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Posts posted by mikebike

  1. 5 hours ago, mfd101 said:

    And what are the 600-a-monthers doing about it? Nothing. And their families? Nothing.


    Doubtless a new improved-model government is about to be elected in Thailand. Whether it actually gets to form a government remains to be seen. But the underlying passivity of the former slaves & serfs whose descendents I live amongst - passivity reinforced daily by a status-conscious culture, by poverty & routine, by Buddhism and by a school system whose main output is ignorance and obedience - means that nothing much changes or it changes at such a slow pace for most of the peasants that they fall further and further behind the rest of the world.


    Example: A young woman from impoverished background in my village. Worked hard at local school & secondary school & then university. Top marks all the way. Came 2nd or 3rd in the whole of Thailand in the exams to enter the Police force. Failed because she couldn't raise the um facilitation funds required to enter the RTP.


    With examples like that it's hard to think that Thailand has a great future. Just further wallowing in a filthy trough.

    With those qualifications why did she want to be a cop? Brown envelopes don't come without paying up front for the privilege. 

  2. On 4/28/2023 at 5:02 PM, NoshowJones said:

    I will just state one example. Parents who give their motorbike keys to their 10 years olds. If you don't think that is low mentality you are the one who should provide a photo of yourself. Do you want any more examples?

    Hmmm, I started riding motorbikes at 5 yrs old... Darn parents of low mentality ????????????

  3. 2 hours ago, Hanaguma said:

    What real journalist worth their salt would voluntarily GIVE THEIR QUESTION to the President's handlers? 

    Simple answer - every single member of the white house press corps. The white house press corps have never been "real" journalists. Ever. 

    • Thumbs Up 2
  4. 34 minutes ago, LaosLover said:

    ....Still just crickets chirping in Tucker-land.


    It's like waiting for a communique from Q-anon Q,. Will this be a similar fade out?


    Where's my promised hard-hitting conversation about science -excuse me, emerging science? That's science that's so iffy that they can't just call it regular science.


    And changing demographics? I'm going to go out on a limb: Not changing for the better, I'm sure.


    He doesn't want to talk about emerging science or half pint of guiness-demographics for free.


    Why would he do that? Has he ever?

    Yep, kinda sadly hilarious that he whinges about things he could have spoken about at ANY TIME while he held the largest soapbox in the world ????????????

    • Haha 1
  5. 4 minutes ago, OneMoreFarang said:

    I think it's ridiculous if any man, has to stand trial because of an accusation about something which the accuser claims happened 30 years or so ago.

    So you were against the Nazi war crimes arrests and trials some of which were accused 45+ yrs after their crimes. Interesting. 


    When, in your opinion does a crime stop being a crime? 5 yrs? 10 yrs? 20 yrs?


    Shouldn't the crime be judged by the evidence, not the time passed? 

    • Confused 1
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