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Bday Prang

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Everything posted by Bday Prang

  1. So what all these b/s statistics by all these b/s institutes are trying to have us believe is that all these illegals, intending or attempting to relocate are nothing other than an international emergency volunteer squad, currently on standby, just waiting to be told where their economy saving skills are needed next. Their only purpose in life being to save the developed world from economic disaster, and such is their dedication to their cause, that even muslims are willing to put their inherent dislike of the west on hold , in order to assist in the saving of our economies. despite the ever present threat of islamophobia We should all be eternally grateful that they still agree to come . and wouldn't it be just terrible if they all decided to pack up and go home
  2. No i am claiming that there are too many already and no more should be allowed to enter until the indigenous population is fully employed. Then any extras that are required should only be allowed in when they have successfully applied for a job in their own country and have all the paper work in order, it also should be ascertained that their presence will not be a burden on the infrastructure , ie schools, hospitals etc etc. When they are no longer required they should leave. I struggle to see what real benefits an army of fast food delivery men, or drug dealing gang members bring to any society, especially a society that has many indigenous citizens perfectly qualified and or experienced enough to undertake such activities themselves. Nobody should be allowed to enter and embark on a welfare funded existence. If these immigrants are not required, then move them on, I am sure there are plenty of places, often much closer to their original countries where they are, actually , really needed. Although if they went to those places they would actually have to do some work, and could not enjoy the easy life on welfare benefits which they are seeking.
  3. if all these illegal immigrants are so industrious and hardworking, why are their own original countries so economically deprived? Why are such valuable assets able to leave their home countries so easily in the first place ? Cut the benefits of the lazy indigenous population and force the workshy back into employment. No more immigration would be required, in fact we could start sending them all back. It's not rocket science
  4. And in the 1940's britain and germany threw thousands of tons of bombs at each other killing millions, but we don't spend our lives committing terrorist activities against each other! you should stop calling people racist it makes you sound like a fragile student
  5. I can sought of see his point A 2$ bag is hardly going to interest the super rich, except, as he said for a pity or sympathy purchase, that people will take home, and, after they have finished boring their friends about seeing the real Thailand , they stash under the kitchen sink never to be touched again until they bin it 6 months later Where as if they stuck it in a chintzy shop in the airport , slapped a louis vuitton type badge on it , and a $3000 price tag idiots with more money than sense would be queuing up to buy it, heralding it as their latest fashion discovery, and taking it every day to the overpriced places that idiots with more money than sense frequent. All he has to do is get someone like Posh spice or one of the Kardashians to be seen with one and the job is as good as sorted, theoretically at least What they will probably do is ban foreigners from buying OTOP products or introduce a fully endorsed double pricing protocol which will have the same effect as a ban
  6. you are probably right , its just that I have personally known several "joey macs" over the years and they all came from the same city, two of them from the same street
  7. A valid and somewhat worrying scenario I stopped short of using the word inevitable Apparently there is a vaccine but its only available for those in high risk occupations, treatment is by antibiotics, not sure how effective it is. The only way to avoid it is to avoid exposure to it , It would be catastrophic if it took hold. Still a few cases a year in America apparently
  8. So the only viable option is good old fashioned hard work. The Thais are capable of this, but the management of the operation needs to be placed in the hands of a private company , there may be opportunities for corruption, but I'd prefer it not to become the responsibility of the local administration, ( who are after all equally corrupt but less performance orientated)
  9. Did that actually kill the rats ? I thought it was passed on by their fleas
  10. perhaps it signifies that we may not be on a ship ? Few would consider an infestation of rats as positive
  11. Fair enough warfarin it is , i really don't have a preference, Contrary to my other post shooting them is in reality a non starter, some sort of plague has possibilities though, like myxomatosis although I believe rats quickly become immune to many diseases
  12. well we finally agree on something, So whilst I am on a roll, How would you feel about bringing in some issaan lads or girls for that matter , many are experienced ratters and a crack shot with their catapults, as long as they are taught not to eat their catch or take it home what could possibly go wrong. Might not make a serious dent in the rat population but every little helps
  13. I have absolutely no idea, rat hospital perhaps, who said it had to be warfarin anyway? I'm sure there must be other alternatives.
  14. Live rats en masse are also a health hazard, they obviously need to be removed, i have no intention of being dragged into the technicalities of which is the most effective cull strategy, anything is preferable to the current situation. Another idea would be to employ rat catchers paid by the number of heads or tails they can deliver
  15. How long before your type understand that interfering in nature is the basis of our existence from building dams to animal husbandry, grow some brain matter yourself. Every action has consequences it a mark of intelligence how those consequences are managed. Put free food down and rats will come, that is so obvious even you worked it out. how is it difficult for you to understand that if that food is laced with poison the rats that eat it will die. The consequence of which is dead rats, the obvious way to deal with that is to burn the corpses. Of course the initial way should be to remove the rubbish in the first place but if that is not an option then poison is the next step
  16. I don't need to another poster has just told you that a QC can charge up to £10,000 per day, and as legal aid is considered "an insurance job" there will be no discounts offered Are you happy now, do you feel that your life has been enriched by the link you craved.
  17. its like a plague, perhaps one day a vaccine will be developed, but will it be necessary? once the muzzers have taken over the useful idiots will be the first to have their heads removed by those following the religion of peace
  18. If it has cost £5 it is still £5 too much , why are you being so pedantic, its obvious to all that her legal bill will resemble a telephone number, an international one at that. how much do think a QC charges, i won't be providing a link but i will tell you they are not on minimum wage
  19. Just stop there for one minute and consider what you have just written. To describe anything broadcast on UK television as "rabidly right wing" is totally ridiculous and exactly the sort of baseless rubbish normally heard coming out of the mouths of blue haired students majoring in gender studies, the same sort of people that want to ban clapping at university and replace it instead with "jazz hands" gesticulations for fear of triggering the more sensitive amongst us.
  20. Poison is the obvious way forward, would get rid of the rats and the dogs too, relatively cheap as well. can't understand why they aren't already doing that
  21. Well lou with a name like "Joey Mac" it could be somewhere we both know To be honest , Years ago I worked on a sewer project on the docks there, intended to clean up the river, Rats there were so big that if i could have found a saddle i could have ridden one
  22. Soppy handwringers, and virtue signalling tolerance ? Admittedly words I have used my self when describing such people, but I genuinely believe those words are fast becoming somewhat inappropriate. Worryingly the time is quickly approaching where words like "treasonous" , " traitor" and "threat to national security" would be more accurate. and where holding such views would render one liable to severe penalties, I would suggest imprisonment followed by exile to a suitably intolerant muslim country, where they can enjoy the benefits ( or otherwise) of the culture and values they would be happy to see inflicted on the UK and every other western democracy.
  23. jesus Christ almighty. now at least I know why it has not been widely broadcast. For a lot less than that sort of money she could have simply disappeared or met with an unfortunate accident, the muzzers would have done her in themselves for far less Ps the sad emoji I am about to stick on your post is to illustrate how I feel about this, it is in no way a criticism of you
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