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Bday Prang

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Everything posted by Bday Prang

  1. If any person did subscribe to the views she expressed, their child should be taken off them , Then they should , themselves be sterilised , sectioned and taken into custody for their own protection. The child should also , just like a cat, be neutered to end the possibility of passing on its defective genetic material. End of problem
  2. very true indeed, but in "the good old days" they were seen for what they were, and treated accordingly, these days they are almost revered, often granted special privileges and the rest of us are expected to oblige them for fear of causing offence. They themselves are starting to get boring
  3. Next question, why do some on here take offence so easily, we are, after all, talking about grown men here, and not teenage girls
  4. It's their country, they are entitled to have some details of who the gov't is allowing to stay in their country. They are entitled to nothing, except their views on foreigners. It actually makes me a bit jealous as that is a privilege that has long been withdrawn from us westerners concerning immigrants to our countries , legal or otherwise How nasty and potentially dangerous must some of these people be when its deemed necessary pass laws to stop us saying anything about them ,.and to make us like them ? , ostensibly at least If you went to the UK and openly questioned an immigrants' status you would be arrested for a hate crime. your feet would not touch the floor, then follows a character assassination by the media, followed by death threats, and good luck with reporting that to the police
  5. Well we can't all come from the higher echelons and its not a crime. In making a statement like that its pretty clear that you are excluding yourself from the subject matter and consider yourself "better" than them. Does that make your views more valid ?
  6. Generally speaking , other than the factual threads regarding Visas or electrical issues etc, there is little on here that is actually "discussed" any threads involving Trump, Muzzers, Cannabis, or Gaza for example become a slanging match from the start. Its pretty obvious that this is intentional on the part of the website, and there is no better way to generate the all important clicks which are needed to pay for this forums upkeep and maintenance. I doubt anybody has ever had a change of heart regarding their feelings on those subjects, yet some seem to feel it is a possibility if they argue strenuously enough, the insults start when they realise their belief in converting people is unfounded, and are generally due to frustration. As regards insults it certainly appears to me that the members of the "tolerant and progressive liberal left" take this to a whole new level if one doesn't agree with their views not only is one wrong but one is , in their eyes, a bad person, almost sub human, and worthy as a recipient of the worst insults they can think of. Furthermore throwing words like Racist or whatever "phobe" into discussions is done for the express purpose of ending any further discussion whatsoever. Like wise the use of words like Nazi and Fascist are just ridiculous, bearing in mind the true meaning of the words and the complete absence of any people on here who could be accurately described as such. These words now simply get aimed at anybody who's often moderate right of center views don't align with those of the person using such language. According to some the meaning of these words has actually changed ( in their minds only) to mean whatever they want I am actually starting to think that this forum has to a certain extent been infiltrated by some of these uber left activists who don't even live here and have probably never even visited, preferring to sit in their own countries continually searching the net for something to be offended by, normally on behalf of others As far as I am concerned its "sticks and stones" and all that, but as a white hetro male who has worked and supported himself since before leaving school I never had anybody telling me otherwise. If I had I may have also become one of the permanently offended, but I remain one of the water off a ducks back brigade, and will give as good as I get
  7. is that the Pinocchio song with words sounding like "mussi deng mussi deng" there is an english guy in his 80's that i know and when he's had a few its his goto song , especially when in the company of germans lol. To be honest when I hear Germans or French or any other europeans speaking together I can't make out a single word they say, and as for Polish I can't even repeat the words parrot fashion. A bit like the Khmer that my inlaws speak which seems to me to be nothing more than a series of grunts with few vowels if any. When I started learning Thai from books there was an early exercise in which they taught a few words, they then one played a recording (on the accompanying cassette tape) and was asked if one could recognise any of the words, i found it absolutely impossible at first but gradually as my ear became accustomed to it the fog started to clear. I quite like some Thai music and that was what partly got me started reading ( the karaoke subtitles) The ability to read a bit definitely helps there is always an opportunity to practice, I used to try reading the car number plates where the provinces are written underneath I actually find languages fascinating these days, particularly for example how a Thai even when completely drunk out of his head and almost unable to speak, can be understood by other Thais far easier than they understand me i guess its the same for all languages, but what is it that makes this possible. I have come to the conclusion it is something to do with the pronunciation of vowels specifically, but I am far from a master of linguistics Watching Thai TV helps especially the soaps, but I find the news very challenging as they and the newspapers seem to have have a vocabulary all of their own.
