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Bday Prang

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Everything posted by Bday Prang

  1. Probably because it is effectively a gagging order, Some things cannot be said, and certain things are therefore probably not widely known, If that was to change certain public opinions might change too. Who knows what might happen ? The powers that be obviously don't want to take any chances, possibly fearing that they may become the subject of any possible collateral damage .
  2. seems like a perfectly appropriate way to describe the majority of the population to me. can't understand why anybody , especially a non Thai would take any offence, peas·ant /ˈpez(ə)nt/ noun plural noun: peasants a poor farmer of low social status who owns or rents a small piece of land for cultivation (chiefly in historical use or with reference to subsistence farming in poorer countries).
  3. There are many more versions , you have forgotten about what the newspapers choose to publish , what gets said on social media, and of course the expert interpretations of the super sleuths on this forum.
  4. I'm a little uneasy about any organisation or individual that seeks to change my perception of anything and naturally resist interference from such people ,
  5. it would however easily enable one to keep the 800k in the bank even less if married.
  6. they are not these days, some of them are not even real chicks, you might get more of a handful that you were hoping for
  7. Don't forget the toilet paper, selling out already reportedly There could be a lucrative black (or more accurately "brown") market for Bum guns to be exploited when the time comes
  8. Maybe about the prospect of a labour government, but not about the prospect of a nuclear war, I am always up for a bit of a straightener
  9. oh yeah it is really going to be an education, and everything will be just fine with an idiot like starmer in charge, won't it . I'm sure his political gravitas and statesmanship will swiftly put an end to all the troubles in the world. Last I heard we will get a 3 minute warning when the nukes are launched at us , How many times will he be able to change his mind about sending a few back in just 3 minutes.
  10. The last politician to have balls was maggie thatcher and even she propagated the myth of the "special relationship" with the USA A relationship not much different than that which is "enjoyed" by those in prison forced to share their confinement with a bigger and stronger cell mate of non binary sexuality I share your shame
  11. you are correct too, none of the party's speak to or on behalf of anybody within the electorate, They merely lie to us all for the sole purpose of garnering votes
  12. The british lefties are a bit busy these days , what with people being misgendered, left right and center, Illegal immigrants to be pandered to, Hamas terrorists to be sympathised with, anti semitic marches to be attended, and Strikes within the NHS to be organised. I sometimes wonder how they even find time to claim their benefits' But rest assured an army of diversity consultants will be on standby to limit any human rights abuses that may occur in the post apocalyptic dystopian world we face
  13. Perhaps the reality that this is all part of the scaremongering, Why else would stuff like this need to be made common knowledge,? Why else would mainstream media need to be told ? Do they expect us to believe that Russian intelligence depends on western press releases ?
  14. Ah ok . so I only actually owe you half an apology, coincidently I am actually half Scottish, ( but I prefer not to talk about it ) according to my grandfather I'm entitled to wear a kilt of specific tartan. Can't say I ever felt the urge to do so, to be honest. But never say never Eh?
  15. Common advice from yesteryear, my mother would reinforce the same advice telling me that somebody she knew in her childhood was actually knocked down by a bus and broke his leg, his underwear was less than immaculate, so the doctors refused to treat him. Things were done right in those days,
  16. I came here for the opportunity to indulge in some puerile adolescent humour, I have received one sad face emoji already so I must have offended somebody Mission accomplished
  17. I thought you were American , so I guess I owe you an apology, but what has the thickness of your foreskin got to do with anything and how would you know it is thicker than most ? is that sort of thing common knowledge, and, presumably, considered a positive attribute in the highlands?
  18. Ladyboy bars maybe ? and even then I imagine you would have to "engage" with them rather than merely "walk around" hoping for a glimpse
  19. That has always been the case , I'm not sure that sentiment is actually increasing to be honest
  20. Along with the entire muslim "community" In a perfect world what you say would be correct , However the realities of life in the 21st century mean that this is not the case. Most women realise that wearing a micro skirt or other revealing clothing in certain areas at certain times will attract unwanted attention or possibly worse and therefore sensibly dress, well,..... sensibly ,
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