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Bday Prang

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Everything posted by Bday Prang

  1. I admire your loyalty to your family, I would not be prepared to live somewhere I thought so badly of, for anybody, Obviously your family are more than happy to live here in spite of all the negative aspects you have listed, Maybe its you who need to adapt, or even move on, We only get one life and to live it tainted by misery is such a waste
  2. You are "warning me " It is obvious who I was actually quoting , at least to anybody with a modicum of intelligence, now stop crying and get over yourself
  3. As you say it probably won't end up decimating peoples pensions, and the whole issue has in my opinion been somewhat over dramatised , this is often the case when people with too much time on their hands ,get a bit worried and start panic mongering, on forums like this However, any accompanying bureaucracy, and associated paperwork requirements, could well become a pain in the ar$e for people, given the various authorities involved, and their well established practice of deliberately misinterpreting the rules as they see fit, purely in order to cause maximum inconvenience , and /or creating opportunities for squeezing a bit of tea money out of us
  4. I did not mention temples, or beaches, what are you talking about ?
  5. Not quite sure what you think I have confirmed, and I don't really care to be honest, but if you clarify what you are actually trying to assert, I will respond appropriately
  6. nobody's' hands would be clean though would they,? Least of all yours, Sounds to me like they set you up as a fall guy in case it all went tits up !
  7. It was obviously accidental, stop crying, I will repost it quoting the person who actually said it , now dry your eyes
  8. Not unfairly but accidentally, its obvious to anybody reading the thread who actually said what I quoted
  9. no you were not any way requested to repeat yourself, or indeed to respond at all I can't imagine why you chose to do so
  10. I don't see that you have made a point, you have merely reminded me of two of the main reasons I originally came here,
  11. Its a way for the government to raise a $hit load of money off foreigners , Do you think he would disappeove
  12. That might have had something to do with it, and your point is?
  13. nobody's' hands would be clean though would they,? Least of all yours, Sounds to me like they set you up as a fall guy in case it all went tits up !
  14. Based on what you have read on this forum, and the link to the pattay mail ? Talk about trail by media You're probably right though , no smoke without fire and all that. At least that's what anybody reading this thread is thinking, whether they admit it or not
  15. And make it into an exact copy of the miserable country you left, Is that what anybody really wants ? The closer it gets to the 21st century the less it will resemble the place that attracted us here in the first place.
  16. She should seek some legal advice,
  17. not according to the link you posted https://www.independent.co.uk/news/uk/crime/uk-prisons-jail-paedophiles-not-big-enough-capacity-police-warning-a7178851.html
  18. Now that is absolutely correct and a very uncomfortable truth for the liberal progressives
  19. There is no deterrent, simple as that There are moves by progressive liberals in USA to normalise it They call them "minor attracted people" There is a lot of "van banging" going on in this thread, Everybody finds this crime repugnant but only a small minority feel the need to scream so loudly about it, I could understand it from those who have suffered personally but why the others feel the need to be so outspoken is beyond me.
  20. Take a look at Belgium before spouting rubbish, Pedo's are everywhere no country is free of them, Some are more pro active in prosecuting them than others.
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