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Bday Prang

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Everything posted by Bday Prang

  1. That was just an example i can't be bothered reviewing every link or verifying the authors credentials, plenty more on google if you are prepared to educate your self
  2. what is it with people like you screaming "deflection" all the time. I am not deflecting anything, You said... ."Societies are now much less tolerant about pedophilia than they were in the past. Sex crimes against minors have been covered up in the past, I.e. sex crimes by priests, show business people, and political figures. And the so-called "woke" in particular the mee too movement, put more pressure to fight sex crimes, including against minors". I simply stated that is not the case, a few low hanging fruit may get targeted and hung out to dry but the abuse of kids continues no deflection at all
  3. jesus I only have one pair of hands, My views are unchanged chew this over https://nypost.com/2021/11/25/prof-who-referred-to-pedophiles-as-minor-attracted-persons-to-resign/
  4. Yeah right, the relatively recent exposure of Epstein's Pedo island has resulted in exactly how many prosecutions of those who regularly visited the place? His mysterious death has pretty much ensured that will never happen. Its business as usual for pedo's everywhere, nothing has changed and it never will.
  5. What on earth does that mean ? You will have to explain, as I said before I am not a social worker, you will have to bear with me
  6. It would end repeat offending 100% thats a fact not a matter of opinion , It would also save a lot of money, a basic cremation being a damn sight cheaper than 10 years of incarceration, As to its deterrent effect , who knows or cares ? one thing we can be sure about is it would not act as an encouragement, that's good enough for me
  7. "Listen" No I am not a social worker, or a doctor for that matter, and if your opening sentence was supposed to be an attempt to insult me, I am sorry to have to disappoint you but you failed, and failed pretty miserably. However the arrogance with which you write and your detachment from reality , clearly identifies you as somebody who has wasted a few years at university studying for what the rest of us used to call "non degrees" I might add that I am writing this slowly, as I doubt you can read very quickly Of course pedophiles are born that way , in the same way that hetrosexuals and homosexuals, are born that way, I don't doubt that there are "studies" showing that many if not all pedo's claim to have been abused themselves, Its a perfect way of attempting to excuse their behaviour. However I don't think for one minute that the excuse was dreamed up by the pedos themselves. Rather those words were put into their mouths by a collective of social workers and psychiatrists, totally unable to accept that some people are just naturally evil, and desperate to formulate some reason for their behaviour, and also in an attempt to promote their self perceived academic relevance. These works of fiction are then repeated in court by defence lawyers who are paid to mitigate any punishments their client would receive, They are then repeated later at parole board hearings to other people holding exactly the same twisted academic based, progressive liberal views, who promptly release them back into society ensuring a high chance of repeat offending, and a steady stream of victims, who according to your theories stand a higher than average chance of becoming pedo's themselves, Hardly a way of producing "well adjusted members of society" and not exactly difficult to understand by anybody, except perhaps by those tainted by a few years at uni studying applied social science or similar made up rubbish. The only way to reduce the number of sex attacks on minors or anybody else, is as @spidermike007 has already said, put them on the end of a short rope and introduce them to a long drop, chances of them reoffending =nil, and whilst it may not stop all others from committing similar offences it will certainly make some think twice The reason there are so many people in US prisons is simple, regardless of their ethnicity, they did wrong and they got caught. Not difficult to understand at all, except for people like you
  8. This would be the same "woke movement" that seeks to defund the police, I would consider defunding the police to be somewhat counter productive in the context of fighting sex crimes or any other crimes , But what would I know, as our resident Dr Spock has correctly pointed out, I am not a social worker
  9. Not on its own, but with a big helping hand from the hallowed halls of academia, which now churn out thousands of "lefty liberal progressives" all of whom hate ,what the rest of us refer to as, traditional values
  10. So a well fed and highly educated kiddie fiddler from a nice home is less likely to seek to have sex with underage girls ? So what about "Prince" Andrew and his wealthy friend Epstein ? Are those" misunderstood, minor attracted people" merely the exceptions that make the rule? You are the clueless one
  11. Most of the problems in society these days are a direct result of the rubbish taught in sociology classes in the woke universities which are a veritable breeding ground for leftist progressive liberals who have an awful lot to answer for. You lot don't even like to call kiddie fiddlers pedo's anymore preferring to promote the phrase "minor attracted people" The dark ages you refer to, seem to me, to be a better alternative to the twisted world people like you live in and would inflict on the rest of us if given the chance
  12. I agree, you can still apply anytime though, but you just get 10 years from the date of application, hardly an issue for most
  13. especially on those who do not frequent this forum and remain blissfully ignorant regarding the whole issue. They will have their hands full dealing with those who are already queuing up to request Tax ID numbers in order to notify the authorities about their income. They may get round to the rest of us in due course, on the other hand they may not
  14. A warm comforting feeling, that you have "done the right thing" and the right to comment on here with a sense of smug superiority, like those who call for overstayers to be hung drawn and quartered.. You may also get a nice receipt
  15. here's more proof for you https://www.visagenie.co.uk/uk-passport-renewal It should be noted here that there is no particular time at which your passport needs to be renewed, you can renew your UK passport anytime. At the time of renewing your UK passport, the outstanding period on your current passport is transferred to your renewed passport, with a maximum time limit of 9 months.
  16. yes https://www.ukabroad.net/how-often-should-you-renew-your-passport/#:~:text=You can technically renew your,nine months before it expires. ignore the title in the link the first paragraph states clearly You can technically renew your British passport at any point before its expiration. However, it is best not to leave renewing your passport to the last minute. Instead, it is advised to renew your passport around nine months before it expires.
  17. I wasn't suggesting that he would be concerned with improving things for foreigners, , many seem to think his alleged plans to" improve" things for Thais will also be beneficial for us. That will not necessarily be the case, all I am saying is people should be careful what they wish for.
  18. I don't know him at all, and I seriously doubt that any other people on here do either. But I have a healthy disregard for anything said by all politicians,
  19. What I find astonishing is how many on here seem to have taken to this guy, based basically on just two things, the words that come out of his mouth (forgetting that he is just another wannabe, very wealthy PM candidate, and just as capable of lying as any other politician) and the dislike and animosity shown to him by the established politicians. He is not going to improve things one iota for any foreigners living here, probably just the opposite, Don't let his bambi faced innocence fool you , he is not your friend, anymore than any of the others.
  20. A new UK passport can be applied for at any time, no need to wait until it is full or nearing expiry, you could even apply for one because you don't particularly like your current passport photo
  21. The "surveyors" he refers to are only there to mark out the "foot print" of the building , It is quite possible and even normal to build on uncompacted land if piles are to be used and the correct design has been calculated, The filled ground however must be stable enough to support the heavy equipment which is required to install such piles
  22. The higher the building the more likely it is that cracks will appear, due to the principle of leverage, a small movement at ground level is magnified many times due to the lengths of the structural members involved. I have seen 2 and three storey houses built here on foundations that would be considered inadequate for a phone box in the west. Foundations are without doubt the most important part of any structure, get them right and there will be no problems, get them wrong and disaster, or at least major inconvenience will inevitably ensue. One saving grace here is the absence of cold weather, if water were to get into a crack and behind the rendering and then freeze due to frost o whole new world of hassle would be waiting
  23. Indeed, the forces generated by distortion due to movement can be considerable, and cracking invariably occurs initially at the weak points, ie corners. Thats why ships generally employ round windows (port holes) to avoid this happening. If movement continues over time cracks will also start to appear at the joints between concrete beams and columns. and where block walls connect to columns too
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