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Posts posted by mikebike

  1. 21 hours ago, recom273 said:

    I have never bought a google phone, but my iPhone is dying and I am keen to try out Graphene OS. 


    I see some Pixel 4a on Lazada for around 5K, from overseas. The sellers have good reviews, so no reason to believe I will be ripped off. 


    Does anyone else have a pixel phone? What prices should I be looking to pay? A Pixel 4 is the last supported model.



    I bought a Google Pixel from Lazada a couple of years ago. Great price. Never had an issue with it. 

  2. 1 minute ago, BritManToo said:

    As someone who had a press card, I'd say journalism was to toe the government line.

    At least in the UK, where if you didn't co-operate, you didn't get work.

    Yes, there are plenty of toady journalists out there protecting their livelihood over true journalism. But are you seriously trying to say you have never read any UK journalism which runs contrary to the govt line? To that I have to give a hardy laugh ????????????

    • Thumbs Up 2
  3. 1 hour ago, jerrymahoney said:

    This is from the link I posted above early this morning which prompted the tag team so I will just leave at this:


    But to convict Trump, the prosecutors will have to show all 31 documents to the jury, making them public and available to anyone — including our foreign enemies. Moreover, my experience in Espionage Act cases has shown that the prosecution often has to disclose additional classified information to explain why the retained documents were potentially damaging. The government will have to reveal vastly more classified information than if it decided not to proceed with the case. And that does not include the additional classified documents the defense will claim it needs to show to make its case.




    Wouldn't sensitive, classified documents be exposed only in "in camera" court sessions? 

  4. On 7/26/2023 at 3:55 PM, John Drake said:

    The dominoes all fell. Southeast Asia, except Malaysia, is part of the Communist Chinese Bloc, which includes China's ally, Russia.

    You think Singapore is part of the "communist block" - almost made me fall off my chair laughing ????????????

  5. On 7/26/2023 at 3:41 PM, BarraMarra said:

    No Fruit pudding they stopped Hussein gassing his own men woman and Kids and stopped Gadaffi putting bombs on Aircraft. and stopping Isis beheading westerners.

    No. They protected their national oil interests. Had absolutely nothing to do with morals. 

    • Confused 1
  6. 7 hours ago, BritManToo said:

    i thought he bought it to shut them up.

    And sack all the people that closed his account.

    Revenge seems a pretty good reason to me, if you have money to burn.

    If i were rich I'd love buying up the 'wokes' safe places and putting them out of work.

    Imagine having enough money to buy the banks of your opponents, then close their accounts and foreclose on their mortgages.

    So... Imagine being a megalomaniac? 

  7. 6 hours ago, OneMoreFarang said:

    I think the actual computer technology behind Twitter is not extremely complicated.

    Apparently Zuck and the entire coder/developer brigade at Meta disagree... The Threads rollout was ahem, a lot less than Twitter. Any other social media site with the breadth of features Twitter had before Musk? 

  8. 2 hours ago, KhunLA said:

    I don't know about the others, but for Cream & Clapton, surely royalties were paid.


    For Robert Johnson, don't know if it trickled down to him, as he doesn't even own the rights to his songs, for what ever reason:   "Robert Johnson's material, recordings and songwriting, are owned by King of Spades Music USA"


    He possibly signed over his music rights for promotional support, as so many artists do in their early career.


    Johnson career was very short, and only recorded 29 songs in 2 sessions.  Obviously not all penned by him.


    Not until after his death were they even released, I think, and he like so many, became the myth, not the legend since an early death.


    Recording companies dealt the recording rights and royalties, not the artist, or not until the artist takes control of their career: ... "Music royalties from Cream's recordings would have been administered by ASCAP or BMI, through the accounting of the Atlantic Records group."


    Clapton still doesn't produce and never did, I think.  Closely overseas it of course, trusting a few long time associates/producers.  But in his autobiography, he says he sucks at producing, and leaves it to the pros ????


    EC did a whole album of Johnson's music, so I'm pretty sure he'd make sure royalties trickled down to the Johnson Estate.


    Same with his friendship and sharing music of JJ Cale.


    Can't ask for anything better than an artist making a hit with you song, and now you're a household name.  That's priceless by itself.


    So man writers didn't become music artist, until the music was covered by others.   Many making more money on royalties than their own career I would think.

    I thought the thread was about creativity, not the biz ????????????

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