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Bday Prang

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Everything posted by Bday Prang

  1. Complaints by non-users of alcohol regarding cannabis use, in my opinion are actually slightly more valid than complaints by those who do drink, and at least 1000 times less hypocritical. There are very few Teetotallers complaining on here about cannabis use or indeed about alcohol use. I wonder why it is that heavy drinkers are so vocally opposed to it all. Perhaps they once made the unwise decision to try cannabis when they were already out of their mind from drink. a common issue for drinkers who are renowned for making bad decisions when intoxicated , as the numbers convicted for DUI and anti-social behaviour clearly illustrate. I doubt many pi$$ heads would even try to argue against that , unless they are drunk of course. but for those full of drink inspired dutch courage (steven 100) bring it on I'm waiting
  2. There may actually be a few people who do smoke all day everyday, but I genuinely doubt you know any of them. On the other hand there will probably be people, who drink alcohol everyday, like "students , nutters , addicts and village layabouts" I just can't decide which category you fit into , perhaps all of them except "student"
  3. Actually , even despite the very best efforts of a media desperate to report any cannabis related incidents they appear to have consistently failed. Hence your inability to find any relevant link. Ps an article in the "hindustan times" which doesn't even mention cannabis does not count, and only serves to make you look stupid, Which I'm sure you are not
  4. The actual headline in the OP should be "Is this the end of the Media's love hate relationship with cannabis"
  5. Nobody should be hanging around on street corners, except rent boys and prostitutes, and those waiting to cross the road,
  6. WEll even if what you say was true, one benefit would be that it would dissuade those without work permits from breaking the law
  7. Has nobody explained to you the difference between Ya Bah and cannabis? you really need to educate yourself, there is a wealth of information online and elsewhere although a lot of it is hidden behind the reefer madness rubbish from the early part of the last century.
  8. Actually it does "work that way" you can ask them to stop or you can simply move , Which do you think would be easier? On the other hand you could do nothing and have a good old whinge on here about your imaginary scenarios (for all the good it will do you)
  9. Me neither so its a bit bizarre that many are punished if tested positive for cannabis.
  10. It may not be rocket science but it seems to be very difficult for some people fo drag themselves out of the reefer madness hysteria. Ihe examples you have given..... "young kids getting high .... school student pot heads emerging .... crime increase ..... village idiots getting high as kites .... addicts killing parents for more money to buy their weed." Have absolutely no basis in fact whatsoever,
  11. I;m pretty sure most people who enjoy cannabis responsibly would happily settle for a "legal in the home" situation. I couldn't care less about tourists but cannabis friendly hotels would be a simple solution. There is no real need to be smoking it on street corners in the same way there is no need to drink alcohol in such places
  12. Plenty of unemployed wasters in the UK lazing around on benefits who could be forced to do this whilst waiting for a proper job, and no shortage of "asylum seekers" who are probably quite used to scratting around in the bushes! As long as they are only paid per kilo and are "theoretically" able with hard work to achieve an amount equal to their benefits or minimum wage ( which ever is the least) lets have them doing it No need to import any seasonal workers at all. Like anybody else I don't really care who picks the berries but I'd rather they were picked as cheaply as possible and that the price I pay reflects that. I'd also prefer them to have reasonably clean hands
  13. That is the least of his worries. He will be relentlessly trolled and vilified by a very small minority of very vocal and rather pompous members on here, who get more upset about this than a female officer during rag week Its started already and It will probably get worse once happy hour has finished But so far, he's been.... Asked why he thinks it is OK Informed of the consequences of doing this in other countries Accused of not taking responsibility for his actions Told to go home if he wishes to break the law Accused of spoiling things for the rest of us Accused of being entitled Accused of having a low IQ ( by one who claims not to care if he overstays or not) Others have delighted in telling him about 10 year bans, and some have actually calculated exactly how many days he is allowed, pedantically pointing out that 3 months and 90 days are not the same, even bickering amongst themselves regarding the finer details That in itself should be enough to persuade this budding miscreant to jolly well get his affairs in order and toe the line ! On the other hand if he has any sense he will ignore "dads army" and either follow the good advice from @DrJack54 or simply pay the fine
  14. Well according to the OP it was to park his vehicle, Nowhere does it state which establishment he was intending to visit, that is just something certain people on here have assumed. Only yesterday I parked outside a 7-11 and then walked approximately 75 meters to the bank and then a further 50 meters to a barbers shop to get my haircut. I had no intention of entering the 7-11 but it was the nearest available parking spot to where I was going. On the other hand , as another poster has suggested, maybe he and his girlfriend were just enjoying the night life. Is that possibility really beyond your comprehension?
  15. its not me trolling, and its not me implying that any Thai woman with a western boyfriend visiting Pattaya is a whore. You claim to have lived here for 20 years, yet you have the same views as a western tabloid newspaper. Referring to a German citizen as "The Hun" and Thai women as "skanks" clearly identifies you for what you are, a narrow minded troll with a chip on his shoulder a mile wide.
  16. Do they still have "internet cafes" ? I've not seen one for years
  17. Its something they do every year, One of the people responsible for PR obviously fears heightened sexual activity amongst the adolescents on valentines day. Maybe his daughter got "broke in" on valentines day 30 odd years ago and he's never really gotten over it
  18. You are very quick to insult his girl friend, I didn't see her described as a hooker or a "skank" in the OP or the link. I think you might be making things up. Likewise your claim that "loads of "farangs" have been shot for less in "bar towns" and in the Provinces. Total Rubbish, and so early in the morning !, Have you just arrived home from a night out with your "Skank"
  19. Is this really how things work these days, A government rushing the passing of legislation purely to appease a few "netizens" Or more accurately , a whinging, " non binary", minor media "personality"
  20. I don't read any of them, whether I'm in the UK or here
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