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Bday Prang

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Everything posted by Bday Prang

  1. I reckon there's something going on, and not just here. Back in the UK a year or so ago they were trying to set something similar up, There was never any explanation as to why we suddenly needed an early warning system and there was no information about what we were to be warned about. There was a date set for a nationwide test and constant reminders on tv and radio that when we got the message on our mobile phones it would only be a drill. If I remember correctly the first trial run was a complete disaster many people didn't receive the txt I think they tried again a few weeks later with a similar result, and after that it was never mentioned again that I know of. Could be something that they were discussing at "Davos" recently Its got Klaus Schwab's name written all over it, and I wouldn't be surprised if other countries are also implementing similar systems. All very sinister in my opinion. As others here have mentioned, its going to be a nice little earner for some people. However looking at the people in the OP photograph its difficult to believe that any of them personally would be involved, or indeed that they would have anything other than the best interests of the general public in mind.😉
  2. Unfortunately people driving in accordance with the law can do more harm than good. Try stopping at a pedestrian crossing for example, and see what happens if there is another vehicle behind you. And then , if the police become involved, see who is held responsible.
  3. No , sorry to disappoint you but according to the article they are just going to get fined
  4. Not so sure , There can't be that many fat trannys pulling those sort of stunts in the UK surely, even if they did catch the robber,. they would probably be more concerned with whether or not the perpetrator had been "misgendered " and would be looking for evidence of any transphobic behaviour, the victim of the robbery could easily find himself charged with a hate crime.
  5. i try this everywhere, they often look at me like I am crazy, sometimes they just add sugar regardless like they somehow think they know better. I have started telling them I am diabetic . seems to do the trick
  6. Exactly, a fortune in the bank is not much use if one is knocked down and killed by a bus. "One life, live it" ! was a popular slogan emblazoned on the front of T shirts, some also had "One wife, leave it" written on the back lol Death will come soon enough to us all, When lying in a hospital bed covered in urine , vomit and faeces , the only consolation will be our memories,
  7. you are probably right, but we could also add Cars, Motorcycles, Women, Families, Extravagant food, Foreign Holidays , Football, Gambling , Designer clothes, Smartphones , Computers etc. etc. I would say life is for living and doing whatever one enjoys, whilst one is able to, regardless of what others may consider inappropriate.
  8. Why not cut out all forms of enjoyment and spend ones entire life saving and preparing for old age, doesn't sound much fun to me.
  9. I very much doubt that picture was taken in Iran , Saudi Arabia or any other conservative Muslim country
  10. Does anybody know if overnight parking is currently available at Buriram airport ? If it is, does one need to book a space beforehand or simply turn up?
  11. Am i reading this right ? for example getting caught with 5 yabah pills indicates one is an addict and is only intending to consume , so free to go but possession of 6 pills indicates possession with intent to supply therefore liable for prosecution and presumably jail time Which category renders the possessor liable for the compulsory rehabilitation boot camps in ex army bases that has been on the news recently? What about dealers who are also addicts?
  12. I have no obligation to back up anything, I am expressing an opinion, whether or not you agree or understand is really of no concern to me. I take it you are unaware of the fact that one of the female founders of the "me too" movement , an actress, was also found to have indulged in underage sex with a co star during a reunion party for a film they had appeared in together? Typical woke hypocrisy I am sure you will agree and before you ask here it is https://www.nytimes.com/2018/08/19/us/asia-argento-assault-jimmy-bennett.html Thank you and goodnight
  13. I did not equate hetro and homo sexuality with pedophilia, I used the latter as examples that people are born the way they are. are you seriously arguing that people are born asexual , and remain as such until various external influences shape them one way or the other . Pedo's are not created by external circumstances , neither can they be un=created in the same way, How would you feel about an ex-pedo babysitting you grandkids. ? I suppose it would be fine as long as he had a certificate of recovery from a social worker Executing pedo's would without doubt, 100% prevent them reoffending, it might also act as a deterrent, or it might not, either way there is nothing to lose, its certainly not going to be any less effective than treating them leniently as you appear to advocate War and violence is a fact of life and a basic part of human nature, I probably would have been in the front row at the coliseum cheering the gladiators on with everybody else. But where would you be ? outside on your soapbox with your corduroy trousers and john lennon glasses, telling people not to attend? or maybe offering your counselling services to those you manage to convince are in need of such "therapy"
  14. That was just an example i can't be bothered reviewing every link or verifying the authors credentials, plenty more on google if you are prepared to educate your self
  15. what is it with people like you screaming "deflection" all the time. I am not deflecting anything, You said... ."Societies are now much less tolerant about pedophilia than they were in the past. Sex crimes against minors have been covered up in the past, I.e. sex crimes by priests, show business people, and political figures. And the so-called "woke" in particular the mee too movement, put more pressure to fight sex crimes, including against minors". I simply stated that is not the case, a few low hanging fruit may get targeted and hung out to dry but the abuse of kids continues no deflection at all
  16. jesus I only have one pair of hands, My views are unchanged chew this over https://nypost.com/2021/11/25/prof-who-referred-to-pedophiles-as-minor-attracted-persons-to-resign/
  17. Yeah right, the relatively recent exposure of Epstein's Pedo island has resulted in exactly how many prosecutions of those who regularly visited the place? His mysterious death has pretty much ensured that will never happen. Its business as usual for pedo's everywhere, nothing has changed and it never will.
  18. What on earth does that mean ? You will have to explain, as I said before I am not a social worker, you will have to bear with me
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