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Posts posted by mikebike

  1. 2 hours ago, i claudius said:

    Well i thought i would give it another go watching American Horror , but to be honest apart from the fact its got an agenda as i said previously , well compared with the other series ,its rubbish as well , the storyline is awful, anyway long and short ,thats it 

    on a new note Doc Martin has just started ,usual stuff ,easy to watch ,one thing at the end we find that the new lady vicar is heartbroken ,why ?because her female partner dumped her before the wedding . 

    i take it that these days nothing gets put on tv unless its pushing the agenda , just cant wait for the Doc to come out as a closet transvestite.lol

    ps i couldnt care less what people get up to in their lives ,but why do we have to have it constantly pushed at us like propoganda?


    Since you asked... Probably because all sorts of people exist in society and unlike the past when only white, two parent, heterosexual couples with 2.5 kids could appear on the screen in separate single beds our entertainment providers have realized they are missing out on revenue from a significant % of the population and that most other viewers don't give a crap if there are alternate lifestyles or colours portrayed on screen.

  2. On 2017-09-17 at 11:02 AM, giddyup said:

    A good soundtrack doesn't make up for this cliched mess of a movie. People compare the (one) decent driving scene to Bullit, it's not even close, and the love interest, attractive though she might be, just grins like an idiot all through the movie. Who was the deaf and dumb black guy he was taking care of? Never explained, and who cares anyway? If you want to see a seriously good movie about a getaway driver, watch "Drive" with Ryan Gosling.

    If you don't like the movie and aren't paying attention don't comment on the parts you missed. Baby's relationship to Joseph WAS explained.

  3. 47 minutes ago, hyku1147 said:



    United States Top 10 Imports

    Top 10

    The following product groups represent the highest dollar value in America’s import purchases during 2016. Also shown is the percentage share each product category represents in terms of overall imports into the US.

    1. Electrical machinery, equipment: US$336 billion (14.9% of total imports)
    2. Machinery including computers: $315.4 billion (14%)
    3. Vehicles: $285 billion (12.7%)
    4. Mineral fuels including oil: $163.4 billion (7.3%)
    5. Pharmaceuticals: $92.5 billion (4.1%)
    6. Optical, technical, medical apparatus: $80.8 billion (3.6%)
    7. Gems, precious metals: $67.3 billion (3%)
    8. Furniture, bedding, lighting , signs, prefab buildings: $63.1 billion (2.8%)
    9. Plastics, plastic articles: $50.4 billion (2.2%)
    10. Organic chemicals: $49.8 billion (2.2%)"


    The gold and gems pay for new manufacturing facilities.


    However, the main argument is - what would happen to the Earth if the USA isolated Herself from the rest of the world?

    Howz your vocabulary and spelling doin' today? Pot/kettle.

  4. 32 minutes ago, hyku1147 said:



    United States Top 10 Imports

    Top 10

    The following product groups represent the highest dollar value in America’s import purchases during 2016. Also shown is the percentage share each product category represents in terms of overall imports into the US.

    1. Electrical machinery, equipment: US$336 billion (14.9% of total imports)
    2. Machinery including computers: $315.4 billion (14%)
    3. Vehicles: $285 billion (12.7%)
    4. Mineral fuels including oil: $163.4 billion (7.3%)
    5. Pharmaceuticals: $92.5 billion (4.1%)
    6. Optical, technical, medical apparatus: $80.8 billion (3.6%)
    7. Gems, precious metals: $67.3 billion (3%)
    8. Furniture, bedding, lighting , signs, prefab buildings: $63.1 billion (2.8%)
    9. Plastics, plastic articles: $50.4 billion (2.2%)
    10. Organic chemicals: $49.8 billion (2.2%)"


    The gold and gems pay for new manufacturing facilities.


    However, the main argument is - what would happen to the Earth if the USA isolated Herself from the rest of the world?

    Again, nada.

  5. 29 minutes ago, Morch said:


    There was a marked change with regard to both the number of ballistic/nuclear experiments carried out and to the accompanying rhetoric from the current Kim. This preceded Trump's presidency.

    This is true in relation to the experiments. The N. Korean missile project has matured and their testing has/had increased. This is not true in relation to the rhetoric. 45 ramped that up.

  6. 33 minutes ago, Global Guy said:

    Well, Trump has been co-opted by the real govt. who makes the decisions in the US. The war mongers who profit from invasion and world wide murder. They will keep invading countries with natural resources until there's no one left except China and Russia. Then what? These psychopaths are so hell bent on war that they will bankrupt the US before they find peaceful solutions to anything. 


    So, I did the next best thing and invested in defense stocks! Damn, if the killing must go on, why can't I profit too?


    And I'm sure the US thinks they can take on Russia and China with no problem. Hell, the US Navy can't stop 700 foot long container ships filled with Walmart goods from hitting them by accident, just think if China sent a fleet of container ships against the US Navy,? They'd sink those billion dollar battleships all day.