  8. Shriek away pal, but learn to read between the lines, and question what you are told especially by certain online publications
  9. Out of interest what part of the Thai language has lead you to your decision that it is not a normal language, just the tones? I failed miserably at French in school, despite attending the compulsory classes for about 10 years, Languages were just not for me , or so i was told. However I can speak read and write Thai to a better degree than i could ever do in French despite never having had a single lesson. Actually wanting to learn is a huge advantage, and a refusal to give up is essential. What kept me going is that millions of kids here learn Thai to a usable level, despite not even going to school regularly in many cases. If they can, I can, or so I convinced myself. To be honest I still find older people harder to communicate with, probably due to them often having no teeth. And there are always new words to learn for specific one off situations which can be easily forgotten afterwards To be honest expecting to improve much after a month of lessons is a bit unrealistic, you need to consider that to be just a grounding in the basics, and then persevere by speaking with Thais at every opportunity, that's the only way to become familiar with the language, what is taught in a classroom can differ significantly from every day speech, I would hate to have to learn English from scratch just the slang and the idioms would be beyond me Even worse to learn it from a Thai teacher in a government school. Like most native speakers I have never really understood the tenses either, but naturally through repetition in childhood , like everybody else. I am automatically able to know what is wrong or right just by instinct, and how things sound I doubt I will ever reach that level in Thai, in fact I'm sure of it The older we get the harder it becomes, I know I will never be "fluent" but its not that difficult to reach a useable standard
  10. and the invention of concepts like "Hate speech" and even worse "non crime hate incidents" kind of legitimises and encourages this soft mummys boy attitude. I had no idea South America had also been infected.
  11. its basic human nature for gods sake . When women meet socially they spend a lot of time telling each other how pretty they are, they don't actually mean it , its just something they say which helps them bond, Likewise when men meet, a considerable amount of time is taken up by taking the Pi$$ out of each other, they don't mean it either , its all part of bonding. A sense of humour is essential for enjoying life as is a lack of Ego and a relatively thick skin. There are too many offended snowflakes around these days. one has to learn how to take it as well as how to give it. And to hear somebody on here suggesting reporting things to moderators is nothing short of pathetic. We all left school a long time ago and the days of running to a teacher sobbing with ones hands in the air ended more than 50 years ago
  12. Few would run far in this heat, especially western tourists
  13. so you have never been on the receiving end of a shrieking Thai woman, ? and you pay everything asked without question? Fair enough
  14. So why did she not ask for the money at the toll like they always do ???? app or no app
  15. So why did she not ask for the extra money when she was at the toll booth, like they always unfailingly do? She was trying it on in my opinion
  16. puts me in mind of those who spend money on acquiring the worthless 30 years leases and such like. Generally to enable them to keep living in the wifes village once they have split up. Never ends well regardless of the "legalities"
  17. But you don't find that part of this story a little strange, and are so quick to pronounce the tourists guilty
  18. She argued that police assistance would spoil foreign tourists and encourage them to repeat such behaviour. well only if it was made public, which she ensured it was The taxi driver did not clarify whether she eventually took the money from the police I'd say it was a racing certainty that she snatched their hands off
  19. Price probably already included the toll fee too, she was more than likely just trying it on. Can't have been much more than 50 baht anyway if the cops were prepared to pay it just to shut her up.
  20. Also a bit weird that in this day and age there are still people believe all they read online
  21. not odd at all for anybody who has spent any time here.
  22. Rubbish I have paid many times with large denomination notes and never had an issue with getting change. Toll money is asked for at the point of payment, never at the end of the journey, that in its self is suspicious, You should not believe all you read in the papers or online, especially anything from "The Tiger" You should not be so quick to apportion guilt Have you ever been asked for the toll fee at the end of the journey ? I very much doubt it.
  23. I would want to distance my self from a Thai woman screaming at me like a fish wife. I know how they can erupt whether they are right or wrong
  24. The nationality of the women is of no relevance, the amount of the toll involved would have been interesting and obviously trivial.. So many on here ready to crucify a couple of tourists based on a report from that bastion of "journalism" The Thaiger. Of course all Thai taxi drivers are saints who would never lie, female ones especially so . The cops at the scene offered to pay , that should have been the end of the matter, but no, it obviously wasn't good enough, and only compounded her loss of face from a failed scam
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