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Posts posted by mikebike

  1. 3 hours ago, 2009 said:

    For the EX president, it makes sense that political bias doesn't affect the course of justice, so I'd say 50/50.


    What are the number now anyway? 

    I don't know if it is worthwhile going down this road but... 


    A "jury of your peers" is considered by legal philosophers as an average cross-section of society. Every society has individual biases. By trying to filter out "political bias" you are no longer reflecting the opinion of a representative cross-section of society. YOU have actually introduced the bias.

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  2. 15 hours ago, radiochaser said:

    You pose an interesting question.   Where is your internet access server located?   That might have something to do with the response you get.   My search response is not just 5 years old either.   Some of it looks like it goes back to the riots of the 60's, judging from the black and white pictures. 

    Mine, according to the vpn I use, is in the United States.   If yours is in a different country, tell me which country and I will switch my vpn region to that country and see what response I get. 

    That looks like a screen shot of a mobile phone.  If it is, that causes me wonder if that makes a difference too.  Would the OS platform make a difference in your search results?   My guess, if you are using a mobile, is that it is an iphone.   I am using a computer with Win10.  

    That was from an android, using Chrome. NT/TOT wifi. Geographic location of the search probably would bias the results toward that area. Less so the platform conducting the search.

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