    Hell, 19 guys with four box cutters defeated the entire US military and law enforcement system on September 11, 2001 (if you believe that story, that is...LOL). Four box cutters! Now that is an army of well supplied solders! Oh, and their general was in a cave, on the other side of the world, directing it by SAT phone!


    Okay, moving along....Iran and North Korea are NOT going to invade anyone. They know that if they can defend themselves, the US won't invade them. Bullies only attack weak enemies. Not ones with nuclear bombs. But now the US only has to get threatened and that's all it takes to get them to attack countries? Mere words will do it? 


    Also, cue the anti-Venezuela propaganda because they are on the US radar since they are getting off the US petro-dollar. The US can't have that! Ask Saddam and Ghadaffi. 


    So, the question is....who will the US invade next...North Korea or Venezuela?  


    I'm holding onto those defense contractor stocks, so I say, Trump get to invading and killing people...make me some damn money! Now I know what Cheney, Rumsfeld, and the rest of the war mongers feel like after every country falls!


    Big money, big money!


    28 minutes ago, rijb said:

    You're looking down on them?   I need a shower after reading your post.


    27 minutes ago, Global Guy said:

    Looking down on who? The war mongers?


    25 minutes ago, rijb said:

    You tell me.  It was your post.

    OK - how many beers are you into rijb? 


    Robot voice: does not compute, does not compute...

  7. 15 minutes ago, xylophone said:

    "If threatened, U.S. will 'totally destroy' North Korea, Trump vows".


    I seem to recall just recently that the North Korean leader stated that if necessary North Korea will reduce the US to a pile of ashes, or something very similar.
    I would suppose that many people laughed at the absurdity of this statement and suggested that he and his cronies/the people "get real", but you know I have seen this before and stupid as it may sound, these people actually believe they can do that!
    I was working in Libya about a year after the Gadaffi revolution and relations with the US were not brilliant and there was some sort of diplomatic row going on between the two countries and the young Libyan engineer (University educated and from a good family) I was working with, stated that the US had better be careful otherwise the Libyan army would invade and wipe them out.
    I tried to reason with this supposedly intelligent young man that Libya had neither the manpower, firepower, armaments or anything like that which would be necessary to even inflict minor damage on the US, but he was adamant that he and his fellows knew best and that they would utterly destroy the US if necessary.
    I believe it is indoctrinated in these people from an early age and they come to believe it. Given that to be true, if it is, then North Korea may be more of a threat than we think, not because they can actually succeed in what they want to do, but at least they will give it a try believing they can – and that is dangerous. 


    Kinda like a young lad aching for the day he feels man enough to take a pop at dad... unfailingly he believes he can, but he cannot. Why fear that?


    N. Korea - the perpetual child without the muscle. 45 - the perpetual child with the muscle of the largest, deadliest, most technologically advanced, most well funded military the world has ever seen. What would you fear?



  8. 16 minutes ago, Global Guy said:

    Well, Trump has been co-opted by the real govt. who makes the decisions in the US. The war mongers who profit from invasion and world wide murder. They will keep invading countries with natural resources until there's no one left except China and Russia. Then what? These psychopaths are so hell bent on war that they will bankrupt the US before they find peaceful solutions to anything. 


    So, I did the next best thing and invested defense stocks! Damn, if the killing must go on, why can't I profit too?


    And I'm sure the US thinks they can take on Russia and China with no problem. Hell, the US Navy can't stop 700 foot long container ships filled with Walmart goods from hitting them by accident, just think if China sent a fleet of container ships against the US Navy,? They'd sink those billion dollar battleships all day.


    Hell, 19 guys with four box cutters defeated the entire US military and law enforcement system on September 11, 2001 (if you believe that story, that is...LOL). Four box cutters! Now that is an army of well supplied solders! Oh, and their general was in a cave, on the other side of the world, directing it by SAT phone!


    Okay, moving along....Iran and North Korea are NOT going to invade anyone. They know that if they can defend themselves, the US won't invade them. Bullies only attack weak enemies. Not ones with nuclear bombs. But now the US only has to get threatened and that's all it takes to get them to attack countries? Mere words will do it? 


    Also, cue the anti-Venezuela propaganda because they are on the US radar since they are getting off the US petro-dollar. The US can't have that! Ask Saddam and Ghadaffi. 


    So, the question is....who will the US invade next...North Korea or Venezuela?  


    I'm holding onto those defense contractor stocks, so I say, Trump get to invading and killing people...make me some damn money! Now I know what Cheney, Rumsfeld, and the rest of the war mongers feel like after every country falls!


    Big money, big money!

    Best post of the thread award!!

  9. 21 minutes ago, rijb said:

    45 is not firing missiles over Japan.  Duh!

    NK has been developing and testing missiles since the mid 70s, duh. The only change in circumstance has been 45's bombastic rhetoric to put us at this moment of possible nuclear conflict. All other world leaders past and present seem to understand Un and his predecessors are/were a controllable nothing, only 45 wants to elevate nothing into a hellfire of something.

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