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Bday Prang

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Everything posted by Bday Prang

  1. only a fool would think otherwise. its the very essence of their existence, every single one of them. those fraudulently claiming to be moderate followers of islam are playing us, there really is no such thing. A bit like a moderate vegan its a total contradiction , Anybody who is involved is in it up to their necks. they think nothing of decapitating their own if not considered fully "onboard". It really is not difficult to understand, I can't understand how you don't see things that are staring you in the face
  2. No there is nothing to convert them to. not that they would agree anyway. As another member has suggested declare it a terrorist cult and ban it. Total eradication is really the only answer
  3. but as that is unlikely to happen we need to consider some alternative solutions
  4. No i didn't watch it I've seen that film before several times and I think its crap. Yes they are almost as bad as each other, however Christianity , as much as I despise it, stopped burning people at the stake some time ago and has at least tried to drag itself into the modern world, they have even , ostensibly at least , taken a stance against kiddie fiddling. Whereas islam remains firmly rooted in the middle ages, where it belongs. a barbaric cult followed by savages
  5. yes get rid of them all they all have blood on their hands and the world would be a better place without simpletons and their imaginary friends
  6. So you didn't read the official koran version illustrating how they think and what they believe?
  7. So let me ask you one, When the eventual take over by the muzzers is complete and they are making the rules, would you voluntarily offer up your daughter to be "cut" or would you wait for her to be "taken" decisions decisions eh?
  8. that should keep him quiet for a while. excellent post
  9. an every day drinker is an alcoholic, you are in denial, you should stop posting such rubbish you are cracking me up
  10. as she enjoyed her sherry no doubt, Sherry is described as a "fortified wine" a naturally brewed form of alcohol with additional alcohol added later , its the equivalent of crack cocaine . you were obviously raised by alcoholics. we really can't expect you to be rational about this
  11. you are a drug user, alcohol is a drug regardless of what you tell yourself, and you are an addict
  12. They don't even like their own kind, plenty of muzzer on muzzer atrocities documented
  13. They ( the muzzers) consider the likes of you to be useful idiots, nothing more
  14. there will never be peace on this planet as long as the medieval death cult of islam is allowed to continue, one would have to be retarded or blind to think otherwise. Time to get rid, once and for all
  15. Say what you want , the muzzers will cut your head off just like they will decapitate the rest of us , there really is no point in hedging your bets or sitting on the woke fence they hate us, all of us, and they hate the likes of you even more, nobody respects a traitor
  16. and what is the definition of a phobia ? an unnatural fear of something that can't or won't hurt you, a dislike of muzzers is not a phobia, Its a perfectly reasonable and understandable emotion, A dislike of members of a death cult that hates others is fine and to be encouraged,
  17. Somewhat strange that seemingly the only casualties are innocent children, and the only buildings destroyed are either hospitals , schools and baby milk factories. Have any of your "hamas heroes" actually been killed yet
  18. Well no surprises there, that probably accounts for 25% of anti semitic attacks, the muslims and the BBC can share credit for the other 74% As regards the remaining 1% that's just a few wrong 'uns from within the indigenous population A link would be difficult to find due to the mainstream medias "reluctance" to publish the actual results of any investigation Most genuinely british people have no strong views regarding jews and actually know very little about them, myself included. But we are all rather well informed about the religion of peace , the Labour party , and mainstream media Its high time the truth came out regarding matters of this nature, and that includes the banning of any casualty lists compiled by Hamas
  19. At least tell us how you have arrived at the conclusion that alcohol is not an intoxicating drug ? I find that view astonishing, especially given its addictive nature and its potential to cause violence even when ingested in small quantities. When I was young there were several homeless alcoholics loitering around the neighbourhood ,literally begging for money , sleeping in the gutter or shop doorways, allowed to claim their welfare benefits daily, prone to aggression amongst themselves and the wider community. permanently unwashed, and soaked with and stinking of either vomit , blood or urine , often all three at the same time. Occasionally they would be locked up and dried out, but inevitably returned to their old ways when released. Surprisingly these people were also "frowned upon " by society Cannabis is not addictive and you might be surprised to learn that very few members of society consider its use to be problematic these days. A little bit like homosexuality in that times are changing and old fashioned views are neither welcome of to be tolerated anymore I understand you have to rush out now, I just looked at the time, it will be a "TGI friday" happy hour special today I guess
  20. I' m certain the entire "pot head community" would agree to disagree if people would just wind their necks in. As a starter , I promise not to post negatively about alcohol or your consumption of it if you will do the same regarding cannabis. That would be the very definition of agreeing to disagree.
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