ( note the absence of the word "phobia") exists only a tiny minority of the UK's "indigenous" population generally restricted to left leaning individuals and a left leaning media. Anti muslim sentiment is far more common , as a result of and as a reaction to terrorist atrocities that have taken place in the UK and around the world. The UK has yet to suffer any such atrocity at the hands of the Jews, at least not that I can remember. I don't specifically look for anti british sentiment coming out of Israel and I honestly don't remember it making the headlines, ever
  17. My response "excellent post" was in appreciation of the very relevant points raised by that member @Lemsta69 in his post. The link he provided illustrates fully how the koran views non muslims and how they should be dealt with. I have not stated anywhere that wholesale massacre would be "excellent" I am neither proud nor ashamed of my anti muslim sentiment , and I am certainly not "walking back" or denying anything. You are the one spouting hatred and racism at every opportunity whilst as usual ignoring the real issues It probably won't be long before the UK ends up with a muslim prime minister, several large cities already have muslim mayors, partly due to increasing apathy on behalf of the non muslim electorate, but mainly due to the fact that anybody who dares to legitimately question their real aims and objectives or warn of the consequences will effectively be silenced by people like you, at present the two main parties are totally able to hurl insults an accusations at each other it may not be perfect but at least its balanced. That balance would effectively be removed by constant accusations of bigotry and racism. The first muslim PM will no doubt be ostensibly moderate those that follow will be increasingly less moderate. The non muslim population has no wish to live in a caliphate, those that do should move to Iran or similar countries Anti muslim sentiment should be as acceptable as anti racism, anti fascism, and anti marxism. it is necessary to provide a balance whether you agree or not
  18. Thank you I Totally agree , That is exactly my point, a phobia is indeed an "irrational fear" "anti muslim" sentiment is therefore a much more accurate descriptive. Regardless of the lack of linguistic accuracy, its somewhat telling that those who are "anti islam" are referred to as "Islamophobes" in an attempt to dismiss their concerns as irrational.and dismiss their views as "bigoted" Whilst those with anti jewish sentiments are overtly labelled as " anti semitic" no mention of an irrational phobia at all , and thus the implication is that their concerns are completely justified not irrational at all If you were a Christian missionary would you feel safer expressing your views and attempting to spread the gospel in Iran ? Or would you prefer to be assigned a post in Israel? I know where I would rather be sent to and where I would have a better chance of returning from alive
  19. Putting things mildly to say the least. Have you considered working as a diplomat ?
  20. Its not like they are going to discuss such matters with an "infidel" is it ?
  21. It appears other accounts have been compromised in a similar manner and are being used to respond to my posts
  22. I have not condoned forceful conversion of muslims at all Here is what I actually said...... "No there is nothing to convert them to. not that they would agree anyway. As another member has suggested declare it a terrorist cult and ban it. Total eradication is really the only answer" Neither did I suggest using anything written in the koran as the guidance for any "final solution" I did however highlight how certain verses in the koran instruct its followers to view non muslims, and promotes and justifies violence against them. I specifically did not go into detail as to what any of those verses actually state and used it as an example as to why so many non muslims are concerned. Unfortunately it appears that particular post has been removed so I can't quote myself, I really don't care what you call me. but its typical and predictable that muslim apologists choose to follow the easy path, and are more interested in throwing "silencing" words like "bigot" ," racist", and "islamophobe" at anybody who questions the virtue of certain muslim teachings. Scoring what they think are "woke points" being so much easier than discussing the real reasons for peoples justifiable anti muslim sentiment
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